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Showing posts with label Lifelonglearning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifelonglearning. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

National Seminar on “Life Long Learning -- Advantage Old Age” #India Oct 2016

National Seminar
“Life Long Learning --  Advantage Old Age”
Focus – Rural India
International Older Persons Day Oct 1 & 2 ,2016
Jointly organized by
Chinmaya Sewa Trust Rewa,
A.P.S. University Departments of Life Long Learning ,
Distant Education
Dept.  of  Vedant.

Back Ground
          It is time to take a stand against ageism, presently there is a negative image of the older person in the society. The reasons can be many but the older person himself has to take the burden of proving his utility in the society.  Although there is a physical decline in old age however it is compensated by increase in wisdom.

          Thus the contribution of the older person has to be primarily mental.  It is known that with increasing life span the old- old (80+) are all the more prone to mental disabilities, if they are mentally idle. The increasing numbers of Dementia and Aliziemers are to be noted.

          Currently around 105 million older (60+) persons are in India. It is projected to be 326 million by the year 2050. Around 70% of the older people reside in rural areas. There too majority are in the unorganized sector mostly engaged in agriculture thus retiring only when they are physically incapacitated .How ever with increase in literacy and the right to education things will improve.

          As per the Registrar Generals report (2011) the percentage distribution of elderly persons by level of literacy is a follows.

Rural, male - literate through formal education 42 %, and illiterate 58%
           Female,- literate through formal education 12%, illiterate 88%
Urban – male, - literate through formal education 76%, illiterate 24%  
              Female4,- literate through formal education 20%, illiterate 80 %.
          It is a known fact that education has a direct impact on the quality of life of the older person as well as on his empowerment. With the concept of digital India and the widespread  use  of mobiles and internet in  rural areas the situation can be fruitfully improved.

          A two pronged approach is to be adopted. Firstly the older person should have a good quality life and secondly he should be a contributor in the welfare of the society. Thus Life Long Learning will be a step in the right direction for both the approaches mentioned.

With this backdrop a two day seminar is being organized at the A.P.S. University Rewa to deliberate upon the present scenario in urban as well as rural areas, with emphasis on the latter, and also explore ways and means to enhance Life Long Learning as a contributor to Quality of Life of the older person and also enables him to play a useful role in the society.

1.     To study the status of learning (literacy) in rural and urban areas with emphasis on the former.
2.      To study the status and the contribution of older persons to the society and the nation.
3.     Strategies to promote Life Long Learning.
4.     Role of various stake holders in promoting Life Long Learning amongst the older population.
5.     To evaluate the various subjects useful in Life Long Learning and their effects.

Themes of the Seminar
1.     Ancient strategies of Life Long Learning vis-a-vis old age.
2.     Spirituality and old age.
3.     Digital India and old age.
4.     Beat Ageism
5.     Role of Government and NGO’s in Life Long Learning.
6.     Life Long Learning and Quality of Life.

Participants – Educational Intuitions, NGOs, individuals and research scholars working in the field of welfare of older persons are invited to participate in the Seminar.

Travel and Hospitality – The organizers will not provide travel grants. Participants are requested to explore their own travel grants and hospitality. The organizers will facilitate accommodation with prior information.

Mode of Submission - The participants are requested to submit the papers only on the themes mentioned above. An abstract (not exceeding 300 words) of the paper should reach the coordinator of the seminar on or before 10th Sep. 2016 by an e-mail attachment. The abstract/full length paper must contain the title of the paper and affiliation of author(s) and keywords. Papers are to be submitted by e-mail to drsajjansingh@gmail.com

Time Frame
Abstract submersion            - 10.09.2016
Acceptances                        - 20.09.2016
Full paper submission          - 25.09.2016

About the Organizers
Chinmaya Sewa Trust Rewa is a Spiritual Charitable Public Trust registered under the M.P. Public Trust Act 1951 in 1982, with the aim to provide an environment for the spiritual resurrection of the society and also a place where elderly people could spend their old age in peaceful and spiritual surroundings. In pursuance of these objectives many workshop and seminar have been held on related topics of Gerontology and spirituality in the modern context. 

·        Dept. Of Life Long Learning of A.P.S. University.
·        Dept. Of Vedant, A.P.S. University.
·        Dept of Distant Education of A.P.S. University.

Contact Person
Dr. Sajjan Singh
Managing Trustee
Chinmaya Sewa Trust
Shiva Kuti, Ravndra Nagar Rewa
Email: drsajjansingh@gmail.com 
Mob 919425185661

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