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Showing posts with label congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label congress. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Review: Congress Party Senior Citizens Manifesto 2019

Good news, great advocacy, Indian National Congress has included #SeniorCitizens in their #LoksabhaElections2019 Manifesto, its first party to do so, we will be happy to see BJP and other Parties to follow it.

Indian National Congress Manifesto for Senior Citizens : 5 key Points (page 43).  

Congress acknowledges that about 9 per cent of the population of India is over the age of 60 years and this proportion will increase.

Congress promises to review current policies on senior citizens and make suitable changes, taking into account advances in medical science and technology.

1) Under the Right to Healthcare Act, we will provide affordable and quality healthcare to senior citizens in hospitals including free diagnostics, out-patient treatment, medicines and hospital treatment. Geriatric wards with sufficient beds will be opened in every district-level hospital.

2) We will introduce well-designed pension and health insurance schemes that will guarantee insured persons a life of dignity and comfort when they become senior citizens.

3) Senior citizens can contribute to the development of the communities in which they live. We will create opportunities for senior citizens to do so.

4) We will take measures to ensure easy access to legal services and recourse to senior citizens especially in cases of neglect, abuse, abandonment, eviction and financial fraud.

5) Congress promises to enforce strictly the provisions of the Maintenance and Welfare of Senior Citizens Act, 2017

See full document:  https://cdn.inc.in/manifestos/pdf_documents/000/000/005/original/English_Manifesto_MobilePDF_1April19-1.pdf?1554201123


Our Silver innings take:

There is lots to do more....
It's good that Congress party is first political party which has given detailed agenda for Senior Citizens.

Good thing is they have stress upon Senior citizens,Participation and Experience utilization in the local community.

But it's very General agenda. 

They failed to mention National Policy of Senior Citizens. And regarding point no. 5 ... The amendment bill is already pending in Parliament.

Senior citizens will get Justice only if following can be done:

National Policy of Senior Citizens is implemented

Constitution of National Commission of Senior Citizens

Minimum 3000/- pension to poor Seniors

Free Health care and Health insurance to all Seniors

Exemption of 18% GST for Elder care

National Dementia Strategy

Sailesh Mishra
Silver Innings

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