The Golden Award was instituted by HelpAge India in the year 1993 to honour exceptional individuals who have contributed consistently for the welfare of the society and more so in their advancing years.
The Golden Award was conceived by HelpAge India with the view to honour an individual above 80 years of age who shows exemplary courage in fighting the challenges that ageing present to her/him to serve the humanity. This is not only an acknowledgement of their personal achievement but also our way of gently reminding the society what older persons are capable of!
The award constitutes a Citation, a Special Memento and a Cheque for Rs. 10,000/-.
The recipients include luminaries like Shri H.D. Shourie (Director Common Cause), Justice B.P. Berry (Retired Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court and Vice Chairman Red Cross), Dr. C. Gopalan (President, Nutrition Foundation of India), Shri P.L. Tandon (Ex. Chairman Levers, STC Punjab National Bank & NCAER), Mr. R.H. Belavadi (2006) nominated to the Indian Administrative Service and appointed as the Inspector General of Prisons Maharashtra) Mr. Inder Prakash Anand (2007) (Retired Executive Director of Thapar Group, on the Board of Governors of IIT, Kanpur and various Regional Engineering Colleges, currently on the Management Board of ILO, Institute of Labour Studies and ILO’s International Training Centre); Dr. K. Padma R. Rao ( 2008)(M.D. in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, taught both Under-graduates and Post-graduates students in Medical Colleges in Bangalore, Bellary & Hubli, Founder President of the Senior Citizens’ Forum. During this period, she conducted six care givers’ courses at Asha Jeevan & Abhaya Ashram); Mrs Oshima Raikhy(2009) (reputed social worker Managing Trustee of Aruna Asaf Ali Memorial Trust that works for the development of underprivileged children and women) and Mr. R.N. Mital (2009) (Engineering from the Roorkee University of Technology, Chairman and Managing Director of South India Resins and Chemicals P. Ltd. Senior Vice President of All India Senior Citizens’ Confederation. He made earnest efforts to unify the senior citizens movement in Andhra Pradesh and succeeded in forming one umbrella organisation called Andhra Pradesh Senior Citizen’ Confederation); Mrs Vijaya Mulay (2010) a renowned educationist and film maker who directed and scripted a short animation film Ek Anek aur Ekta, which won the National Silver Lotus award in 1974. In 1998, she won Vikram Sarabhai Lifetime Achievement Award for educational communication given by the UGC and CEC (Consortium of Universities for Educational Communication). In 2005, when the NCERT was revising national curriculum, she chaired the focus group on educational technology.
Selection Criterion
Person to be citizen of India
No bar on caste or religion
Age above 80 years (The oldest old will be given preference)
All other conditions remaining equal women candidate/s will be given preference
A successful career during pre-retirement period
In the advancing years, a notable contribution to the welfare of society and thereby achieving eminence
Contributions to society not yet recognised at national or international level
Should be an example for other senior citizens to emulate
Selection Process
Call for nominations. The Advisory Committee reserves the right to include name of any candidate nominated in the previous years.
Scrutiny of the names and short listing by the Advisory Committee
Final short listed names along with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee to be viewed by the Jury
Final decision of the Jury
Presentation of the Award
Last date for submission of Application/ Nomination:
Monday, 22nd August 2011.
Anupama Datta
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGEING UNITED NATIONS – MALTA in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME in POLICY FORMULATION, PLANNING, IMPLEMENTATION and MONITORING of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing : 17 – 28 October 2011, Malta
The dramatic and unprecedented increase in the number and proportion of older persons in the World is leading to various political, economic and social consequences and challenges. In developing countries, where by the year 2025, seventy-two per cent of the World’s older persons are expected to be living, this demographic phenomenon will pose a particular challenge. Although a number of developing countries have initiated various innovative and concrete measures aimed at meeting the needs of older persons, there exists an acute shortage of trained care-givers at all levels in the field of Gerontology. In February 2007, the United Nations began its five-year review of progress towards the achievement of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing agreed upon by the international community at the Second World Assembly on Ageing which took place in Madrid, in April 2002.
This multi-disciplinary Training Programme in Social Policy, designed by an International Expert Group, is aimed at discussing the implications of population ageing, underscore the importance of including ageing issues in a country’s development planning and discuss options for policy formulation and programme / services’ implementation. It also aims at providing a broad and up-to-date understanding of the complex and far-reaching consequences of mass longevity. Participants are helped to evolve and implement appropriate policies, which will ensure the quality of life and well-being of older persons in their own society.
The programme consists of lectures, seminars, site visits and workshops. Topics dealt with include: understanding the commitments of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing as well as the Regional Implementation Strategies; ensuring that policies in response to population ageing have a holistic approach and are implemented in a coordinated manner over a wide range of policy areas; exploring ways of facilitation the participation of all stakeholders namely: governments, civil society, the family, the community and the older persons themselves; collecting and disseminating the best knowledge and evidence based practices available regarding adequate policy responses to population ageing and monitoring progress towards the achievement of the Priority Directions and Recommendations of the Madrid Plan of Action.
Applications are invited from policy-makers and decision-makers in the field of Ageing in developing countries. They should be directly engaged in policy and decision-making for older persons in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors in their own country.
Interested persons and organisations may apply by sending the following to:
The Director, International Institute on Ageing, 117 St. Paul Street, Valletta VLT 1216, MALTA
1. An application form which is available through the Institute's web-site or directly from INIA.
2. Proof of proficiency in English.
3. A letter of recommendation from the Director of your Organisation.
4. A personal letter (giving reasons for attending the course).
5. Copies of relevant certificates.
Closing date for applications is 17 August 2011.
Course Fee: US$2,680 (includes tuition, board- and meals butexcludes travel).
INIA might have available a limited number of partial scholarships. However, since this is not guaranteed, it is in the interest of prospective candidates to secure alternative funding.
International Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), 117, St. Paul Street,
Valletta VLT 1216, MALTA.
Telephone: (+356) 21-243044/5/6 Telefax : (+356) 21-230248
E-mail: . Web site:
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
International Training Programme :Demographic Aspects of Population Ageing & its Implications for Socio-Economic Development, Policies & Plan 2011
Populations are ageing in an unprecedented manner. Over 70% of the older people will be in the Developing Countries, where the number of older people will more than double in the next two decades. They will require new policies and infrastructure - changes that must be based on demographic data and projections.
The training programme in Demography designed by an International Expert Group is geared towards achieving a working knowledge of demographic concepts and techniques. Participants are helped at acquiring the methodological approaches, tools and techniques in demography adopted in assessing the conditions of older persons at global, regional and country level. In so doing, participants gain an ability to convey information effectively to policy makers.
The programme will consist of lectures and seminars. Topics dealt with are the Basic Demographic Concepts; Factors determining Population Structures; Data quality, Reliability and Availability; Projections; State-of-the-art Research and Modelling initiatives; Ageing and National Development; Health Implications of Ageing; Groups at High Risk;Social Status and Roles; Family; Community; Labour Market; Income Distribution/Economic Security; Health Expectancies.
Potential course candidates should be:
1. Working in the areas of planning and/or research at population level in their country or in an academic national or international organisation.
2. Having a very good working knowledge of English (including computer software in English).
3. Be literate in computers with good working knowledge of Excel or similar software.
4. Working in an ageing related field.
Interested persons and organisations may apply by sending the following to:
The Director, International Institute on Ageing,
117, St. Paul Street, Valletta VLT 1216, MALTA.
1. An application form which is available through the Institute's web-site or directly from INIA.
2. Proof of proficiency in English.
3. A letter of recommendation from the Director of your organization.
4. A personal letter (giving reasons for attending the course).
5. Copies of relevant certificates.
Closing date for applications is 14 September, 2011.
Course Fee: US$ 2,680 (includes tuition, board-accommodation and meals but excludes travel).
INIA might have available a limited number of partial scholarships. However, since these are extremely limited, it is in the interest of prospective candidates to secure alternative sources of
International Institute on Ageing, (United Nations - Malta)
117, St. Paul Street,Valletta VLT 1216, MALTA
Telephone: (356)-21-243044/5/6 Telefax: (356)-21-230248
E-mail: . Web-site:
Populations are ageing in an unprecedented manner. Over 70% of the older people will be in the Developing Countries, where the number of older people will more than double in the next two decades. They will require new policies and infrastructure - changes that must be based on demographic data and projections.
The training programme in Demography designed by an International Expert Group is geared towards achieving a working knowledge of demographic concepts and techniques. Participants are helped at acquiring the methodological approaches, tools and techniques in demography adopted in assessing the conditions of older persons at global, regional and country level. In so doing, participants gain an ability to convey information effectively to policy makers.
The programme will consist of lectures and seminars. Topics dealt with are the Basic Demographic Concepts; Factors determining Population Structures; Data quality, Reliability and Availability; Projections; State-of-the-art Research and Modelling initiatives; Ageing and National Development; Health Implications of Ageing; Groups at High Risk;Social Status and Roles; Family; Community; Labour Market; Income Distribution/Economic Security; Health Expectancies.
Potential course candidates should be:
1. Working in the areas of planning and/or research at population level in their country or in an academic national or international organisation.
2. Having a very good working knowledge of English (including computer software in English).
3. Be literate in computers with good working knowledge of Excel or similar software.
4. Working in an ageing related field.
Interested persons and organisations may apply by sending the following to:
The Director, International Institute on Ageing,
117, St. Paul Street, Valletta VLT 1216, MALTA.
1. An application form which is available through the Institute's web-site or directly from INIA.
2. Proof of proficiency in English.
3. A letter of recommendation from the Director of your organization.
4. A personal letter (giving reasons for attending the course).
5. Copies of relevant certificates.
Closing date for applications is 14 September, 2011.
Course Fee: US$ 2,680 (includes tuition, board-accommodation and meals but excludes travel).
INIA might have available a limited number of partial scholarships. However, since these are extremely limited, it is in the interest of prospective candidates to secure alternative sources of
International Institute on Ageing, (United Nations - Malta)
117, St. Paul Street,Valletta VLT 1216, MALTA
Telephone: (356)-21-243044/5/6 Telefax: (356)-21-230248
E-mail: . Web-site:
Senior Citizens,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Online Survey for determining the Housing needs and requirements of Senior Citizens : International Longevity Centre-India

Warm Greetings from the International Longevity Centre- India (ILC-I).
The International Longevity Centre-India (ILC-I) is a not-for-profit company working for population ageing in the fields of research, training, policy, advocacy and documentation since 2003.
ILC-I is registered as such under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956. It is also the member of the Global Alliance of the International Longevity Centres which includes USA, France, Japan, South Africa, UK, Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Israel, Singapore and Argentina.
ILC-I has been founded with the vision of the social scientist of international repute Dr. S. D. Gokhale who is revered today as its Hon. President. Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, the eminent international scientist of whom every Indian is rightly proud of, is its President.
Shri B. G. Deshmukh, former Cabinet Secretary to the Govt. of India and Dr. Arun Nigavekar, the former Chairman of the University Grants Commission are the Vice Presidents of ILC-I. Mr. Jayant Umranikar, former Director-General of Police, Maharashtra is the Chairman of ILC-I.
The objective of ILC-I is to work towards “Celebrating Age & Creating a Society for all Ages”.
As part of its research study, ILC-I is conducting an online survey on the special housing needs of the senior citizens with regard to the development of a special retirement community complex for the elderly.
In this regard we request you to spare a few minutes and fill up this questionnaire by clicking on , Please note that the link is secure and free and confidentiality will be maintained: .
Your responses to this online survey are intensely valuable for ILC-I and will go a long way in building up a study that would be of use for developing senior citizens’ housing requirements- a need that is being widely and very acutely felt especially in the cities of India.
This special retirement community complex, which would not be an old age home, is the need of the changing face of the family and society where more and more elders have to live by themselves. It is with a view to evolving a more comprehensive, satisfying and holistic solution to the housing needs of the elderly, that we request you to kindly fill up the questionnaire.
The valuable time that you will spare will be put to good use for the cause of elderly.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Anjali Raje,
Executive Director,
Practicing Love, Forgiveness And Respect for our Elders
Remember when the elderly in our society were well respected and treated with the utmost dignity and respect. I remember when people held doors open for older people. We gave up our chair when an older person needed a seat. I remember when senior citizens were thought of as wise and insightful. When we needed an answer on how to fix a broken vehicle or make a cabinet we went to an older person for their advise. If I needed a recipe for peach cobbler I called my mother or older Sister. I remember when adult children, relatives, neighbors, people from the church helped older folks because they truly loved and respected them. That is the value system we were taught back in the day. I remember when grown children had daily or a least weekly contact in person or by telephone with their parents and grandparents. Some of this still exists today but times have changed.
Recipes can be found on a computer in the blink of an eye. Our favorite auto repair shop will fix a vehicle. They advertise speedy customer service. The man at the home improvement store can fix us up with a new cabinet and have it installed within a day. Now the younger folks text on the telephone. Some check Face book to connect with their family and friends. Some older folks do the same.
Time is moving at the speed of lightening. We still have a lot to teach the younger generation. We have much to learn in order to keep up with changing times. We will do that at our own pace. Most of us were taught one of the most important lessons of all and that was; No matter whatever else is going on ALWAYS respect yourself and each other. We still have an important place here in this world. We still have a service to perform here on God’s earth. No matter how much time has passed or how times have changed it will always be important to RESPECT OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER.
In closing I just want to end this very simply with one question for each of us to ask ourselves. When we lay our head down on our pillow at night can we sleep peacefully knowing that we have done our best using respect, love and forgiveness for ourselves and others? If we can not answer this question with a yes today then it is still not to late. We can arise tomorrow and begin by practicing love, forgiveness and respect.
Recipes can be found on a computer in the blink of an eye. Our favorite auto repair shop will fix a vehicle. They advertise speedy customer service. The man at the home improvement store can fix us up with a new cabinet and have it installed within a day. Now the younger folks text on the telephone. Some check Face book to connect with their family and friends. Some older folks do the same.
Time is moving at the speed of lightening. We still have a lot to teach the younger generation. We have much to learn in order to keep up with changing times. We will do that at our own pace. Most of us were taught one of the most important lessons of all and that was; No matter whatever else is going on ALWAYS respect yourself and each other. We still have an important place here in this world. We still have a service to perform here on God’s earth. No matter how much time has passed or how times have changed it will always be important to RESPECT OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER.
In closing I just want to end this very simply with one question for each of us to ask ourselves. When we lay our head down on our pillow at night can we sleep peacefully knowing that we have done our best using respect, love and forgiveness for ourselves and others? If we can not answer this question with a yes today then it is still not to late. We can arise tomorrow and begin by practicing love, forgiveness and respect.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
HelpAge India Inaugurating new Physiotherapy Unit at Senior Citizens Association, Nerul ,Navi Mumbai 21st July 2011
HelpAge India (HI), registered in 1978, is a national level, secular, apolitical, not for profit organization dedicated to the cause of the elderly. Since last 32 years HelpAge India has supported over 4000 age care service and development projects, reaching out to the underprivileged older persons / elders, their families and immediate community, with the focus on poor, destitute, physically challenged widows and dalits. Approximately Rs. 30 crore is disbursed on such interventions annually.
HelpAge India works for the cause and care of the disadvantaged older persons and therefore, any area that is concerned with a better quality of life for elderly section of the society merits its focused attention. Policy Advocacy, Health, Livelihood security, Micro Credit, HelpLines, Old Age Homes/Day Care Centres, Physiotherapy Centres Disaster Relief, Awareness, Older Person’s empowerment are some primary areas of focus of HelpAge India.
Physiotherapy is the treatment with physical modalities like heat, cold, mille ampere electric current and with therapeutic exercises for the physical wellbeing. Physiotherapy care is fundamental to ageing care. The physiological changes result in reduction of muscle power and tone, reduced range of motion and bone density. Symptoms include general weakness faulty body postures, decrease in cardiopulmonary endurance and reduced exercise tolerance. Apart from these, conditions like back pain, shoulder pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions, paralysis and other neurological conditions which are common in geriatrics can be managed by physiotherapy.
HelpAge India in association with Senior Citizens Association, Nerul is inaugurating a new Physiotherapy Unit at Nerul on 21st July 2011. The Centre will focus on Senior Citizens and is also open for the community people. The service will be given to all senior citizens at a special rate and a very nominal charge will be taken for others. Senior Citizens under below poverty line category will be given free treatment. The Centre will be of service to more than five thousand senior citizens.
Date - 21st July 2011
Time – 4 P.M.
Venue – Jyeshth Nagarik Bhavan , Sector – 12, Plot. 7/C, Nr. Gaondevi Temple, Nerul –W, Navi Mumbai – 400706.
For any further clarification please contact Mr.Valerian Pais – 9820970237.
Prakash Borgaonkar
Director - 9821224513
HelpAge India works for the cause and care of the disadvantaged older persons and therefore, any area that is concerned with a better quality of life for elderly section of the society merits its focused attention. Policy Advocacy, Health, Livelihood security, Micro Credit, HelpLines, Old Age Homes/Day Care Centres, Physiotherapy Centres Disaster Relief, Awareness, Older Person’s empowerment are some primary areas of focus of HelpAge India.
Physiotherapy is the treatment with physical modalities like heat, cold, mille ampere electric current and with therapeutic exercises for the physical wellbeing. Physiotherapy care is fundamental to ageing care. The physiological changes result in reduction of muscle power and tone, reduced range of motion and bone density. Symptoms include general weakness faulty body postures, decrease in cardiopulmonary endurance and reduced exercise tolerance. Apart from these, conditions like back pain, shoulder pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions, paralysis and other neurological conditions which are common in geriatrics can be managed by physiotherapy.
HelpAge India in association with Senior Citizens Association, Nerul is inaugurating a new Physiotherapy Unit at Nerul on 21st July 2011. The Centre will focus on Senior Citizens and is also open for the community people. The service will be given to all senior citizens at a special rate and a very nominal charge will be taken for others. Senior Citizens under below poverty line category will be given free treatment. The Centre will be of service to more than five thousand senior citizens.
Date - 21st July 2011
Time – 4 P.M.
Venue – Jyeshth Nagarik Bhavan , Sector – 12, Plot. 7/C, Nr. Gaondevi Temple, Nerul –W, Navi Mumbai – 400706.
For any further clarification please contact Mr.Valerian Pais – 9820970237.
Prakash Borgaonkar
Director - 9821224513
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Results Announced : 4th National Annual Essay Competition 2011: 6th World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2011

On occasion of 6th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 15th June 2011 Silver Inning Foundation a NGO working with senior citizens and their family members in association with INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI); SSS Global; FESCOM (Mumbai) ; 1298 Senior Citizens Helpline, Mumbai; AISCCON , Harmony for Silvers Foundation & Alfresco FC will be commemorating Elder Abuse Awareness Day from on May 20th to June 20th 2011 . It has taken the initiative to create awareness among civil society and Government to eliminate elder abuse at both micro and macro level. Exclusive Blogging Partners for the event 4th National Annual Essay Competition 2011 for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2011:
World over 15th June is marked as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by INPEA.INPEA is an organization, founded in 1997, which is dedicated to the global dissemination of information as part of its commitment to the world-wide prevention of the abuse of older people. The United Nations International Plan of Action adopted by all countries in Madrid, April 2002, clearly recognizes the importance of addressing and preventing abuse and neglect of older adults and puts it in the framework of the Universal Human Rights. INPEA is dedicated to supporting the plan of action. World Elder Abuse Awareness Week programme aims to increase society's ability, through various programmes, to recognise and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
• To create awareness in elderly people themselves regarding what comes under elder abuse.
• To sensitize young people regarding elder abuse and to bridge the intergenerational gap between elderly and young people.
• To create awareness in media and society at large regarding elder abuse.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June ,programme aims to increase society's ability, through various programmes to recognize and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
SILVER INNING FOUNDATION invited an Essay of maximum 2000 words in following category and topics:
1) For all age group:
Can Elder abuse be prevented, if not eliminated? If yes how? If no why not?
2) For School Students - Class 5th to class 10th:
Grandparents are the best Friends
3) For Students - 1st year College to Post graduation :
Youth are important link towards Elderly friendly society
It was hosted on and publicity was done on all Social Media , Some Local News Paper and Senior Citizens Associations.
Following were Terms and Condition:
• Essay should not be more than 2000 words
• Essay should only be in English language
• Essay should be sent by Email only (soft copy only)
• No hard copy will be accepted
• It’s open to all Indian Residence / POI / NRI
• People from other country can also participate, but they will not be part of competition and they will be given virtual participation certificate.
The First (1st) best in each category will be given Prize of Rs.500/- by Indian cheque only, to each 1st winner and Certificate.
The Three (3) best essays in each category will be given Certificate each and their essay will be published on Blogs: ; and best Ten (10) in each category, with India postal address will be given Participation Certificate.
Winners were announced on 16th July 2011. The participant were from All over Indian & youngest participant was 14yrs and Eldest was 78 Yrs of age.
Following are Winners of WEAAD 2011 Essay Competition:
I. For all age group: “Can Elder abuse be prevented, if not eliminated? If yes how ? If no why not ?”
1st Best : Nishul Juneja , 16 yrs , Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – Rs.500/- and Certificate
2nd Best : Pradnya Surve ,51 yrs , Goregaon , Mumbai - Participation Certificate
3rd Best : Shared between Anju -57 yrs & Swatija – 57 yrs , Sion , Mumbai and S H Subrahmanian ,60+ yrs , Mulund, Mumbai - Participation Certificate
Consolation: Dr Rohini Vaswani , 26yrs , Dharwad, Karnataka
II. For School Students - Class 5th to class 10th: “Grandparents are the best Friends”
1st Best: C.SANKARSHAN, 9th class , 14yrs , MERIDIAN EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY , Hyderabad - Rs.500/- and Certificate
III. For Students - 1st year College to Post graduation : “Youth are important link towards Elderly friendly society”
1st Best: Shaili Pandia , Santacruz (West), Mumbai - Rs.500/- and Certificate
2nd Best : Prerona Basu , Kolkata - Participation Certificate
3rd Best :Gitanjali Maria , LOYOLA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, CHENNAI - Participation Certificate
Bhumika Sharma , Department of Laws, LLM Student, HP University, Shimla
10 Best , Participation Certificate:
1. Poorvi Shrivastav , Microsoft Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
2. Aamir Zaya , 22yrs , HAJIPUR, VAISHALI, BIHAR
3. Priya Srivatsa, 18yrs ,Malleshwaram Bangalore
4. Kumari Anupama , 24yrs , Palamau, Jharkhand
5. Digamber Swadia ,78yrs , Andheri , Mumbai
6. M.V.Ruparelia, 77 yrs , Mira Road
7. Ananya Kumar , 14yrs , Andheri , Mumbai
8. Riya Moitra , 23yrs , Kolkata
9. Jayant.K.Puranik , 72yrs , Pune
10. Fathima Shahanaaz ,20yrs , VIJAYAWADA
This Programme was supported INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI); SSS Global; FESCOM (Mumbai) ; 1298 Senior Citizens Helpline, Mumbai; AISCCON , Harmony for Silvers Foundation & ALFRESCO FC
Special Thanks to Shubha Khandekar and to one and all for their continous support .
Together, we all have the power to prevent elder abuse.
My World… Your World… Our World…Free of Elder Abuse.
Family Care for an Aging Population : Video presentation
On June 23, 2010, the Population Reference Bureau and the Hopkins Population Center sponsored its 4th Annual Symposium on Policy and Health: "Family Care for an Aging Population: Demographic Contexts and Policy Challenges."
This year's presenters were:
Andrew Cherlin, Benjamin H. Griswold III, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Dept. of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University (PDF: 416KB)
Nancy Folbre, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts (PDF: 1.28MB)
Madonna Harrington Meyer, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence, Professor of Sociology, Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
John Haaga, Deputy Director, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, National Institute on Aging (PDF: 852KB)
Andrew Cherlin highlighted recent changes in the nuclear family structure as a possible cause of problems when the elderly need family members as caregivers. The above-65 age group is growing rapidly and is projected to make up 19 percent of the population by 2030. At the same time, fertility rates are not increasing to keep up with the number of elderly people and family structures are undergoing major transformations. In the past, nuclear family structures and low divorce rates encouraged tight family bonds and made the responsibility of caring for the elderly more straightforward than today. As the divorce rate and the proportion of births outside of marriage increased, and as partnerships turned over more frequently and became shorter in duration, the traditional family unit was disrupted. The result is that the younger generation tend to form weaker personal ties with family. This trend might have a significant impact on the younger generation's contribution to caring for the elderly, at a time when the elderly population is rapidly expanding.
Nancy Folbre talked about the roles of family care and public assistance programs, and the urgent need for policy reform. The major sources of elderly care are families and the government. About 19 percent of U.S. residents provide care to persons ages 50 or above, averaging at least 19 hours per week. This unpaid work saves taxpayers a lot of money every year. However, when families are unwilling or unable to provide enough care, public support programs like Medicare and Medicaid and private long-term care insurance make up the difference. These alternatives are mostly inefficient and expensive. Some of the policy reforms Folbre noted include economic support for family care, a universal adult care system, and regulation of market provisions and public care.
Madonna Harrington Meyer emphasized several policy solutions to the problems affecting public assistance programs. In the United States, families perform about 75 percent of elderly care, although the elderly are hesitant to fully rely on their family members. As a result, many people are left without the care they need. The long-term formal care system is fragmented, difficult to navigate, and uneven across states. In addition, Medicaid has an institutional and policy bias toward institutionalization. Some policy solutions for the current problems might include increased access to personal care, reduced burden for family caregivers, and mandatory waivers so that all states can provide home-based care options.
John Haaga called attention to the limitations surrounding private long-term care options. Overall, 50 percent of women and 30 percent of men will stay in a nursing home at some point in their lives, many for long periods. One year in a nursing home costs about $70,000, significantly more expensive than home health services. On the other hand, private insurance for long-term care is rare, the industry is heavily regulated, and quality is difficult to measure. The Community Living and Supportive Services Act of 2010 has the potential to overcome some of the problems associated with private long-term care insurance and provide more options to the elderly.
Chk the video presentation here:
This year's presenters were:
Andrew Cherlin, Benjamin H. Griswold III, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Dept. of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University (PDF: 416KB)
Nancy Folbre, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts (PDF: 1.28MB)
Madonna Harrington Meyer, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence, Professor of Sociology, Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
John Haaga, Deputy Director, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, National Institute on Aging (PDF: 852KB)
Andrew Cherlin highlighted recent changes in the nuclear family structure as a possible cause of problems when the elderly need family members as caregivers. The above-65 age group is growing rapidly and is projected to make up 19 percent of the population by 2030. At the same time, fertility rates are not increasing to keep up with the number of elderly people and family structures are undergoing major transformations. In the past, nuclear family structures and low divorce rates encouraged tight family bonds and made the responsibility of caring for the elderly more straightforward than today. As the divorce rate and the proportion of births outside of marriage increased, and as partnerships turned over more frequently and became shorter in duration, the traditional family unit was disrupted. The result is that the younger generation tend to form weaker personal ties with family. This trend might have a significant impact on the younger generation's contribution to caring for the elderly, at a time when the elderly population is rapidly expanding.
Nancy Folbre talked about the roles of family care and public assistance programs, and the urgent need for policy reform. The major sources of elderly care are families and the government. About 19 percent of U.S. residents provide care to persons ages 50 or above, averaging at least 19 hours per week. This unpaid work saves taxpayers a lot of money every year. However, when families are unwilling or unable to provide enough care, public support programs like Medicare and Medicaid and private long-term care insurance make up the difference. These alternatives are mostly inefficient and expensive. Some of the policy reforms Folbre noted include economic support for family care, a universal adult care system, and regulation of market provisions and public care.
Madonna Harrington Meyer emphasized several policy solutions to the problems affecting public assistance programs. In the United States, families perform about 75 percent of elderly care, although the elderly are hesitant to fully rely on their family members. As a result, many people are left without the care they need. The long-term formal care system is fragmented, difficult to navigate, and uneven across states. In addition, Medicaid has an institutional and policy bias toward institutionalization. Some policy solutions for the current problems might include increased access to personal care, reduced burden for family caregivers, and mandatory waivers so that all states can provide home-based care options.
John Haaga called attention to the limitations surrounding private long-term care options. Overall, 50 percent of women and 30 percent of men will stay in a nursing home at some point in their lives, many for long periods. One year in a nursing home costs about $70,000, significantly more expensive than home health services. On the other hand, private insurance for long-term care is rare, the industry is heavily regulated, and quality is difficult to measure. The Community Living and Supportive Services Act of 2010 has the potential to overcome some of the problems associated with private long-term care insurance and provide more options to the elderly.
Chk the video presentation here:
More of Us on Track to Reach Age 100; Genes, Habits, Baboons Examined for Longevity Clues
by Paola Scommegna
In the countries with the longest life expectancies, average life span has grown over the past two centuries at the "absolutely remarkable rate" of about 2.5 years per decade, three months per year, or six hours per day, according to demographer James Vaupel of Duke University and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Life expectancy in most industrialized countries has increased at this pace for the past 60 years, although in the United States there was a period of stagnation, especially for women, in the 1980s and 1990s, he noted.
While the future is uncertain, "it seems plausible that very long lives may be the probable destiny of younger people alive today," Vaupel said. "It is possible, if we continue to make progress in reducing mortality, that most children born since the year 2000 will live to see their 100th birthdays in the 22nd century."
Virtually all of the progress made in increasing life expectancy is the result of better medical care and rising living standards, he said. In the future, progress "will be fueled in part by interventions developed on the basis of deeper understanding of genetics and the root causes of aging in humans and other species."
Vaupel and other researchers in the growing field of biodemography are trying to unravel the often intertwined social and biological factors that contribute to longevity. With support from the U.S. National Institute on Aging, a group of U.S. and European scientists met last month at Duke's Population Research Institute to share findings from their ongoing work. The eventual goal is to identify interventions—public health policies, medical treatments, behavior advice—that prolong survival so more people lead longer, healthier lives.
Centenarians Shed Light on Longer 'Health Span'
People in high-income countries are living in good health nearly 10 years longer than their parents did, not because aging has been slowed or reversed, but because people are reaching old age in better health, according to Vaupel. But when the aging process does begin, it is still taking place at about the same pace. "Deterioration, instead of being stretched out, is being postponed," he said.
As a group, centenarians—those who live to age 100—tend to be extreme examples of healthy aging. Researchers are studying populations in Japan, Denmark, and Hawaii that have unusually large shares of centenarians to understand what sets them apart.
Most of these " 'exceptional survivors' delay major clinical diseases and disability," which is evidence of an "extended health span," according to Dr. Bradley Willcox, a University of Hawaii gerontologist. He and colleagues have examined data on the physical and mental health of 8,000 Japanese American men in Hawaii tracked since 1965 and more than 1,000 centenarians in Okinawa, Japan, since 1975. Many centenarians in this group lived independently well into their 90s.
These scientists found a gene that if inherited from both parents triples a man's chances of reaching age 100. But they also identified a set of disease risk factors that if avoided in mid-life increased chances of healthy survival into old age.
The study results suggest that men with fewer risk factors at age 50 are more likely to live to age 90 with no mental or physical impairment. Being overweight, high blood glucose, high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, low "grip strength," having ever smoked, consuming more than three alcoholic drinks per day, not earning a high school diploma, and being unmarried increase the chances of impairment in old age.
Willcox is convinced that long life is influenced by good health habits including the low-calorie, nutrient dense diets of Okinawans and Japanese Americans, and what he has called "Mercedes-Benz genes vs. Ford Escort genes." Being born with certain genes may predispose a person to a longer life than people born with other genes, but Willcox argues that "if you treat that Ford Escort well, it could last longer than the Mercedes, so drive carefully."
To understand the distinct roles behavior and genes play in health at old age, Yi Zeng, a Duke and Peking University demographer, and colleagues compared the adult children of Chinese centenarians and their neighborhood peers. People who reach their 100th birthdays in developing countries are "extreme examples of healthy aging," he said. Compared to their Western counterparts, they are likely to be the "most robust, having survived severe living conditions and high mortality in the past."
The children of these centenarians had significantly better physical and mental health, and reported higher life satisfaction than their neighbors of similar age, gender, and socioeconomic status. But their findings suggest that life style and living conditions significantly interact with genes to contribute to health in old age, particularly for those without a genetic predisposition to long life.
"The effects of the environmental factors on health are much stronger among elders who have no family history of longevity compared to centenarians' children who likely carry genes that promote longevity," he explained. Some of those factors that interact with genes to affect health positively in later life included receiving adequate medical care in childhood, higher household income, and participating in social and leisure activities.
Danes, Prehistoric Skeletons, and Baboons May Help Explain Why Women Outlive Men Today
Compared with women, men are physically stronger, have fewer disabilities, and are much more likely to tell interviewers that they are in good health. On the other hand, men have higher mortality than women have at all adult ages (see Figure 1). This discrepancy between health and survival—known as the male-female health-survival paradox—has long puzzled demographers and other researchers.
Both biology and behavior likely play a role, reported researchers from diversity of southern Denmark. Kaare Christensen and Anna Oksuzyan based their analysis on the extensive and detailed data available from health surveys that sampled the entire Danish population and incorporated data on nonrespondents. Their analysis shows that Danish men were not as physically disabled as women of the same age but had higher mortality. Fundamental biological differences between the sexes such as different hormones and disease patterns play a part in these outcomes, but Christensen and Oksuzyan's findings support the notion that men's shorter life expectancy is partially rooted in behavior. Men's greater risk-taking behavior and greater reluctance to seek medical treatment, to take part in health surveys, and to report disabilities and diseases may contribute to the survival gap, they suggested.
Svenja Weise and Jutta Gampe of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research pointed to interaction between biological and behavior to explain for survival differences between the sexes. They based their analysis on observations from 25,000 prehistoric human skeletons dating back as many as 11,000 years from sites in Scandinavia. Through most of history, women lived shorter lives than men and suffered from higher mortality rates, particularly during the reproductive years. This pattern continued until the late Middle Age when a shift to today's pattern of higher female survival occurred as populations became more urban and trade increased.
Weise pointed to a number of reasons for the shift. Later age at marriage led to fewer pregnancies, reducing women's risk of dying in childbirth. Access to food and health care within households became more equal. Men are more vulnerable to infections and parasites, and greater migration and trade increased the spread of disease, disadvantaging men. Finally, urban settings led to more competition for mates, causing increased male risk-taking behavior.
Males also tend to lead shorter lives than females among several primate species, reported Susan Alberts, a Duke University biologist. She described research on several thousand aging primates in the natural world by a team of biologists and demographers published in a recent issue of the journal Science. They found that the male-female mortality patterns of six species—sifaka, blue monkeys, mountain gorillas, capuchins, chimpanzees, and baboons—resemble one another and those of humans.
But mortality differences between the sexes in primates may be driven by intense competition among males for females, suggesting their life spans are shaped more by local social forces than evolutionary history or biology, according to Alberts. In baboons, she said, females remain in the groups they are born in, living with their mothers and other maternal kin, while males move between groups from adulthood and then every few years after that. These patterns avoid inbreeding and lead to strong relationships among females. As male baboons age, testosterone declines and they spend more time alone, findings that could have implications for their survival and potentially for understanding aging human males, she said.
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In the countries with the longest life expectancies, average life span has grown over the past two centuries at the "absolutely remarkable rate" of about 2.5 years per decade, three months per year, or six hours per day, according to demographer James Vaupel of Duke University and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Life expectancy in most industrialized countries has increased at this pace for the past 60 years, although in the United States there was a period of stagnation, especially for women, in the 1980s and 1990s, he noted.
While the future is uncertain, "it seems plausible that very long lives may be the probable destiny of younger people alive today," Vaupel said. "It is possible, if we continue to make progress in reducing mortality, that most children born since the year 2000 will live to see their 100th birthdays in the 22nd century."
Virtually all of the progress made in increasing life expectancy is the result of better medical care and rising living standards, he said. In the future, progress "will be fueled in part by interventions developed on the basis of deeper understanding of genetics and the root causes of aging in humans and other species."
Vaupel and other researchers in the growing field of biodemography are trying to unravel the often intertwined social and biological factors that contribute to longevity. With support from the U.S. National Institute on Aging, a group of U.S. and European scientists met last month at Duke's Population Research Institute to share findings from their ongoing work. The eventual goal is to identify interventions—public health policies, medical treatments, behavior advice—that prolong survival so more people lead longer, healthier lives.
Centenarians Shed Light on Longer 'Health Span'
People in high-income countries are living in good health nearly 10 years longer than their parents did, not because aging has been slowed or reversed, but because people are reaching old age in better health, according to Vaupel. But when the aging process does begin, it is still taking place at about the same pace. "Deterioration, instead of being stretched out, is being postponed," he said.
As a group, centenarians—those who live to age 100—tend to be extreme examples of healthy aging. Researchers are studying populations in Japan, Denmark, and Hawaii that have unusually large shares of centenarians to understand what sets them apart.
Most of these " 'exceptional survivors' delay major clinical diseases and disability," which is evidence of an "extended health span," according to Dr. Bradley Willcox, a University of Hawaii gerontologist. He and colleagues have examined data on the physical and mental health of 8,000 Japanese American men in Hawaii tracked since 1965 and more than 1,000 centenarians in Okinawa, Japan, since 1975. Many centenarians in this group lived independently well into their 90s.
These scientists found a gene that if inherited from both parents triples a man's chances of reaching age 100. But they also identified a set of disease risk factors that if avoided in mid-life increased chances of healthy survival into old age.
The study results suggest that men with fewer risk factors at age 50 are more likely to live to age 90 with no mental or physical impairment. Being overweight, high blood glucose, high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, low "grip strength," having ever smoked, consuming more than three alcoholic drinks per day, not earning a high school diploma, and being unmarried increase the chances of impairment in old age.
Willcox is convinced that long life is influenced by good health habits including the low-calorie, nutrient dense diets of Okinawans and Japanese Americans, and what he has called "Mercedes-Benz genes vs. Ford Escort genes." Being born with certain genes may predispose a person to a longer life than people born with other genes, but Willcox argues that "if you treat that Ford Escort well, it could last longer than the Mercedes, so drive carefully."
To understand the distinct roles behavior and genes play in health at old age, Yi Zeng, a Duke and Peking University demographer, and colleagues compared the adult children of Chinese centenarians and their neighborhood peers. People who reach their 100th birthdays in developing countries are "extreme examples of healthy aging," he said. Compared to their Western counterparts, they are likely to be the "most robust, having survived severe living conditions and high mortality in the past."
The children of these centenarians had significantly better physical and mental health, and reported higher life satisfaction than their neighbors of similar age, gender, and socioeconomic status. But their findings suggest that life style and living conditions significantly interact with genes to contribute to health in old age, particularly for those without a genetic predisposition to long life.
"The effects of the environmental factors on health are much stronger among elders who have no family history of longevity compared to centenarians' children who likely carry genes that promote longevity," he explained. Some of those factors that interact with genes to affect health positively in later life included receiving adequate medical care in childhood, higher household income, and participating in social and leisure activities.
Danes, Prehistoric Skeletons, and Baboons May Help Explain Why Women Outlive Men Today
Compared with women, men are physically stronger, have fewer disabilities, and are much more likely to tell interviewers that they are in good health. On the other hand, men have higher mortality than women have at all adult ages (see Figure 1). This discrepancy between health and survival—known as the male-female health-survival paradox—has long puzzled demographers and other researchers.
Both biology and behavior likely play a role, reported researchers from diversity of southern Denmark. Kaare Christensen and Anna Oksuzyan based their analysis on the extensive and detailed data available from health surveys that sampled the entire Danish population and incorporated data on nonrespondents. Their analysis shows that Danish men were not as physically disabled as women of the same age but had higher mortality. Fundamental biological differences between the sexes such as different hormones and disease patterns play a part in these outcomes, but Christensen and Oksuzyan's findings support the notion that men's shorter life expectancy is partially rooted in behavior. Men's greater risk-taking behavior and greater reluctance to seek medical treatment, to take part in health surveys, and to report disabilities and diseases may contribute to the survival gap, they suggested.
Svenja Weise and Jutta Gampe of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research pointed to interaction between biological and behavior to explain for survival differences between the sexes. They based their analysis on observations from 25,000 prehistoric human skeletons dating back as many as 11,000 years from sites in Scandinavia. Through most of history, women lived shorter lives than men and suffered from higher mortality rates, particularly during the reproductive years. This pattern continued until the late Middle Age when a shift to today's pattern of higher female survival occurred as populations became more urban and trade increased.
Weise pointed to a number of reasons for the shift. Later age at marriage led to fewer pregnancies, reducing women's risk of dying in childbirth. Access to food and health care within households became more equal. Men are more vulnerable to infections and parasites, and greater migration and trade increased the spread of disease, disadvantaging men. Finally, urban settings led to more competition for mates, causing increased male risk-taking behavior.
Males also tend to lead shorter lives than females among several primate species, reported Susan Alberts, a Duke University biologist. She described research on several thousand aging primates in the natural world by a team of biologists and demographers published in a recent issue of the journal Science. They found that the male-female mortality patterns of six species—sifaka, blue monkeys, mountain gorillas, capuchins, chimpanzees, and baboons—resemble one another and those of humans.
But mortality differences between the sexes in primates may be driven by intense competition among males for females, suggesting their life spans are shaped more by local social forces than evolutionary history or biology, according to Alberts. In baboons, she said, females remain in the groups they are born in, living with their mothers and other maternal kin, while males move between groups from adulthood and then every few years after that. These patterns avoid inbreeding and lead to strong relationships among females. As male baboons age, testosterone declines and they spend more time alone, findings that could have implications for their survival and potentially for understanding aging human males, she said.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
FREE Dementia / Geriatric Workshop by Dr.Neela Patel MD,MPH ,USA: 13th & 14th July 2011
Silver Inning Foundation (SIF) Invites you to for the following workshop in Mumbai. This is our continuous effort to make the society Elder Friendly, for well being of our Senior Citizens.
Dr.Neela Patel is MD,MPH ,Assistant Professor,Division of Community Geriatrics, Department of Family and Community Medicine,UT Health Science Centre , San Antonio,USA. She is here in India for our Dementia Pilot Study ' Stigma attached to Dementia in Urban India' from 11th to 14th July. This study is done by Columbia University,USA & TISS in association with SIF. During her trip she thought we could do a training cum Workshop in Dementia/Geriatrics:
The Tentative Topics for Interactive Workshop will be :
• Interdisciplinary Care
• Dementia - types and behaviours
• Geriatrics Syndromes : bathing , repetitive , incontinence , delirium , agitation etc
Workshop Date , Venue and Time:
1. L.T.College of Nursing (SNDT) Churchgate, 5th Floor , above Patkar Hall, Churchgate, Mumbia Wed 13th July 1.30pm (sharp) to 4.30pm .
2. Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Auditorium , 5th Floor , Mira Road on Thu 14th July 12.30pm (sharp) to 3.30pm .
Dr.Neela Patel is MD,MPH ,Assistant Professor,Division of Community Geriatrics, Department of Family and Community Medicine,UT Health Science Centre , San Antonio,USA. She is here in India for our Dementia Pilot Study ' Stigma attached to Dementia in Urban India' from 11th to 14th July. This study is done by Columbia University,USA & TISS in association with SIF. During her trip she thought we could do a training cum Workshop in Dementia/Geriatrics:
The Tentative Topics for Interactive Workshop will be :
• Interdisciplinary Care
• Dementia - types and behaviours
• Geriatrics Syndromes : bathing , repetitive , incontinence , delirium , agitation etc
Workshop Date , Venue and Time:
1. L.T.College of Nursing (SNDT) Churchgate, 5th Floor , above Patkar Hall, Churchgate, Mumbia Wed 13th July 1.30pm (sharp) to 4.30pm .
2. Bhaktivedanta Hospital , Auditorium , 5th Floor , Mira Road on Thu 14th July 12.30pm (sharp) to 3.30pm .
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Senior Citizens National Solidarity Day India: 16th August 2011 - WAKEUP CALL to all Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens inspite of their number, collective wisdom & experience, will continue to be ignored and marginalized unless they unite. – Kofi Annan
Executive Committee meeting of AISCCON was held at Hyderabad on 3rd July 2011. Many participants felt that the momentum gained by the observance of Senior Citizens National Protest Day last year on 15th August 2010 should not be allowed to be dissipated. We should continue to mark our presence felt in the society and in government circles. Therefore it was decided that we should observe 16th August 2011 as SENIOR CITIZENS NATIONAL SOLIDARITY DAY all over India. The Executive Committee has appointed me as the Chief Coordinator for this task.
Directly as a consequence of our nation wide protest activity last year, there has been some semblance of positive action from the central government. We have seen concessions in Income Tax structure, Railway fares, quantum of Old Age Pension, eligibility criteria etc. However, most State governments are yet to wake up and respond. They continue to be indifferent towards our problems and concerns. Hence through our activities on August 16, this year we should focus our attention to fulfillment of state level demands.
There are also numerous glaring disparities in payment of pensions to retirees from different sectors, causing severe hardship in some cases. We have to highlight them and seek their redressal.
There is likely to be some restrictions on rallies and walkathons this year due to existing political climate. Therefore, we shall limit ourselves to: 1) conducting a series of meetings of SCAs at District and State level 2) keeping media posted with our activities and efforts 3) meeting MLAs, MPs and Ministers including the CMs 4) getting the cooperation of media to partner with us in our struggle. Every effort must be made to bring together various groups like SCAs, NGOs, Walkers Clubs, Retirees and Pensioners associations etc. The feeling that senior citizens have come together as one united body must be created in the minds of public, media and the powers that be. They should be made to recognize our number and vote power of 100 million Senior Citizens.
A detailed kit containing strategies, templates and list of probable activities etc will be sent shortly. As the time is very short we request all city level and state level organizations to take up all initiatives by themselves to promote solidarity among senior citizens. Kindly call upon your constituent associations and arrange for meetings – among themselves, with politicians and send delegations to CM for submission of demands.
We shall soon be posting a kit of guideline documents to enable all concerned to take it up further.
Like last year, let us make SCNSD also a great success!
Dated: 5th July 2011
Dr P Vyasamoorthy
Chief Coordinator – Senior Citizens National Solidarity Day
Hyderabad Dated: 5th July 2011
Coordinating Committee
Sri R.N.Mital : Chief Sponsor . President –AISCCON.
Dr. P. Vyasamoorthy : Chief Coordinator . Jt Secretary – AISCCON .
Sri Sailesh Mishra : Joint coordinator . Founder – Silver Innings Foundation .
Prof. V. Vishweswariah : General Secretary . Vice-President – AISCCON .
Sri V. Nageswar Rao : Jt. Secretary . Secretary General – APSCCON.
Sri K Krishna Rao : Treasurer . Secretary – AOSC-H .
Contact Address:
Joint Action Committee for Organising Senior Citizens' National Solidarity Day on August 16, 2011
Address : 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500015 ,A.P., INDIA, Tel. : 040-27846631, Fax : 040-2354 8409, Email :
Saturday, July 2, 2011
NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GERONTOLOGY “Healthy and Productive Ageing- The Need Of The Hour” (3rd October and 4th October 2011) Mumbai ,India

Leelabai Thackersey College of Nursing (SNDT University),Mumbai is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee in the year 2011-2012 ,and as part of it is holding various workshops , National Conference and an International Conference.
It has planned to host National Conference on Gerontology at Patkar Hall Mumbai on 3rd and 4th October 2011. The main focus will be Geriatric Nursing and this kind of National conference on Geriatric Nursing is hosted 1st time in Maharashtra.
Population ageing is pervasive, a global phenomenon affecting every man, woman and child. The steady increase of older age groups in national populations, both in absolute numbers and in relation to the working-age population, has a direct bearing on the intergenerational and intragenerational equity and solidarity that are the foundations of society.
Population ageing is enduring. During the twentieth century the proportion of older persons continued to rise, and this trend is expected to continue into the twenty-first century. The elderly will outnumber children for the first time in 2045, according to a new UNDESA report. IN 2009, THE GLOBAL POPULATION OF PEOPLE AGED 60 AND OVER was 680 million people, representing 11 percent of the world's population. They have increased by 10.4 million just since 2007—an average increase of 30,000 each day.
China and India have the largest older populations. By 2050, China will see its number of elders grow 30% from 109 million to 350 million—India, from 86 million to 240 million.
Today India has 2nd largest Aging Population at 100 million after China , hence, we take this opportunity in holding a National Gerontology Conference and address the issue. The theme for the conference is “Healthy and Productive Ageing- The need of the hour”. It is an unique issue that spares none. The Gerontology Boom predicted in the near future calls for the involvement of the common man from all walks of life to provide expert care to this fragile, yet significant segment of the society.
“In the social sphere, population ageing influences family composition and living arrangements, housing demand, epidemiology and the need for healthcare services.”
Aim: The conference aims at equipping nurses and the common man from any walk of life to care for the elderly.
At the end of the conference, the participants will develop an overview regarding following aspects related to Gerontological care.
1. Concept and Process of ageing
2. Concept of hospital without walls
3. Issues and concerns in ageing
4. Health related problems in the elderly
5. Problems of older women
6. Medico-legal issues in geriatric care
Organisation like ILC –I (International Longevity Center – India) , Silver Inning Foundation (SIF) are collaborator ( as on 2nd July 2011).
If you want to participate, attend or sponsor the event please contact us at earliest.
Leelabai Thackersey College of Nursing
SNDT Women’s University
1, Nathibai Thackersey Road
New Marine Lines,
Mrs Shobha Gaikwad - Assistant Professor
(National Conference Secretary)
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