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Friday, December 23, 2011

United Nations Recognizes World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) annually on June 15

December 19, 2011, United Nations Headquarters in New York City, the United Nations General Assembly has officially recognized Elder Abuse as an a global social issue which affects the Health and Human Rights of millions of older persons around the world, and an issue which deserves the attention of the international community.

The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, (WEAAD), was first instituted by The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) on June 15, 2006.

Elder abuse, perhaps the last taboo, is widely unrecognized and grossly under reported around the Globe, according to the studies undertaken by many INPEA members from numerous countries.

Established in 1997, INPEA has lead the way in raising awareness and urging NGO’s, grassroots organizations and governments to action. Today, INPEA, together with the Global Coalition on the Rights of Older Persons is working towards a new U.N. Convention on the Rights of Older Persons.

Presently, almost 7 years after INPEA launched the first WEAAD, Argentina, a country with a long and deep history of concern regarding older persons rights, has promoted the UN resolution to institute WEAAD as an international day of observance. Indeed, in 1948, it was Argentina, under the leadership of Eva Perón, which had called for the first U.N.

Declaration on the Rights of Older Persons. Argentina, together with Brazil, Chile, and many other Latin and South American countries, are working toward a regional convention. The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights is poised to establish a Protocol on Older Persons. Yet, without a Universal Instrument, older persons rights will continue to be subject to the whim of nations, as much “soft law” abounds, but little enforceable “hard laws” exist.

Susan B. Somers, JD
Secretary General, INPEA

For more information on how you can take part in WEAAD and what you
can do to protect and promote the rights of older persons and prevent abuse,
neglect and exploitation, go to INPEA’s website at www.inpea.net

#2800-515 W. Hastings St.
Vancouver, Canada V6B 5K3
Tel: +1 (778) 782-5063
Fax: +1 (778) 782-5066
E-mail: INPEA@sfu.ca

Silver Inning Foundation supports INPEA and is committed to work against Elder Abuse.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Intergeneration Activity at RBK School 'ETERNIA' Inter School Fest 2011

Silver Inning Foundation (SIF)  had organised a Intergeneration Activity at RBK School's 'ETERNIA' MBMC Inter School Annual event from 17th -18th Dec 2011 at RBK School , Kanakia , Mira Rd organized by PTA of RBK. This was 2nd time PTA RBK has offered Free stall to SIF (NGO). 

On Spot Colour Competition and Pledge Writing on Banner was organized to sensitize children's towards their Grandparents / Elders. SIF stall was decorated with posters made by TISS MSW students , Banners and important Booklets / Leaflets .

Around 123 children's participated in Coloring competition and total 10 certificate for best color was distributed ( 6 certificate and  4 certificate on 17th and 18th respectively) . 2 Special Certificate was also given to 3 1/2  yrs old. All the children were given chocolates and were encouraged to talk about their grandparents.

List of Best Ten:
Mr. Harshil Chaurasia - Porwal School
Mr.Meet Patel - Porwal School
Ms.Yashnee Bapna - RBK school
Ms.Ishani Karmakar - RBK School
Mr.Dhruv Vaghariya - Shanti Nagar School
Mr.Jignesh Banka - RBK School
Ms.Shilpa - St. Paul School
Ms.Shuti Mishra - RBK School
Ms. Jia Sanghvi - RBK School
MS. Ishita - St.Xaviers School 

Special Certificate :
Ms. Dhrumi Mehta - RBK School
Ms. Rhea Jana - RBK School

Equal number of children's Wrote a Pledge on the Banner , showering their love and respect to their grandparents. 

A token of Rs.5/- (INR) was collected for each colour sheet to make them feel responsible and participatory. A total Rs. 725/- (INR) of donation including color sheet fees were collected.

It was amazing experience to have foot fall of around 300 people at SIF stall, they wanted to know more about Senior Citizens and SIF.

Silver Inning Foundation is committed to create Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.

We are Thankful to PTA of RBK , iVolunteers Mumbai , TISS MSW Students , Volunteers and Staff & Childrens and parents for all thier support for making this event grand success .



Friday, December 9, 2011

Tips for seaching for a missing person with dementia

Despite all the precautions one takes, it is possible the person with dementia may wander off unnoticed. Here are some tips for searching a missing person with dementia.
  • Look within a one kilometer radius of where the patient was before they wandered.
  • Check dangerous areas first near the home, ponds/lakes/wells, forested areas, tunnels, bus stops, terrace of buildings and water tanks, and roads with high traffic.
  • Look within a hundred feet of a road, as most wanderers start out on roads and remain close by. Check bushes, ditches and nullahs carefully as the person may have fallen or become trapped.
  • Search in the direction of the wanderer’s dominant hand. People usually travel first in their dominant direction. (ie. right handed person would turn right – usually)
  • Investigate familiar places, such as former residences or favorite spots. Often, wandering has a particular destination.
  • If you suspect that the person used a car or public transportation, you’ll need to consider likely places that are farther afield.
  • Contact as many people as you can to enlist their help in searching and locating the missing person soonest. If the missing person remains stuck in a place they are unable to get out of, they may get dehydrated or hypothermia.
  • Remember the dementia patient may not call out for help or even respond to your call.
Source: http://caregiverfriend.blogspot.com/2011/11/despite-all-precautions-one-takes-it-is.html

Lets give them Dignity , Security , Love , Care & Smile.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Now, trace missing elders through a blog : DNA Newspaper

 NGO starts a blog  Missing Senior Citizen Alert Blog http://missingseniorcitizenalert.blogspot.com/ after two seniors were located through FB and Twitter posts.

On January 18, 2011 Sitaram Dhawade who had come to visit his son Anand at Chandanwadi, Thane (West) went missing at Panvel while on his way to home town in Raigad district.He was travelling by a ST bus and was accompanied by his wife and nephew. As the bus halted at Panvel, he got down and since then went missing.His wife, who was unwell, was sleeping while nephew had got down to get water. 
His son Anand, 75, lodged a police complaint immediately and also pasted posters till Lonavala but has been unable to trace him."Hence I decided to take the help of the missing persons blog started by Silver Innings Foundation (SIF). I have heard that missing people can now be easily traced through social networking sites. Let's hope that I am able to find my father soon," said Anand.

One week back, Silver Inning Foundation, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) started a blog dedicated to trace missing senior citizens. "In the past we were able to trace two senior citizens who went missing from Bangalore with the help of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. So we thought why not start a blog," said Sailesh Mishra, founder president, Silver Inning Foundation.

Normally when a person goes missing, his family lodges a police complaint which is followed by an advertisement on the national television network. 

"But this is not enough as the police also lack staff to just trace the missing cases. So here comes the role of social media," said Mishra. 

After a person approaches SIF they not only post the information about the missing person on the blog but also enlist various resources at their disposal.

"We will be in touch with the local police, Maharashtra missing persons bureau, Delhi police missing persons bureau and national crime records bureau," Mishra added.

Moreover, the blog aims to trace people not only in India but across the world.

"We will be in touch with USA's Amber Alert which is their national alert programme to trace the missing seniors. Thus, seniors who often go missing due to dementia or Alzheimer's can be traced anywhere in the world," said Mishra.

"We have also started an alert group on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/groups/missingseniorcitizenalert/   and want more and more people to join it to make our task successful," he concluded. You can contact him at silverinnings@gmail.com

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Missing Senior Citizen Alert Blog : HELP find Missing Senior Citizens

This is blog is created by Silver Inning Foundation, an NGO that works with Senior Citizens to help find missing Senior Citizens in India and around Globe.

If your elders or parents or friends who are 60 yrs & above goes missing, we request you to first file police complaint and send us the copy of police complaint , their Passport size photograph with other details and contact number at silverinnings@gmail.com .

You need to look for missing people at places such as Old Age Homes , Hospitals , Railway Stations, Bus Stations, Religious places , Mental asylum , Clinics , Morgues , Foot paths , Parks/Gardens etc........

People who are 60yrs and above might be suffering from Alzheimer's / Dementia , a memory loss diseases which makes it difficult but not impossible to find them. If any of them is suffering from such disease then request you to take precaution like - keep with them ID card , Telephone Diary , A name written wrist band etc .... you also need to have recent photo's of them , inform your relatives , friends and others.

We request government authorities and civil society to helps us to trace those Elders and help them to unite with their beloved.

Lets together we all join hands try to Find someone's missing Grandparents, Parent, Elders ......

Please note we are doing this in Good Faith and we are not liable with any wrong information provided by family and people.

This service is FREE OF COST for helping to find missing Elders. We will use Social Media tools and if possible ground work and help of Senior Citizens Associations, NGO's , Government , Media and Police/Law agency.

Click here : Missing Senior Citizen Alert Blog: HELP find Missing Senior Citizens

Lets give them Dignity , Security , Love , Care & Smile.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Amendment Required in The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Bill, 2007 (MWPSC)

An Open Letter to National Human Right Commission (NHRC) India was submitted by Silver Inning Foundation to Dr. S.P.Kinjawadekar , Core Committee member NHRC.

The MWPSC Act has been enacted by Parliament with an objective to provide effective provisions for the maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizens as guaranteed and recognized under the Constitution. The State governments are authorized to implement and execute the Act, which may be reviewed and monitored by the Central Government.

By passing this Bill, adequate measure has been taken to protect life and dignity of this vulnerable group of Senior Citizens (60+). The Central and State Government have also taken some welfare measures for Senior Citizens by adopting various schemes like old age pension, travel concession, tax rebates etc, but they are minimal and nominal attempts and benefited a few elite and people in urban region. But the poor, illiterate and rural elderly are ignorantly suffering in their old age.

After deliberation with Senior Citizens we at Silver Inning Foundation hereby suggest following amendments in The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Bill, 2007 (MWPSC) for the benefit of 100 million Senior Citizens of India:

  • Fully adoption and implementation of ACT by all state government
  • Wide range and constant Publicity for MWPSC should be made mandatory for regulator / implementing agency / state to outreach maximum number of Elders
  • Government should provide minimum maintenance to Elders who are Childless or have No Relatives
  • Provision for protection of parents who are 50+ and are abused / abandon
  • Government should provide Minimum maintenance or Look after Elders with No property or who are Destitute
  • It should be made clear, who will do management of Old Age Home ; a guideline should be made for the same
  • Free Medical support for BPL and destitute senior citizens should be given
  • This Act provides relief in case of Financial Maintenance and Property Abuse but nowhere there is mention of Psychical and Psycho Social Abuse / Care. A provision / intervention for Psychical and Psycho Social Abuse should be made
  • A specific provision for providing security of residence, like in case of Domestic Violence Act, should be incorporated in the Act.
  • Immediate relief / maintenance (after verification of facts) should be provided to Elders when a case is filed or referred, as the process to get justice might take 90 days or more
  • Police should be given more power to make su motto arrest or intervention if required
  • Minimum Maintenance should also be fixed and maximum maintenance should be Rs. 10,000/- or more per month as per living elders and paying capacity of children’s/ relatives
  • The punishment should be nonbailable imprisonment of minimum 1 month and may extend to 3 months or fine which may extend to Rs.10,000/- or with both
  • All state governments should adopt a comprehensive action plan for providing protection of life and property of aged and to prevent any form of abuse, particularly of the lonely aged
  • There is also a great moral responsibility on the society. Above all, the children must be sensitized towards their parents and elders. An Intergeneration study / course activity in schools and colleges should be made mandatory


We hope following amendments will be beneficial to our Elders who look for peace and happiness in their silver years.

14th Nov 2011

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