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Monday, August 7, 2023

How to Connect with your Elders

We live in 21st century where Change is fast and constant, there is so much happening in our life and its difficult to keep the pace and take everyone along. New Development, urge to grow, explore new things and stay ahead from all; is not only taking toll on our mental and physical health but also on our relationship. In all this, fast 'vertical growth' of our life we unknowingly leave behind some and the gap between generations is growing. While we move ahead we forget basic ethics of life which can keep bond between families and humans intact. In this life journey our Elders at home and elders in our life suffer most and they live life in isolation and loneliness. Our Elder deserve Respect and they need us, they need youth to connect with them. Different generations coming together will not only help our human development and keep family together but it will also let our Elders know that we value them, we care for them, we respect them. 

Don't Leave Your Elders Behind 

With our Silver Innings experiences and wonderful article by 'Wits End Parenting and Hunter Rising' we have found out some basic ways, Tips; which will help you to start the conversation and connect to your Elders and these meaningful ways will help to build wonderful relationship with your elders. Our mission is to #LeaveNoOneBehind .

Tip 1 : Give them a Call, it can be either audio call or video call and message them when ever you have time. It might be not possible to visit them, but hearing your voice or seeing you, will make them feel good and they will appreciate it. 

Tip 2 : Whenever possible visit them it can be surprise visit. Plan a visit according to their daily routine, seeing you in person and that face to face chat will boost their well-being. 

Tip 3: Elders like when someone greets them, shake hand, giving hug or say Namaste. Talk to them in normal tone, talk slow and in simple language; remember happy face makes things better; communication is important for any relationship.  

 Tip 4: Elders love when we seek their Advice. They are rich source of experience, they have knowledge, they have lived the life of ups and down. You can seek their advice on job, relationship, happy life and issues you are not clear about, elder like to be heard  and let them know you appreciate their advice.  

Tip 5: Everyone of us has a story and our Elders have many stories to be told. They love to talk about their life, their job, their travel, their friendship, their family moments, their struggle; give them ears and they will love you.  

Tip 6: Elders like when you give them compliment and when you admire them; tell them that they have made good contribution to family, they have made positive contribution to you and people around.  Appreciate them. 

Tip 7: Find out if your Elder or some Elder you know is in difficulty, offer them Help, Ask them if they need help in medication, grocery, utility payments, activity of daily living; this will help them to feel that they are not alone.   

Tip 8: There is nothing in this world better then enjoying meal together; sitting down and having tea, coffee, snack or meal together is excellent way of  socializing and bonding.  Have a 'Meal Date' with Elder and make that small meal chat, its Friendship between generation.  

Tip 9: We all love Celebration, whether its festivals, match, win or our special days, birthdays. Celebrate these Special days with your elders, either at home, planned holiday or hotels. Let them know they are not Forgotten. 

Tip 10: Due to ageing, ours Elders have specific needs, it can be while sleeping, seating; make them comfortable, be gentle to them, understand them and ask them if they need anything.   

Tip 11: It is always better to make person independent and not be over protective, Elders will need space, let them do things till they can. Make things easier for them. 

Tip 12: If you don't have your home nearby or your elder staying near you, its nice to reach out to elders in community, society, elder home, nursing homes, assisted living, dementia home, adult day care. Visit once a week or when ever you have time and spending meaningful time with elders through activities, events, picnics, recreation, entertainment; will only add life to years of these elders.  

At Silver Innings since 2008 we are working towards creating Elder and Dementia Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.

Creative by Gayatri Patel - GGrafix360

Concept by #SilverInnings 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Intergenerational Benefits for Older Adults

Intergenerational Connections: Importance for Older Adults

As people age, they often find themselves disconnected from the younger generation, which can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and disconnection. However, studies have shown that intergenerational connections can have numerous benefits for older adults, including improved mental and physical health, increased social support, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life. In this essay, we will explore the importance of intergenerational connections for older adults and how they can benefit from these relationships.

The importance of intergenerational relationships for older adults cannot be overstated. Interacting with individuals from different generations can provide many benefits for older adults, including enhanced cognitive abilities, improved emotional well-being, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life. This essay will explore the various benefits of intergenerational relationships for older adults and provide examples of how older adults can engage with younger generations.

Firstly, intergenerational relationships can help older adults maintain cognitive function. Research shows that older adults who engage in intergenerational activities have better cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. This is because intergenerational interactions challenge older adults to think outside of their usual patterns and perspectives, which can stimulate their brains and enhance their cognitive abilities. For example, older adults who engage in activities with younger generations, such as playing games or solving puzzles together, can improve their cognitive abilities and prevent cognitive decline.

Secondly, intergenerational relationships can improve emotional well-being for older adults. Older adults often experience loneliness and social isolation, which can have negative effects on their mental health. However, intergenerational relationships can provide older adults with social support, companionship, and a sense of purpose. For example, older adults who volunteer with younger generations, such as mentoring or tutoring programs, can experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from helping others. Additionally, intergenerational relationships can provide older adults with opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge from younger generations, which can boost their confidence and self-esteem.

Thirdly, intergenerational relationships can give older adults a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Older adults may feel a loss of purpose or relevance as they age, especially if they have retired or experienced other life transitions. However, intergenerational relationships can provide older adults with a sense of purpose and a reason to keep learning and growing. For example, older adults who engage in intergenerational activities, such as teaching or mentoring younger generations, can feel valued and important. Additionally, intergenerational relationships can help older adults see the world from a different perspective and gain a deeper understanding of the needs and challenges of younger generations.

Intergenerational connections can improve the mental and physical health of older adults. Social isolation and loneliness have been linked to a range of negative health outcomes, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and cognitive decline. However, studies have shown that older adults who have regular interactions with younger people have better mental and physical health outcomes than those who do not. For example, a study conducted by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) found that older adults who participated in intergenerational programs had lower rates of depression, improved cognitive function, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

One more example of an intergenerational program that benefits older adults is the Experience Corps. This program pairs older adults with elementary school students, where they serve as tutors and mentors. The program has been shown to improve academic outcomes for students and enhance emotional well-being for older adults. Another example is the Foster Grandparent Program, which connects older adults with at-risk youth in their communities. Older adults serve as role models and provide emotional support for these children, which can improve their well-being and reduce behavioral problems.

Furthermore, intergenerational connections can provide older adults with increased social support, which can be particularly important for those who live alone or have limited social networks. Studies have shown that older adults who have regular contact with younger people report higher levels of social support, which can lead to greater feelings of happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction. Additionally, intergenerational relationships can provide older adults with opportunities to mentor and guide younger people, which can help them feel valued and respected within their communities.

Another benefit of intergenerational connections for older adults is the sense of purpose and meaning that comes from engaging with younger generations. Many older adults struggle with finding purpose and meaning in their lives after retirement, particularly if they feel disconnected from the larger community. However, intergenerational programs and relationships can provide older adults with opportunities to share their knowledge and experiences with younger people, which can give them a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Additionally, older adults who participate in intergenerational programs often report feeling more connected to their communities and more engaged in civic life.

There are many ways in which older adults can engage with younger generations to experience the benefits of intergenerational relationships. For example, older adults can volunteer with organizations that work with children or young adults, such as schools, libraries, or community centers. They can also participate in intergenerational programs, such as mentoring or tutoring programs, where they can share their knowledge and skills with younger generations. Additionally, older adults can engage in activities that bring together people of different ages, such as community service projects or cultural events.

Finally, intergenerational connections can help to break down age-based stereotypes and promote understanding between generations. In today's society, age-based stereotypes are often perpetuated by the media and other cultural institutions, which can lead to negative attitudes and beliefs about older adults. However, intergenerational relationships can help to challenge these stereotypes and promote greater understanding and respect between generations. When older adults interact with younger people, they can share their experiences and perspectives, which can help to break down stereotypes and foster greater empathy and understanding.

In conclusion, intergenerational connections are important for older adults because they can improve their mental and physical health, increase their social support networks, provide them with a sense of purpose and meaning in life, and promote understanding between generations. As the population ages, it is increasingly important to promote intergenerational connections and programs that bring together people of all ages. By doing so, we can help to create more vibrant and connected communities that benefit people of all ages and backgrounds.

Family Support for Older People

 Family systems are the foundation of our society. A family system consists of various individuals who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family systems vary from culture to culture, but their importance remains the same. The role of family in caring for older people has become increasingly important due to demographic changes and the growing aging population. This essay explores the family system and how it can help our older people.

PICTURE: https://sanalake.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Family-Roles-in-Addiction-Treatment-.jpg

The family system refers to the various roles, relationships, and interactions that exist between members of a family. Family systems are important as they provide a sense of belonging, emotional support, and security. They also serve as a source of socialization, education, and values transmission. Family systems can have a significant impact on the physical, mental, and emotional health of their members.

The Importance of Older People 

Older people are an essential part of our society. They have contributed to our communities, economy, and culture throughout their lives. However, as they age, they may experience physical, mental, and emotional challenges. These challenges can lead to social isolation, loneliness, and poor health outcomes. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that older people have access to the care, support, and resources they need to age with dignity and respect.

Family System and Older People

The family system can play a vital role in supporting older people. Family members can provide emotional support, practical assistance, and social interaction that can improve the quality of life for older people. Family systems can also help older people maintain their independence, dignity, and sense of self-worth.

Emotional Support

Emotional support is essential for older people as they age. Family members can provide emotional support by being there to listen, provide encouragement, and offer reassurance. This emotional support can help older people cope with the challenges of aging, such as chronic illness, loss of mobility, and social isolation.

Practical Assistance

Older people may need practical assistance with daily activities such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping. Family members can provide this assistance, which can help older people maintain their independence and quality of life. Practical assistance can also prevent older people from having to move into residential care or assisted living facilities, which can be expensive and may not provide the same level of comfort and support as the family home.

Social Interaction

Social interaction is vital for older people as it can help prevent social isolation and loneliness. Family members can provide social interaction by visiting, taking older people out, and involving them in family activities. Social interaction can improve the mental and emotional health of older people and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

Maintaining Independence

Maintaining independence is essential for older people as it can help them maintain their sense of self-worth and dignity. Family members can help older people maintain their independence by providing practical assistance, emotional support, and social interaction. This support can help older people stay in their homes for longer, which can have a significant impact on their quality of life.

Challenges in Family System Support

While the family system can provide significant support for older people, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. These challenges include:

Family Conflicts

Family conflicts can arise due to differences in opinions, expectations, and values. These conflicts can make it difficult to provide effective support for older people, and may even lead to neglect or abuse. It is essential to address family conflicts and find ways to resolve them to ensure that older people receive the support they need.

Caregiver Burnout

Family members who provide care for older people may experience caregiver burnout. This burnout can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression, which can impact the quality of care provided. It is essential to provide support and resources to family caregivers to prevent burnout and ensure that older people receive required care and love. 

Financial Strain

Providing support for older people can be expensive, especially if they have significant health or mobility issues. Family members may need to provide financial assistance, which can strain their own finances. It is essential to plan for the financial costs of supporting older family members to ensure that everyone is prepared for the financial strain.


Family members may live far away from each other, making it challenging to provide support for older family members. Distance can limit the amount of practical assistance and social interaction that family members can provide. It is essential to find ways to overcome the distance barrier, such as through regular phone or video calls, or by arranging visits when possible.

Limited Resources

Some families may not have the resources to provide adequate support for older family members. This may be due to financial constraints, health issues, or other challenges. It is essential to identify available resources and support services that can help families provide the necessary support for older family members.


In conclusion, family systems can play a vital role in supporting older people. Emotional support, practical assistance, social interaction, and maintaining independence are all crucial elements of the support that family members can provide. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as family conflicts, caregiver burnout, financial strain, distance, and limited resources. It is essential to find ways to overcome these challenges and provide the necessary support to ensure that older people age with dignity and respect. The family system remains an essential component of our society, and we must continue to value and support it in caring for our aging population.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Podcast: Understand Dementia

 Dementia is progressive brain disorder and we need to understand it in simple language to manage people with Dementia. Caregivers stress needs to be talked about. Know more about Tips and some solutions to counter Dementia and Alzheimer's. 


Listen to my podcast Understand Dementia: click at this link : https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ZNg4jPukNiycaWFcirUwf?si=B0OlODCRR6Cda0Cp2s8xeg 

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Monday, March 13, 2023

What is Ageing Process

 Ageing is a natural process that occurs in living organisms over time, characterized by a gradual decline in physiological function and an increased vulnerability to disease and death. It is a complex and multifactorial process influenced by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Image copyright: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jc4yK0zZ-cQ/maxresdefault.jpg

At the cellular level, ageing is associated with a range of changes including a decrease in cellular energy production, accumulation of damage to cellular components such as DNA, and altered gene expression. These changes can lead to a variety of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia.

While ageing is an inevitable part of life, there are things that individuals can do to promote healthy ageing, such as maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, reducing stress, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Researchers are also exploring various interventions and treatments aimed at slowing down or reversing the ageing process.

Ageing is the process of growing old or maturing, which involves a gradual decline in the functioning of various physiological systems in the body. This decline is a natural and inevitable part of the human life cycle and affects everyone as they grow older. Ageing can be characterized by changes in appearance, such as wrinkles and gray hair, as well as changes in physical and cognitive abilities. Some of the factors that contribute to ageing include genetic factors, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and other external factors. While ageing is a normal and expected part of the human life cycle, it can also increase the risk of certain health problems and chronic diseases.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Assisted living Home good option for Age care

Assisted living is a way of life that is suited to those who need assistance with the activities of daily living. It is a good option for older adults and specially person with dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson, who need assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking and meal preparation. They also need 24 hour monitoring of their health because of their age and the fact that they might have physical limitations.

Older adults can live in assisted living facilities if they have the ability to meet their personal needs and there are no concerns about their safety or welfare. If you are considering moving into an assisted living facility it is important to know what aspects of care you will receive there so you feel comfortable with your decision.

Assisted living facilities offer many types of services for its residents. Some offer full-time nursing staff who will help with daily activities such as bathing, dressing and cooking meals for the resident as well as providing companionship during times when they are alone. Other facilities may only offer part-time nurses who will come by every morning or afternoon to help with daily tasks such as preparing meals and cleaning rooms before residents return home at night.

Assisted living homes for older adults are the best option for those who need some help with their daily activities. It is a good option to stay in a home where your needs are taken care of and you have access to facilities that can help you live independently.

Assisted living has many benefits for older adults. They feel safe, secure and comfortable with the help of staff members who are trained professionals. As they get older, these people may have trouble performing certain tasks on their own such as taking a shower or doing laundry. The staff will be there to assist them in performing these tasks which makes them feel at ease.

There are other benefits of assisted living like 24/7 monitoring of health conditions and medication administration which is impossible when you are on your own at home or in nursing homes or hospitals. You will also receive around-the-clock care from trained nurses and caregivers who can help out with personal care, household activities such as shopping, cooking and cleaning among others so that you don't have to worry about anything when you go out or when you're away from home because someone else will be there for you should something happen while you're out.

As we get older, our muscles may weaken, making it more difficult for us to do things like walk up stairs or lift heavy objects. In addition, our bones become more brittle as we age, which can make it harder for us to stay active and healthy. It’s a fact of life that as we age, our ability to perform some of the activities we once did becomes limited and sometimes difficult. This is especially true when it comes to physical activity and exercise.

Silver Innings program 'A1Snehanjali' offers assisted living elder care home near Mumbai, it offers a wide range of holistic services and amenities so residents can live comfortably while still being able to maintain a high quality of life.

Email: silverinnings@gmail.com

Website: http://silverinnings.in/

#Silverinnings #A1Snehanjali #Oldage #ASSISTEDLIVING #Mumbai #Dementia #Eldercarehome #Elderhome 

Music and dance good for Senior Citizens

Why we started UMANG Senior Citizens Talent Show since 2008, our goal is not only to provide platform/ opportunity to showcase their hidden Talent but to also promote Active Ageing. ❤️

Music and dance have been linked to improved physical and mental health in older adults. Studies have shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. 

Participating in the arts, such as music and dance, has been shown to have positive effects on cognitive function, memory, self-esteem, and social interaction.

Research has also found that dance can have a positive impact on brain health, particularly when it involves learning complex patterns or movements .

Additionally, a one-week dance residency program has been developed to help older adults stay active and engaged.

Overall, music and dance can be beneficial for healthy and active aging. It can help to reduce stress, improve mental and physical health, and promote social interaction.

#SeniorCitizens #SeniorCitizen #SilverInnings #UMANG2023 

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