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Showing posts with label Journalism. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Dr. S. D. Gokhale Award for ‘Promoting Qualitative Journalism in Ageing’

                                                      ILC-I Awards 2015

About International Longevity Centre-India (ILC-I)-
The International Longevity Centre-India (ILC-I) is a voluntary organization working for the elderly since 2003 in the fields of Training, Policy, Advocacy, Research, Documentation and Field projects. It is registered under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 (and the current section applicable is Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013).
ILC-I is one of the seventeen members of the Global Alliance of the International Longevity Centres and as such it enjoys Special Consultative Status with UNESCO.

ILC-I is also the Satellite Centre of the United Nations’ International Institute on Ageing, Malta, for the SAARC region.

ILC-I was founded by the late Dr. S. D. Gokhale , the well-known social scientist of international repute in 2003.

The President of ILC-I today is the eminent and world-renowned scientist , and the winner of the Padma Vibhushan (2014), Dr. R. A. Mashelkar.

Dr. Arun Nigavekar, the former Chairperson of the University Grants Commission is its Vice President.

 Mr. Jayant Umranikar, the former Director-General of Police is the Chairman of ILC-I.

About the late Dr. S. D. Gokhale:
The late Dr. S. D. Gokhale  was an Advisor on social issues to the Govt. of India, the UN, WHO and other national and international organisations. He was the editor of the prestigious newspaper set up by Lokmanya Tilak, “Kesari”. Dr. Gokhale was also an acknowledged gerontologist and has written many books, articles, papers on social issues including ageing at national and international levels. 

He was the President of the International Federation on Ageing (IFA), an international voluntary organization for a period of ten years having been its president for two terms of five years each.

He has been the recipient of several awards, both national and international, including the  Sasakawa Health Prize awarded by World Health Organization (WHO) at Geneva on May 25, 2006 for outstanding work done in the field of leprosy; The Vayoshreshtha  Samman Award  for Outstanding Work in the field of ageing by the Govt. of India  in 2005 ;The G.D. Birla International Award for Humanitarian Service in 2002; International Gandhi Award  Was Conferred On Him By Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation for the year 1997-98, to name just a few.

Before he passed away in 2013, he had instituted an Award for journalists with a view to propagating the issues of the elderly through the media to ensure maximum levels of awareness and advocacy on it in society.

The ILC-I Awards:
ILC-I distributes its Annual Awards on 17th November every year- the Anjani Mashelkar Inclusive Innovation Award; the late B. G. Deshmukh Awards for ‘Promoting Excellence in Qualitative Ageing’ & the ‘Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar’ ; the late Dr. S. D. Gokhale Award for “Promoting Qualitative  Journalism in Ageing”.

The Dr. S. D. Gokhale Award for ‘Promoting Qualitative Journalism in Ageing’:
·       Every year, ILC-I gives an award to a journalist who has  brought out qualitative articles or features on ageing covering comprehensively all the related issues of the senior citizens like – physical and mental health, financial security, elder abuse, protection of life and property of the elderly, the legal aspects, planning for retirement, intergenerational solidarity, age-friendly societies, the national and international plans and policies on ageing, caregiving of the elderly, products and services for the elderly including innovational ones ,feminization of ageing, rights of the older persons, society’s responsibilities, building elder-friendly infrastructure etc.

·       The award is for journalists from either the Marathi or English media.

·       For  selection, the criteria are- choice of subjects; outreach in terms of readership; they should cover varied aspects of ageing; frequency of the articles/features; the potential impact of the articles with a view to enabling a qualitative change at least in terms of awareness; the outreach of the medium in which the article appears.

·       The Award carries a cash prize of Rs. 5000/- and a citation.

·       A jury of eminent experts will select the winner.

·      Last date for applications: 15th September 2015

Those who qualify under the above criteria may send in their applications in soft and hard copies of their documented published articles with relevant details, bio-data , marking the application as ‘Dr. S. D. Gokhale Award’, to :
The Executive Director,
International Longevity Centre-India (ILC-I)
CASP Bhavan,
Pashan- Baner Link Road,
Email: longevetic@gmail.com

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