We Invite Nomination for A National Award for Exceptional Work for Age Care: UNV Karmaveer Chakra 2011 “Exceptional work for Senior Citizens”.
This award is Promoted by iCONGO “KARMAVEER PURASKAAR (KVP)” , VSO & Silver Inning Foundation , organisation working with Elderly. This year the Award will be given In Delhi / Goa on 26th or 27th November 2011.
Last Date for Applying: 30th Sep 2011.
Pls contact us for application form (you can also get application form from link below) and send your application duly signed by Email to silverinnings@gmail.com , you can also send application by courier if you don’t have email facility to : Silver Inning Foundation ,C/o. Sailesh Mishra ,ARENA III , Flat - 801/802, Poonam Garden , Mira Road -East,Mumbai.India – 401107 . Pls chk Terms & Condition before Applying in the form .
· Any Individual, person of Indian Origin of minimum age of 25yrs and above, who is working with/for Senior Citizens
· Currently working / current project in Age care, on date of nomination
· Worked on the project minimum 3 yrs OR Social Entrepreneur/ Innovator for Age care
Pls download Application form from here:
Terms & Condition:
• Employee and Family members/Relatives of iCONGO , Silver Innings and Silver Inning Foundation are not eligible
• Nomination age should be 25 yrs and above on date of application.
• The Nomination form will not be accepted until the all sub heads are completed.
• Self nomination allowed
• If any information found to be false in the nomination form , then the nomination will automatically get disqualified
• If the nominated person found to do any form of Elder Abuse , the nomination will get automatically disqualified
• Only final selected person for the Award will be informed and no communication will be made with other nomination application
• As this is Civil Society Initiative no reimburse or payment will be given for Travel , Accommodation & Lodging for attending this Event
• The Award will be given In Delhi/ Goa on 26th or 27th November 2011
• Awards shall not be given in absentia. However Awards in absentia may be considered at the discretion of the management, in case of any mishaps or unavoidable/ unforeseen circumstances due to which the awardees cannot be present. In case the management decides not to give away the award in absentia, after knowing the reasons for being unable to attend, then the management reserves the right to cancel the award or carry it forward to the next year. In case the award is given in absentia, a close family member or a colleague shall be present to receive the award and the awardee shall send in an acceptance speech on DVD or VCD format.
• The nominees have to abide all the Karmaveer guidelines( listed below and on Karmaveer website)
• The Decision of iCONGO & Silver Inning Foundation management will be Final
iCONGO Award Criteria & Guidelines
Award Criteria
The KARMAVEER Chakra is a coveted recognition for a chosen few, who have decided to ‘Be The Change’ that they want to see in this world. It is the National Medallion for proactive Voluntary Action to Be The Change. It shall be given to citizens who are proactive volunteers and work selflessly for a cause dear to their heart, not just by donating money but by being involved with the cause, understanding the issues and proactively advocating for the cause. The karmaveer Chakra is also given to citizens, including students, for their selfless FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT to improve systems and encourage good governance. This award is not instituted to promote any consumer brand and has a rich and empowering value based philosophy as it's foundation. The award is not given to just anyone and everyone, but to concerned citizens who have consistently proven that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness by doing whatever little or big they could for social justice through citizen action. Past awardees have gone ahead to win bigger awards and have also become global ambassadors/ advisers/ champions/fellows and leaders for international organizations.
The UNV Karmaveer Chakra will be given to those volunteers who have contributed their time with innovative ideas, freewill, commitment, active engagement and solidarity for socio-economic causes
Based on discussion and suggestions from various awardees, nominators and citizens, the UNV Karmaveer Chakra criteria for award winners is as given below:
• The award is open to Indian Nationals.
• Award will be strictly on merit- by recommendation, nomination and selection.
• Nominations can be sent by email or postal mail (online preferred and more desired than snail mail, unless not possible due to lack of access to net by an awardee)
• Any Form, received after the last day of Submission, will not be considered for selection. To accept forms post submission day, in case of delay due to unforeseen circumstances, shall be at the discretion of the management.
• The selection shall be done through a detailed Jury process, as decided by UNV and iCONGO. The decision of the management is final and binding.
• The awardees will be given a Chakra(medal) and a citation. The award does not involve any cash prize and any request for cash or monetary benefits by nominees or awardees shall not be entertained and the management reserves the right to reject any such nominations with immediate effect.
• The details of all the awardees will be put up unv http://www.undp.org.in/unv, www.righteverywrong.com, www.karmaveer.com, along with their citations.
• The awardees will be intimated one month before the awards function.
1. The Award Ceremony will be held in Delhi/ Goa. All Karmaveer nominees/ finalists awardees shall attend the awards ceremony and make their own travel arrangements and bear their own expenses. iCONGO shall only help all awardees to facilitate accommodation, if help is needed for planning their stay in Delhi/Goa.
2. All awardees shall have to be present through the entire awards ceremony and stay on till the end of the ceremony as a mark of respect and to show dignity towards other fellow awardees and noble laureates. If any person leaves after receiving their award, the management reserves the right to call back for the trophy and citation and cancel the award.
3. The awards shall be given in a set sequence or decided by the management for the ceremony. No requests to change the sequence or receive the award faster shall be entertained.
4. In case of any misconduct or unbecoming behavior by any awardee who has received a Karmaveer Chakra, the management reserves the right to cancel the award even in the future and the persons name shall be removed from all websites.
5. All awardees shall be required to write a few thoughts and speak on the theme of the RIGHT every WRONG conclave in the year of receiving the award.