‘Silver Innings’ the Logo, Marks and Word; is Exclusive
Right, Owned, Used and Registered Trade Mark of Mr.Sailesh R Mishra, used since April
‘Silver Innings’ Logo, Marks and Word; Trade mark cant be used in any connection with any product or service that is not of 'Silver Innings' product or service.
‘Silver Innings’ Logo, Marks and Word; Reproduction or Use or Misuse or Any Confusing
smilar mark, in whole or part without permission is strictly prohibited.
‘Silver Innings’, the Logo, Marks and Word; Any Use,
Misuse, Trading or Reproduction without permission for any services, products,
facilities, content etc will be liable for legal action for Trademark
The copyright in the material on the all ‘Silver
Innings’ Website, Internet and Social Media belongs to ‘Silver innings’
group and may be copied and used only for personal and non-commercial purposes
(except as previously authorized in writing by Silver Innings).
By Order;
Sailesh Mishra
Founder President
Silver Innings