On the occasion of 6th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 15th June 2011 Silver Inning Foundation(SIF) a NGO working with senior citizens and their family members in association with INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), SSS Global, FESCOM (Mumbai), ‘1298’ Senior Citizens Helpline, Mumbai, AISCCON , Harmony for Silvers Foundation & ALFRESCO FC commemorated Elder Abuse Awareness Day from on May 20th to June 20th 2011 . SIF through its networking and social media had taken the initiative to host various events pan India to create awareness and sensitize the Government and the Civil Society to eliminate/prevent elder abuse at both micro and macro level.
India is gradually undergoing a demographic change. With decline in fertility and mortality rates accompanied by an improvement in child survival and increased life expectancy, a significant feature of demographic change is the progressive increase in the number of elderly persons.The disintegration of the joint family system and the emergence of nuclear families, has affected the care of the aged the most, Elderly today are the most ignored and neglected segment.
World over 15th June is marked as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by INPEA.INPEA is an organization, founded in 1997, which is dedicated to the global dissemination of information as part of its commitment to the world-wide prevention of the abuse of older people. The United Nations International Plan of Action adopted by all countries in Madrid, April 2002, clearly recognizes the importance of addressing and preventing abuse and neglect of older adults and puts it in the framework of the Universal Human Rights. INPEA is dedicated to supporting the plan of action.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day month long programme aims to increase society's ability, through various programmes, to recognize and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Objective for WEAAD 2011:
• To create awareness in elderly people themselves regarding what comes under elder abuse.
• To sensitize young people regarding elder abuse and to bridge the intergenerational gap between elderly and young people.
• To create awareness in media and civil society at large regarding elder abuse.
Through this Online Elder Abuse Survey, we could find out the awareness about Elder Abuse, Magnitude & Intervention.
This survey was jointly conducted by Silver Inning Foundation(SIF) and Society for Serving Seniors (SSS Global) to assess Elder Abuse, Magnitude & Intervention from 20th May to 20th June 2011. It was hosted on the Survey Site www.questionpro.com at the link: http://elderabusemagnitudeandinterventionsurvey2011.questionpro.com/
The questionnaire was open for all Age group and was online for about a month. Wide publicity was given to this survey in a large number of web groups, blogs, websites and by email to Senior Citizens associations, Federations etc.
A total of 650 persons viewed the Questionnaire; however only 355 ventured to answer. Results below indicate the verdict of remaining 355 persons across India, no one dropped out after taking the survey. Results are given in Four sections and followed by Detail Report.
Summary Report
Section A
Question 1
What is your Age: 23.73% in Age group of 45 yrs to 59 Yrs & 22.88% in Age Group of 70 yrs to 79yrs
Question 2
What is your Gender: Male 57.98%
Question 3
What is your Marital Status: Married 58.97%
Question 4
What is your Living arrangement: Living with Spouse 45.76%
Question 5
Have you ever been a victim of elder abuse or neglect or you know someone who’s is victim of Elder Abuse or neglect: YES 57.26%
Question 6
If Yes then what types of elder abuse and neglect you have encountered: Neglect 25.74%
Question 7
Have you seen /Heard of Elder Abuse Case: Seen yourself 44.33%
Question 8
Who do you think are the Abuser: Son 32.76%
Question 10
Elder abuse is an important issue and it’s there in our society: Strongly Agree 70.54%
Question 11
How can you improve the situation of Elder Abuse/Victim, Intervention: General Awareness 19.04%
Question B
Top 5 Types of elder abuse and neglect you have encountered:
1. Neglect
2. Psychological abuse
3. Financial abuse
4. Exploitation
5. Physical Abuse
Question C
Top 5 Type of Abuser:
1) Son
2) Relative
3) Daughter
4) Spouse
5) Stranger
Question D
Top 5 Intervention, How can you improve the situation of Elder Abuse/Victim:
1. General Awareness
2. Value Education in Schools
3. Effective laws
4. Intergeneration programme
5. Grievances cell
Detail Report:
What is your Age?
18 to 24yrs : 6.78%
25 to 34yrs: 16.95%
35 to 44yrs: 7.63%
45 to 59yrs: 23.73%
60 to 69yrs: 19.49%
70 to 79yrs: 22.88%
80+yrs : 2.54%
What is your Gender?
Male : 57.98%
Female : 41.18%
Transgender: 0.84%
What is your Marital status?
Married: 58.97%
Unmarried: 23.08%
Widow / widower: 9.40%
Divorced /Living Separately: 8.55%
What is your Living arrangement?
Alone : 16.95%
Living with Spouse: 45.76%
Living with children/relative : 18.64%
Living at Old age home/ Retirement Township : 1.69%
Living with Parents: 16.95%
Have you ever been a victim of elder abuse or neglect or you know someone who’s is victim of Elder Abuse or neglect?
Yes ( if Yes , then answer below question): 57.26%
No: 42.74%
If Yes then what types of elder abuse and neglect you have encountered ? ( Select one or as many)
Psychological abuse : 23.27%
Financial abuse : 18.32%
Neglect : 25.74%
Physical Abuse : 9.41%
Sexual Abuse : 0.99%
Exploitation : 13.86%
Self-neglect : 8.42%
Have you seen /Heard of Elder Abuse Case ?
Reported by Victim : 24.74%
Reported by Family : 8.25%
Reported by Neighbor/Friends : 22.68%
Seen your self : 44.33%
Who do you think are the Abuser? (Tick as many as are applicable)
Son : 32.76%
Daughter: 14.66%
Relative : 23.28%
Spouse : 12.50%
Neighbor: 4.74%
Friend : 5.17%
Stranger: 6.90%
Elder abuse is an important issue and it’s there in our society?
Strongly Agree : 70.54%
Agree : 27.68%
Disagree : 0.00%
No comments : 1.79%
How can you improve the situation of Elder Abuse/Victim, Intervention? (Tick as many as are applicable)
Effective laws : 14.85%
Value Education in Schools : 18.20%
General Awareness : 19.04%
Intergeneration programme : 11.92%
Police Intervention : 9.21%
Charter for Senior Citizens Rights: 11.09%
Grievances cell : 11.51%
Other : 4.18%
How can you improve the situation of Elder Abuse/Victim, Intervention? (Others)
1. There must be alternative for the elders. If family is abusive, there needs to be a safe place to move to.
2. More community coalitions working to stop/prevent elder abuse
3. Adopt a senior citizen from your own family
4. Counselling and proper action by local Association of Senior Citizens.
5. Find reason for abuse and rectify
6. Sr. Citizens need to be educated to change with times, not to be rigid & interfering. Instead they should lend a helping hand to children.
7. State sponsered elder homes
8. Educating children about importance of grand parents
9. Social security systems
10. Support group and educating the elders about being non interfering in children's lives.
11. Non corrupt execution
12. Elders should be aware of types of Abuses and prevention should be point basis.
13. Registration of all senior citizens and their follow up....
We Thank all the Senior Citizens and organization working for elderly for their participation and success of this Online Elder Abuse, Magnitude & Intervention. We are confident this report will help civil society and government to address the issues of Elder Abuse.
The survey report was compiled Sailesh Mishra, Founder President Silver Inning Foundation , NGO working with Elderly in India.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
About Society for Serving Seniors (SSS):
SSS host world most active online senior citizens group: SSS Global. It is a society set up to take up the cause of the Senior Citizens Community as a whole. We believe that seniors should take care of themselves as far as possible and lead an independent life with dignity and respect. They must take responsibility for themselves for the sake of their own happiness. Fully responsible seniors not only take complete care of themselves but also reach out, not only to their families in a non-interfering manner but also to the society at large. This they do so by giving back to society what society has given them all along.
About Silver Inning Foundation (SIF):
SIF is Not For Profit organisation and is part of Social Enterprise Silver Innings which hosts one of the most comprehensive and dedicated website for elderly &their family www.silverinnigs.com . The vision, mission and goals of SIF are centered on creating and implementing services and programmes that are holistic in nahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifture and address the need to acknowledge the much needed supportive environment that the elderly deserve. It looks at reintegrating the elderly into mainstream society and lives with dignity. Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
For Soft copy Detail Report with Graph, pls write to us at silverinnings@gmail.com