Geriatric care management is such a system that assists elder adults and their relatives to deal with age-related conditions. It is also called Elder Care. There are some other care system options available in the United States for elder people including helping living, nursing home, elder day care, elder societies, and old adult home care. The need of such care has been thrived because in United States 1 out of every 4 families requires this elder care system. As an emergent specialized care group, it consists of psychologists, social workers, female care givers, and human resources personnel. There no requirement of license, but the majority of such type of care keeps licenses certificates in social or nursing work fields and they also obtain graduate degrees in their particular fields. This purpose of this paper is to analyze the various books or articles on the geriatric care. And the sources I've used, designed for any person who is concerned with curing patients of this delima and getting its awareness, these resources persists to be the best detailed resources for medical solutions for the demanding geriatric population.
It provides various services for those older people who are living either in their families or spending their life alone. When any problem evolves then this type of care offer an opportunity for providing a large range of services whereas lessening the responsibility of family people both near and far away by calling up medical professional or mature child, frequently. Preliminary evaluations consist of both bodily and mental assessments with the introduction of a care plan recognized to make sure that it leftovers the older person in a harmless and relaxed environment.
Geriatric care's starting plan may map out the approaches for achieving the public resources, support with social community taxes, guidance services, recommendations and backing with legal matters, housing situation arrangements, responsibility and estate arrangement, crisis intervention, healthcare arrangement and synchronization, management with insurance claims meting out and interacting with family members. By performing as an arbitrator, and care team contestant, it can frequently complete the most complicated matters of all: compelling the older adult to agree to the assistance presence and required in future.
This care system provides the short term objectives plans and also assists in long term planning by charging the fees ranging from $90-140$ per hour. Whereas Medicare does not offer compensation for such facilities, but many long lasting health strategies will. A care plan is sketch out with treatment and care advices and will encompass a kind of adult services during the first conversation. It will sporadically revise and adjust the plan depend on the requirements of the customer from that position by depending on the time period of services. It also offer 24 hour care system to guarantee the patient is given sufficient care and assistance.
Geriatric care system may assists to your investigations for society resources and supervision arrangements if you are living in the families of United States who are sanctified with the. The geriatric care provides solutions for responsibilities of those people who are members of the family living in United States but they are living far from their parents or elder people. Furthermore even now, if you are an old person and you are planning for the future sovereignty then informed the geriatric care system now to initiating the work and planning that must assure your security and ease by living in the best achievable environment.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Useful / Important Links on Ageing
Silver Innings
A comprehensive and dedicated Website for Elderly. Providing need base service, networking and advocacy for Senior Citizens forms important aspect of Silver Innings. Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is a non-government organization with a membership base of NGOs, the corporate sector, academia, government and individuals.
They believe in ‘generating positive change for older people throughout the world by stimulating, collecting, analyzing and disseminating information on rights, policies and practices that improve quality of life of all persons as they age.’
UN programme on Ageing
The UN Programme on Ageing is part of the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).It is the focal point within the United Nations system on matters related to ageing. As the focal point, its primary action is to facilitate and promote the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, including designing guidelines for policy development and implementation; advocating means to mainstream ageing issues into development agendas; engaging in dialogue with civil society and the private sector; and information exchange.
Global Action on Aging
Global Action on Aging (GAA), a non-profit organization with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, was founded in 1994.
GAA carries out research on critical emerging topics and publishes the results on its website. GAA staff and interns research aging policy and programs, both in the US and worldwide: income support, health access, and human rights. Interns post their research daily to our website,, one of the largest in the aging field. GAA posts materials in all six UN official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. It monitors United Nation activity on aging through the "Aging Watch at the UN" web-section and documents the situation of older persons caught in armed conflict.
Helpage India
HelpAge India is secular, not-for-profit organization registered under the Societies' Registration Act of 1860. We were set up in 1978, and since then have been raising resources to protect the rights of India’s elderly and provide relief to them through various interventions.
A comprehensive and dedicated Website for Elderly. Providing need base service, networking and advocacy for Senior Citizens forms important aspect of Silver Innings. Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is a non-government organization with a membership base of NGOs, the corporate sector, academia, government and individuals.
They believe in ‘generating positive change for older people throughout the world by stimulating, collecting, analyzing and disseminating information on rights, policies and practices that improve quality of life of all persons as they age.’
UN programme on Ageing
The UN Programme on Ageing is part of the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).It is the focal point within the United Nations system on matters related to ageing. As the focal point, its primary action is to facilitate and promote the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, including designing guidelines for policy development and implementation; advocating means to mainstream ageing issues into development agendas; engaging in dialogue with civil society and the private sector; and information exchange.
Global Action on Aging
Global Action on Aging (GAA), a non-profit organization with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, was founded in 1994.
GAA carries out research on critical emerging topics and publishes the results on its website. GAA staff and interns research aging policy and programs, both in the US and worldwide: income support, health access, and human rights. Interns post their research daily to our website,, one of the largest in the aging field. GAA posts materials in all six UN official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. It monitors United Nation activity on aging through the "Aging Watch at the UN" web-section and documents the situation of older persons caught in armed conflict.
Helpage India
HelpAge India is secular, not-for-profit organization registered under the Societies' Registration Act of 1860. We were set up in 1978, and since then have been raising resources to protect the rights of India’s elderly and provide relief to them through various interventions.
Elder care,
Elder Home,
Elder Products,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
UK more reliant on care workers from India
Britain is increasingly reliant on foreign-born care workers -- particularly in London where six out of all care workers are now foreign-born, including from India, a study says.
Highlighting the key role played by foreign-born care workers, the Oxford-based Centre on Migration, Policy and Society predicts that there will need to be a further 3,000 foreign-born carers or a 2.5 per cent increase each year to 2030 to meet the demands of an ageing population.
According to the study, the proportion of foreign-born care workers overall has more than doubled over the last 10 years. Such workers care for the old and the infirm in old age homes and other nursing homes.
Nationally there are 120,000 foreign-born workers in care homes or home care -- nearly a fifth of all care workers looking after the elderly. Recent migrants playing this key role have originated from India, Poland, the Philippines, Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
In 2008, almost half of UK employers said they struggled to fill staff vacancies, citing low pay and conditions as the main reasons for the recruitment problem.
Even in a recession, the situation has not changed markedly, as although there have been an increase in job applications some UK applicants do not have the necessary skills or experience for working with older people.
By Prasun Sonwalkar in London in Business Standard
Highlighting the key role played by foreign-born care workers, the Oxford-based Centre on Migration, Policy and Society predicts that there will need to be a further 3,000 foreign-born carers or a 2.5 per cent increase each year to 2030 to meet the demands of an ageing population.
According to the study, the proportion of foreign-born care workers overall has more than doubled over the last 10 years. Such workers care for the old and the infirm in old age homes and other nursing homes.
Nationally there are 120,000 foreign-born workers in care homes or home care -- nearly a fifth of all care workers looking after the elderly. Recent migrants playing this key role have originated from India, Poland, the Philippines, Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
In 2008, almost half of UK employers said they struggled to fill staff vacancies, citing low pay and conditions as the main reasons for the recruitment problem.
Even in a recession, the situation has not changed markedly, as although there have been an increase in job applications some UK applicants do not have the necessary skills or experience for working with older people.
By Prasun Sonwalkar in London in Business Standard
Friday, June 26, 2009

Programme Report
13th June to 19th June 2009
Mumbai, India
Programme Report
13th June to 19th June 2009
Mumbai, India
On the occasion of 4th Global World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June, Silver Inning Foundation (SIF), A Dedicated organization for senior citizens and their family members commemorated World Elder Abuse Awareness Week from 13th June to 19th June 2009. It has taken the initiative to host various events to create awareness and sensitize the Government and the Civil Society to eliminate elder abuse at both micro and macro level. It also did networking with organizations working with elderly in Mumbai and all over India.
World over 15th June is marked as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by INPEA.INPEA is an organization, founded in 1997, which is dedicated to the global dissemination of information as part of its commitment to the world-wide prevention of the abuse of older people. The United Nations International Plan of Action adopted by all countries in Madrid, April 2002, clearly recognizes the importance of addressing and preventing abuse and neglect of older adults and puts it in the framework of the Universal Human Rights. INPEA is dedicated to supporting the plan of action.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Week programme aims to increase society's ability, through various programmes, to recognise and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Every person-no matter how young or how old- deserves to be safe from harm by those who live with them, care for them or come in day-to-day contact with them.
Every person-every man, women and child-deserves to be treated with respect and with caring.
• To create awareness in elderly people themselves regarding what comes under elder abuse.
• To sensitize young people regarding elder abuse and to bridge the intergenerational gap between elderly and young people.
• To create awareness in media and society at large regarding elder abuse.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Week 2009 Programme Detail:
1. Elder Abuse Awareness Week from 13th June to 19th June 2009
2. Essay Competition - Essay Competition on ELDER ABUSE was hosted by SIF, it invited an Essay of 1000 words on the topic of "Elder Abuse: Role of Civil Society and Government " from 15th May 2009 to 31st May. From all over the World 25 Essay were submitted including 2 entries from class 10th students of Deepalaya School, Kalkaji Extn N, Delhi. On 16th June A panel of judges including Dr.Apanra Lovekar slected Three Best Essays on Elder Abuse and they were published on net. Certificate will be given to best Ten participation.
Best 3 Essay are as following:
1. Dr. P.V. Vaidyanathan
2. Dr. P Vyasamoorthy
3. Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy
Following Best of 10 will get the Participation Certificate:
1. Dr. P.V. Vaidyanathan
2. Dr. P Vyasamoorthy
3. Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy
4. Mr.Subrahmanian S H
5. Mrs Kokila Mani
6. Mrs.Shobha Mathur
7. Ms.Ritu Priya Gurtoo
8. Mr.M.V.Ruparelia
9. Tannu Gurung
10.Jyoti Sharma
3. 13th June 2009 Intergeneration Programme of Poster Making ,Slogan Writing ,One Act Play and Presentation was held at 3pm at Apne Aap Women’s Collective ,Khetwadi, Mumbai (NGO working for Children’s of marginalized mothers).35 children’s and few Senior Citizens Participated in this unique two hour programme. Children’s also tied ‘Purple Security Band’ to Elders.
4. 14th June 2009 Interactive Talk by Amruta Lovekar and Sailesh Mishra on Elder Abuse was held at 10am Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Andheri East, Mumbai (This Sr.Ctz Association is part of FESOM- state body in Maharashtra).Around 200 Senior Citizens participated in this two hour programme.
5. 15th June 2009 Intergeneration programme , Song, Poem, One Act Play and Tying of “Purple Band of Security” to Senior Citizens was held at 7AM and 7.45 AM. Cosmopolitan School, Sheetal Nagar, Mira Road –East. 500 Students and 55 Senior Citizens and Grandparents participated in this Two hour programme.
6. 15th June 2009 Interactive Talk by Sailesh Mishra on ‘Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007 and Elder Laws’ and Tying of ‘Purple Security Band’ to Elders was held at 5pm AISCON(All India Senior Citizens' Confederation) , Nerul ,Navi Mumbai. 50 Senior citizens and few youngsters participated in this two hour programme.
7. 18th June 2009 Talk by Sailesh Mishra on "Elder Abuse: The Hidden Health Aspect" at 4pm at HELP Library –Nalanda ,Fort,Mumbai . 35 Senior Citizens participated in this two hour programme.
8. 19th June 2009 A Legal Advice cell for Elderly Women with regard to Matrimonial Issues was Launched in association with Majlis (NGO that provides litigation support and legal counseling to women).
9. Distribution of ELDER HELPLINE CARD: In all the above programme HELPLINE card were distributed which mentioned following Emergency Helpline Numbers:
Elder Help Line
Mumbai Police Elder Line: 1090 / 103
Dignity Foundation: 23898078
Shree Manav Seva Sangh: 24081487
Silver Inning Foundation: 987104233
Majlis for Elderly Women: 26661252 / 26662394
Women’s Helpline: 1298
This Programme was organized by Silver Inning Foundation and promoted/supported by INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Apne Aap women’s collective, Majlis, ARDSI Greater Mumbai, Cosmopolitan School and AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens Confederation).
We were also informed about various programmes held all over India for WEAAD 2009 by our following networking organisation:
Mumbai: Silver Inning Foundation -Sailesh Mishra, Founder President and ; 09987104233 – Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm. Website:
Navi Mumbai: AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens Confederation) ; – 9820639773 / 9820021224
Delhi -INPEA - Dr. Mala Kapur Shankardass - 09818138553
Bangalore - Nightingale Medical Trust - Dr.Radha or Mr.Premkumar Raja - ; - 080 - 41248448
Jaipur -Indian Gerontological Assocaition: Prof. K.L.Sharma -
“My World… Your World… Our World – Free of Elder Abuse”
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bingo 'can help stave off disability in old age'
Bingo to the old age! Yes, playing the popular card game and having an active social life in old age can help stave off disability and even death, a new study says.
Researchers have carried out the study and found that playing bingo and attending church regularly and even joining social organisations in the old age can significantly reduce one's chances of becoming disabled -- by almost two-thirds.
Even just chatting regularly with friends can slow down the rate of decline in motor function which comes as people grow older, the study found.
Dr Aron S Buchman of Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago who led the study, was quoted by leading British newspaper The Daily Telegraph as saying: "Decline in motor function is a familiar consequence of ageing.
"These data raise the possibility that social engagement can slow motor function decline and possibly delay adverse health outcomes from such decline. Further work is needed to ensure that this is a causal relationship."
In the study, the researchers looked at the decline in motor function of more than 96 elderly patients over a period of almost five years.
The findings, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal, have shown that staying active reduced the risk of developing a disability by 65 per cent and of death by 40 per cent.
The health benefits of an active social life remained even if elderly people had other serious medical conditions, the study also found.
Researchers have carried out the study and found that playing bingo and attending church regularly and even joining social organisations in the old age can significantly reduce one's chances of becoming disabled -- by almost two-thirds.
Even just chatting regularly with friends can slow down the rate of decline in motor function which comes as people grow older, the study found.
Dr Aron S Buchman of Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago who led the study, was quoted by leading British newspaper The Daily Telegraph as saying: "Decline in motor function is a familiar consequence of ageing.
"These data raise the possibility that social engagement can slow motor function decline and possibly delay adverse health outcomes from such decline. Further work is needed to ensure that this is a causal relationship."
In the study, the researchers looked at the decline in motor function of more than 96 elderly patients over a period of almost five years.
The findings, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal, have shown that staying active reduced the risk of developing a disability by 65 per cent and of death by 40 per cent.
The health benefits of an active social life remained even if elderly people had other serious medical conditions, the study also found.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Age a real barrier to future strength in Australia
NOT since World War II have governments borrowed so much money to prop up crippled public balance sheets. Now, age shall indeed weary us.
And the years are likely to condemn.At least if we don't act now.
According to recent figures from the International Monetary Fund, the borrowings of advanced economies are likely to exceed, on average, total gross domestic product in the next few years.
For Australia, this would equate to borrowing well over $1 trillion to prop up public finances.
Thankfully here we're not doing anything like that.
But in the US, gross debt in 2014 is expected to be some 107 per cent of GDP. Japan comes in at an impressive 234 per cent.
By comparison, Australia's projected borrowings are a relatively modest 16 per cent of GDP, which is still a pretty high level.
All of this is incurred to counter the effects of the global financial crisis.
It will take many years to pay off and there are growing fears that some countries may try to inflate their way out of the problem. This means that some nations embark on a regime of relatively high inflation and other more unorthodox measures such as quantitative easing (printing money). This reduces the value of currency which means the debt you owe is less.
But all this focus on recovering from our current debt burden neglects a much larger structural problem when it comes to advanced economies. And that is our ageing population.
The IMF estimates that the cost of catering for an ageing population in decades to come is likely to be 10 times the cost of mopping up the current economic mess.
This is the structural problem that the government partially acknowledged when it moved to raise the pension age to 67 in the Budget. And it dwarfs the challenges of the economic downturn.
The only way it can be addressed is through wholesale tax reform in areas such as superannuation and a massive reprioritisation of expenditure.
Under the structure we have now, an ever decreasing proportion of the population will be funding the needs of the elderly.
Give it a decade or two and it will be people like me who are causing the Global Aged Crisis.
And the years are likely to condemn.At least if we don't act now.
According to recent figures from the International Monetary Fund, the borrowings of advanced economies are likely to exceed, on average, total gross domestic product in the next few years.
For Australia, this would equate to borrowing well over $1 trillion to prop up public finances.
Thankfully here we're not doing anything like that.
But in the US, gross debt in 2014 is expected to be some 107 per cent of GDP. Japan comes in at an impressive 234 per cent.
By comparison, Australia's projected borrowings are a relatively modest 16 per cent of GDP, which is still a pretty high level.
All of this is incurred to counter the effects of the global financial crisis.
It will take many years to pay off and there are growing fears that some countries may try to inflate their way out of the problem. This means that some nations embark on a regime of relatively high inflation and other more unorthodox measures such as quantitative easing (printing money). This reduces the value of currency which means the debt you owe is less.
But all this focus on recovering from our current debt burden neglects a much larger structural problem when it comes to advanced economies. And that is our ageing population.
The IMF estimates that the cost of catering for an ageing population in decades to come is likely to be 10 times the cost of mopping up the current economic mess.
This is the structural problem that the government partially acknowledged when it moved to raise the pension age to 67 in the Budget. And it dwarfs the challenges of the economic downturn.
The only way it can be addressed is through wholesale tax reform in areas such as superannuation and a massive reprioritisation of expenditure.
Under the structure we have now, an ever decreasing proportion of the population will be funding the needs of the elderly.
Give it a decade or two and it will be people like me who are causing the Global Aged Crisis.
Elder care,
Elder Home,
Reverse Mortgage,
Saturday, June 20, 2009
People with Alzheimer’s ‘Treated no Better than in Victorian Times’
People with Alzheimer’s are languishing in care homes and being given excessive drugs in treatment programmes reminiscent of the Victorian approach to mental illness, a leading researcher claims.
John Zeisel, a sociologist specialising in neuroscience, said the way that sufferers of the disease were cared for in Britain required an overhaul. There needed to be greater emphasis on activities to stimulate engagement and improve language skills, such as day trips to the seaside, painting and community activities.
“There needs to be far more non-pharmacological treatment that must be built on people’s capacity — building on the skills that are left, not just trying to fix the functions that people have been robbed of,” he told The Times. “Otherwise, we leave people to languish in settings that do nothing for them, have no meaning, and they just wilt away.”
Describing the approach to Alzheimer’s as woefully outdated, Dr Zeisel said that it could be compared to the way that epilepsy or autism was viewed in the 19th century. “People with Alzheimer’s should not be continually confined to their homes, to hospitals or to care homes.”
Dr Zeisel, who spoke yesterday at The Times Cheltenham Science Festival , said that there was far too great a reliance on drugs in treatment. He said that use of visits to art galleries or theatres in the US had shown a marked effect on reducing anxiety and aggression in patients and improving engagement and language skills.
Dr Zeisel is president of Hearthstone Alzheimer Care, which has seven care homes in the New York and Boston areas. He was speaking with the psychiatrist Simon Lovestone and Pat Boyes, who cared for her husband Roland, who was the Labour MP for Houghton and Washington. He died in 2006, 11 years after Alzheimer’s disease had been diagnosed. Mrs Boyes said: “It was a no-hoper but I was married to him for 49 years and he needed looking after. We took on one hurdle after the next. I wanted to keep him safe.”
There are 700,000 people living with dementia in Britain, with the number expected to double within a generation.
A report for the Alzheimer’s Society, published today, suggests that concern about the overreliance on anti-psychotic drugs in dementia care is well founded. About 20 per cent of all prescriptions for dementia in the year to last October were for anti-psychotic drugs.
The report, conducted by the IMS healthcare consultancy and published today in GP magazine, found that prescribing varied across England, with 21 per cent of dementia patients in the North West receiving the drugs, compared with 14 per cent of those in the South West.
A spokesman for the Department of Health said that as part of its dementia strategy it wanted to see better training for GPs in diagnosing the condition, and the creation of dementia advisers to help families to obtain the right care for sufferers. “It is always our goal to allow people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, but where residential care is needed, some homes provide excellent care and stimulation for people. We want to see this become the norm.”
John Zeisel, a sociologist specialising in neuroscience, said the way that sufferers of the disease were cared for in Britain required an overhaul. There needed to be greater emphasis on activities to stimulate engagement and improve language skills, such as day trips to the seaside, painting and community activities.
“There needs to be far more non-pharmacological treatment that must be built on people’s capacity — building on the skills that are left, not just trying to fix the functions that people have been robbed of,” he told The Times. “Otherwise, we leave people to languish in settings that do nothing for them, have no meaning, and they just wilt away.”
Describing the approach to Alzheimer’s as woefully outdated, Dr Zeisel said that it could be compared to the way that epilepsy or autism was viewed in the 19th century. “People with Alzheimer’s should not be continually confined to their homes, to hospitals or to care homes.”
Dr Zeisel, who spoke yesterday at The Times Cheltenham Science Festival , said that there was far too great a reliance on drugs in treatment. He said that use of visits to art galleries or theatres in the US had shown a marked effect on reducing anxiety and aggression in patients and improving engagement and language skills.
Dr Zeisel is president of Hearthstone Alzheimer Care, which has seven care homes in the New York and Boston areas. He was speaking with the psychiatrist Simon Lovestone and Pat Boyes, who cared for her husband Roland, who was the Labour MP for Houghton and Washington. He died in 2006, 11 years after Alzheimer’s disease had been diagnosed. Mrs Boyes said: “It was a no-hoper but I was married to him for 49 years and he needed looking after. We took on one hurdle after the next. I wanted to keep him safe.”
There are 700,000 people living with dementia in Britain, with the number expected to double within a generation.
A report for the Alzheimer’s Society, published today, suggests that concern about the overreliance on anti-psychotic drugs in dementia care is well founded. About 20 per cent of all prescriptions for dementia in the year to last October were for anti-psychotic drugs.
The report, conducted by the IMS healthcare consultancy and published today in GP magazine, found that prescribing varied across England, with 21 per cent of dementia patients in the North West receiving the drugs, compared with 14 per cent of those in the South West.
A spokesman for the Department of Health said that as part of its dementia strategy it wanted to see better training for GPs in diagnosing the condition, and the creation of dementia advisers to help families to obtain the right care for sufferers. “It is always our goal to allow people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, but where residential care is needed, some homes provide excellent care and stimulation for people. We want to see this become the norm.”
Friday, June 19, 2009
Majlis Legal Helpline for Elderly Women launched in Mumbai
On this occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Week 13th June to 19th June 2009, Silver Inning Foundation in association with Majlis is pleased to offer - Legal Advice Helpline to Elderly Women with regard to Matrimonial Issues.
Majlis is located at Santacruz (East), Mumbai and you can call 022- 26661252 / 26662394 to fix an appointment
About Majlis:
Majlis (which means association) is a public trust and NGO. We are a team of
lawyers working in the field of women’s rights and legal initiatives for the last 18 years. Majlis provides litigation support and legal counselling to women in distress through our outreach programmes at the community level. In addition we evolve strategies and engage in policy level interventions to better defend women’s rights.
About Silver Inning Foundation:
Silver Inning Foundation is registered NGO dedicated for Senior Citizens and their family. It is part of Silver Innings a Social Entrepreneur organisation which also hosts a comprehensive and dedicated Website for Elderly. Providing need base service, networking and advocacy for Senior Citizens forms important aspect of Silver Innings. Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
Mumbai Elder Helpline(code - 022):
Mumbai Police Elder Line: 1090 / 103
Dignity Foundation: 23898078
Shree Manav Seva Sangh: 24081487
Silver Inning Foundation: 987104233
Majlis Legal (Matrimonial issue) Helpline for Elderly Women:26661252 /26662394
“My World… Your World… Our World – Free of Elder Abuse”
This year WEAAD 2009 Programme in Mumbai was organized by Silver Inning Foundation and promoted/supported by INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Apne Aap Women's Collective, ARDSI Greater Mumbai ,Cosmopolitan School,Majlis and AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens' Confederation).
Date: 19th June 2009
Majlis is located at Santacruz (East), Mumbai and you can call 022- 26661252 / 26662394 to fix an appointment
About Majlis:
Majlis (which means association) is a public trust and NGO. We are a team of
lawyers working in the field of women’s rights and legal initiatives for the last 18 years. Majlis provides litigation support and legal counselling to women in distress through our outreach programmes at the community level. In addition we evolve strategies and engage in policy level interventions to better defend women’s rights.
About Silver Inning Foundation:
Silver Inning Foundation is registered NGO dedicated for Senior Citizens and their family. It is part of Silver Innings a Social Entrepreneur organisation which also hosts a comprehensive and dedicated Website for Elderly. Providing need base service, networking and advocacy for Senior Citizens forms important aspect of Silver Innings. Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
Mumbai Elder Helpline(code - 022):
Mumbai Police Elder Line: 1090 / 103
Dignity Foundation: 23898078
Shree Manav Seva Sangh: 24081487
Silver Inning Foundation: 987104233
Majlis Legal (Matrimonial issue) Helpline for Elderly Women:26661252 /26662394
“My World… Your World… Our World – Free of Elder Abuse”
This year WEAAD 2009 Programme in Mumbai was organized by Silver Inning Foundation and promoted/supported by INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Apne Aap Women's Collective, ARDSI Greater Mumbai ,Cosmopolitan School,Majlis and AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens' Confederation).
Date: 19th June 2009
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
Forgiveness: Can Caregivers Move Past Elder’s Bad Behavior?
Every caregiver has a family history. Some of that history may be unpleasant, disappointing or even abusive. Neglect, abuse and addiction leave lasting scars. Moving beyond the past is never easy. But what happens when someone in your family becomes ill or incapacitated and you are called upon to care for them? What is your responsibility, based on their past treatment of you? How do you take care of your parents or spouse when they didn't take good care of you – and in fact may done have you harm?
Many caregivers struggle with the huge responsibility when it is suddenly – and usually unexpectedly – thrust upon them. They are in a quandary, because they know society thinks they should care for their parents or spouse. Some of them have religious issues about “honoring their parents,” no matter what. However, many feel that they just cannot give the emotional and physical care their family member needs.
If you are caring for an elderly family member, but feeling resentment and anger about their past actions, remember, healing can happen when emotionally destroyed families find a way to forgive. If you would like to let go of anger and forgive, but are stumped with the question of how to forgive, here are tips that might help.
Focus on today
Study after study shows that one of the keys to longevity and good health is to develop a habit of gratitude and let go of past hurts. To be a mindful and effective caregiver, focus on today. You can forgive, without forgetting. Don’t waste your energy and spirit on events that cannot be changed. It is unhealthy and counter-productive. Make it a goal to stop judging family members for past behavior, and extend forgiveness for failings.
Build a new relationship
We’ve all heard stories of estranged families who reunite years later, forgive the past and go on to have healthy and fulfilling relationships for the rest of their lives. Parents or spouses may not change, but future family dynamics still can. You can do your part to forge a new, different and better relationship with your family member. To break the cycle of your childhood experience, let go of whatever neglect and inattention suffered, and begin a new era in your family's history. Forging a new family dynamic can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It’s not easy, but the end result is worth it.
Understand they have flawed pasts, too
Try to be aware that your parents or your spouse were raised by imperfect parents. They often did all they knew how to do. That doesn’t make abuse or neglect right. It doesn’t make any of it okay. But understanding that they are human beings with flawed pasts – they were likely abused as children, themselves – may help you care for them, and appreciate them while you still have time.
Accept the circumstances
Don’t waste precious energy wishing things were different. Dramatizing or pretending only makes the situation worse. Believe in your own strength and grace. Once you’ve decided to take the role of caregiver, accept it and do the best you can with the situation. Live your life knowing that you are doing the very best for your loved one and for yourself.
Stay positive
You can’t control the past, but you can control your attitude. You have a choice every day regarding the attitude you will embrace. You cannot change the fact that people have…or will…act in a certain way. The only thing you can do is play on the one string you have, and that is your attitude. Even though it’s hard, you can choose to be a “glass half full” person. With the right attitude, you control your destiny and happiness, rather them being driven by outside factors.
Seek counseling
If you’re still having difficulty knowing how to forgive someone who’s wronged you in a significant way, you may have better success working with a therapist who can help you work through your feelings on a deeper level and personally support you through the process. Talking out your past with a trained counselor can be helpful. It can teach you the coping techniques to help you understand (but not condone) your loved one’s actions, get you over the hump of resentment and help you move forward.
Bring in outside help
If you simply cannot find it in your heart to care for a family member who has hurt you, that’s OK. Make the decision, accept it and move on. Don’t judge or condemn yourself. You can still ensure your family member is well-cared for, without providing the hands-on day-to-day care yourself. Home health care and assisted living facilities can ensure your family member has a good quality of life.
On the AgingCare community, we see stories every day about elders who verbally and sometimes physically, abuse their caregivers. Yet, these dedicated individuals continue to provide care. The bottom line is: You cannot change, or control your elderly's parent's behavior. But you can control your own.
Do your best to forgive, if not forget, then let go and lighten your load. A grudge can be a heavy weight to bear. All you can is your best. Try to live each day to fullest, with love, gratitude and forgiveness.
Many caregivers struggle with the huge responsibility when it is suddenly – and usually unexpectedly – thrust upon them. They are in a quandary, because they know society thinks they should care for their parents or spouse. Some of them have religious issues about “honoring their parents,” no matter what. However, many feel that they just cannot give the emotional and physical care their family member needs.
If you are caring for an elderly family member, but feeling resentment and anger about their past actions, remember, healing can happen when emotionally destroyed families find a way to forgive. If you would like to let go of anger and forgive, but are stumped with the question of how to forgive, here are tips that might help.
Focus on today
Study after study shows that one of the keys to longevity and good health is to develop a habit of gratitude and let go of past hurts. To be a mindful and effective caregiver, focus on today. You can forgive, without forgetting. Don’t waste your energy and spirit on events that cannot be changed. It is unhealthy and counter-productive. Make it a goal to stop judging family members for past behavior, and extend forgiveness for failings.
Build a new relationship
We’ve all heard stories of estranged families who reunite years later, forgive the past and go on to have healthy and fulfilling relationships for the rest of their lives. Parents or spouses may not change, but future family dynamics still can. You can do your part to forge a new, different and better relationship with your family member. To break the cycle of your childhood experience, let go of whatever neglect and inattention suffered, and begin a new era in your family's history. Forging a new family dynamic can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It’s not easy, but the end result is worth it.
Understand they have flawed pasts, too
Try to be aware that your parents or your spouse were raised by imperfect parents. They often did all they knew how to do. That doesn’t make abuse or neglect right. It doesn’t make any of it okay. But understanding that they are human beings with flawed pasts – they were likely abused as children, themselves – may help you care for them, and appreciate them while you still have time.
Accept the circumstances
Don’t waste precious energy wishing things were different. Dramatizing or pretending only makes the situation worse. Believe in your own strength and grace. Once you’ve decided to take the role of caregiver, accept it and do the best you can with the situation. Live your life knowing that you are doing the very best for your loved one and for yourself.
Stay positive
You can’t control the past, but you can control your attitude. You have a choice every day regarding the attitude you will embrace. You cannot change the fact that people have…or will…act in a certain way. The only thing you can do is play on the one string you have, and that is your attitude. Even though it’s hard, you can choose to be a “glass half full” person. With the right attitude, you control your destiny and happiness, rather them being driven by outside factors.
Seek counseling
If you’re still having difficulty knowing how to forgive someone who’s wronged you in a significant way, you may have better success working with a therapist who can help you work through your feelings on a deeper level and personally support you through the process. Talking out your past with a trained counselor can be helpful. It can teach you the coping techniques to help you understand (but not condone) your loved one’s actions, get you over the hump of resentment and help you move forward.
Bring in outside help
If you simply cannot find it in your heart to care for a family member who has hurt you, that’s OK. Make the decision, accept it and move on. Don’t judge or condemn yourself. You can still ensure your family member is well-cared for, without providing the hands-on day-to-day care yourself. Home health care and assisted living facilities can ensure your family member has a good quality of life.
On the AgingCare community, we see stories every day about elders who verbally and sometimes physically, abuse their caregivers. Yet, these dedicated individuals continue to provide care. The bottom line is: You cannot change, or control your elderly's parent's behavior. But you can control your own.
Do your best to forgive, if not forget, then let go and lighten your load. A grudge can be a heavy weight to bear. All you can is your best. Try to live each day to fullest, with love, gratitude and forgiveness.
How to Communicate When Your Elderly Parent Can No Longer Speak
A video I recently stumbled upon remains vivid in my mind. An elderly couple who had spent a lifetime devoted to one another was coping with the wife’s Alzheimer’s disease. At this point, the wife was in a nursing home. She was unhappy, aggressive and even combative with the staff. No one knew what to do with her.
On instinct, the husband decided he would do what he’d always done. He climbed into her bed with her and held her. He cuddled with her. He stroked her face and told her he loved her. He spent hours just snuggling and holding her.
Slowly, the wife responded. This once angry, difficult woman became easy for the staff to handle. She was, once again, friendly, cooperative and generally happy.
This particular story was recent, riveting and poignant. However, human touch has long been known to sooth a being who cannot communicate. Babies who live in orphanages where they are not held and cuddled often die. That need for human touch never goes away.
Many of us are coping with elders who can no longer communicate. Whether from a stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or for some other reason, they have lost their ability to talk or seemingly respond in any manner to their loved one’s efforts to communicate.
Caregivers want to communicate with them, but when they visit their elder and see them in this non-responsive mode, they tend to sit there uncomfortably watching the clock – putting in time, so to speak. There’s a feeling, for many of, “what’s the use?”
It’s said that hearing is the last sense to go. I feel, just from what I’ve seen and read, that the sense of touch is right up there with hearing. Between the two, it’s amazing what a caring person can do to help someone who seems lost to them.
We need to remember that someone who cannot talk is very vulnerable. She can’t say what feels good or what she doesn’t like. So, if you are using touch as a means to communicate, you need to be very tuned in to body language. The same goes for providing communication through hearing. Many times the two are connected. Watch the person’s body language carefully to see what you should continue, or what you should change.
If you are providing any type of hands-on care for a person in this condition, speak soothingly and continuously, about what you are doing. Say things like, “I’m going to rub lotion on your arm now. Does that feel good?” or “I’m going to brush your hair now. It will really look nice.”
If you are not providing necessary physical care, you can still do pleasant touch therapy, such as lotion or massage oil on the arms and legs, saying, “I’m putting some nice warm oil on your arm now. Does that feel good?” Just keep the talk soothing and the touch light. Make sure any ointment you use is warm, but not hot. Think of what you would like if the situation were reversed.
If you are mainly there to converse, or if your elder doesn’t seem to like too much touching, honor that. Perhaps you could hold his hand while you talk about familiar things such as family or events he would remember with pleasure. Gently hold his hand and perhaps lightly place your other hand on top. The idea is to connect in a pleasurable way.
Music and Reading Help Caregivers Communicate With Mute Seniors
Music, if it’s the kind your elder likes, can be healing and powerful. I kept a CD player in my dad’s room. He loved big band music. I kept him supplied with new CDs that were easy to find online. He loved the music on his better days. He even would “direct” the orchestra, much to the puzzlement of strangers walking by his room and loving amusement of the nursing home staff. On days when he couldn’t respond, music would still play as he lay there. It seemed to help him relax.
Some people enjoy being read to. You could find your dad’s favorite books and read chapter by chapter, depending on his level of enjoyment. If he loves the Bible, you could read his favorite verses. Whether or not he comprehends isn’t all that important. Does he seem content? Maybe the sound of your voice is all that matters.
Contentment is what we are looking for here. Never forget how vulnerable this person is and that it is your responsibility to monitor the person’s body language. Chances are you’ll find that you have some memorable moments with your elder if you put your mind to it. Careful, light massage with a pleasing lotion or oil, holding a hand, reading, singing, playing music, praying aloud – all of these things will add quality to your visit. It definitely beats sitting there watching the clock and wondering if you are just wasting your time with the visit.
by Carol Bradley Bursack
On instinct, the husband decided he would do what he’d always done. He climbed into her bed with her and held her. He cuddled with her. He stroked her face and told her he loved her. He spent hours just snuggling and holding her.
Slowly, the wife responded. This once angry, difficult woman became easy for the staff to handle. She was, once again, friendly, cooperative and generally happy.
This particular story was recent, riveting and poignant. However, human touch has long been known to sooth a being who cannot communicate. Babies who live in orphanages where they are not held and cuddled often die. That need for human touch never goes away.
Many of us are coping with elders who can no longer communicate. Whether from a stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or for some other reason, they have lost their ability to talk or seemingly respond in any manner to their loved one’s efforts to communicate.
Caregivers want to communicate with them, but when they visit their elder and see them in this non-responsive mode, they tend to sit there uncomfortably watching the clock – putting in time, so to speak. There’s a feeling, for many of, “what’s the use?”
It’s said that hearing is the last sense to go. I feel, just from what I’ve seen and read, that the sense of touch is right up there with hearing. Between the two, it’s amazing what a caring person can do to help someone who seems lost to them.
We need to remember that someone who cannot talk is very vulnerable. She can’t say what feels good or what she doesn’t like. So, if you are using touch as a means to communicate, you need to be very tuned in to body language. The same goes for providing communication through hearing. Many times the two are connected. Watch the person’s body language carefully to see what you should continue, or what you should change.
If you are providing any type of hands-on care for a person in this condition, speak soothingly and continuously, about what you are doing. Say things like, “I’m going to rub lotion on your arm now. Does that feel good?” or “I’m going to brush your hair now. It will really look nice.”
If you are not providing necessary physical care, you can still do pleasant touch therapy, such as lotion or massage oil on the arms and legs, saying, “I’m putting some nice warm oil on your arm now. Does that feel good?” Just keep the talk soothing and the touch light. Make sure any ointment you use is warm, but not hot. Think of what you would like if the situation were reversed.
If you are mainly there to converse, or if your elder doesn’t seem to like too much touching, honor that. Perhaps you could hold his hand while you talk about familiar things such as family or events he would remember with pleasure. Gently hold his hand and perhaps lightly place your other hand on top. The idea is to connect in a pleasurable way.
Music and Reading Help Caregivers Communicate With Mute Seniors
Music, if it’s the kind your elder likes, can be healing and powerful. I kept a CD player in my dad’s room. He loved big band music. I kept him supplied with new CDs that were easy to find online. He loved the music on his better days. He even would “direct” the orchestra, much to the puzzlement of strangers walking by his room and loving amusement of the nursing home staff. On days when he couldn’t respond, music would still play as he lay there. It seemed to help him relax.
Some people enjoy being read to. You could find your dad’s favorite books and read chapter by chapter, depending on his level of enjoyment. If he loves the Bible, you could read his favorite verses. Whether or not he comprehends isn’t all that important. Does he seem content? Maybe the sound of your voice is all that matters.
Contentment is what we are looking for here. Never forget how vulnerable this person is and that it is your responsibility to monitor the person’s body language. Chances are you’ll find that you have some memorable moments with your elder if you put your mind to it. Careful, light massage with a pleasing lotion or oil, holding a hand, reading, singing, playing music, praying aloud – all of these things will add quality to your visit. It definitely beats sitting there watching the clock and wondering if you are just wasting your time with the visit.
by Carol Bradley Bursack
Recreational Activities For The Elderly
Old age is often referred to as the 'second childhood'. During old age, most of the people tend to behave like a small child, becoming stubborn and not listening to what others say. This might be because of the fact that majority of the people incur the problem of brain shrinkage, as they grow older. Therefore, you need to give the senior citizens special care and attention and treat them just like your little ones. Keeping them busy in recreational activities is a good idea, to fill the void that comes along with retirement and old age. With the article, you will know the best recreational activities for the elderly.
Recreational Activity Ideas For Senior Citizens
- Enroll the person in a club that organizes activities involving the active participation of volunteers. If the club organizes rehab and health camps, hobby classes or competitions, it will be the best option for the elderly person, who wants to pass his free time in a productive way.
- A fun way to keep a senior citizen busy for the maximum time is to arrange arts and crafts competitions. If your residential association organizes cultural activities and day trips, be sure to get the elderly person to take part in them. It will definitely rejuvenate his/her spirit.
- Dedicated volunteering in schools, colleges and local community centers can help the senior citizens attain self-satisfaction that they have rendered service during the post-retirement period, without sitting idle.
- To kill the boredom, arrange easy and fun games for the elderly person, when you are spending time with him/her. This could be as simple as the good old 'passing the parcel' game. Ask the little ones in your family, to play with their grandpa/grandma for sometime.
- If an elderly person has inclination towards some kind of activity, be sure to address it. For instance, if he/she is interested in taking photographs, provide him/her with a camera. Take him/her to the places where he/she can click nice pictures.
- Reading books is something that the majority of senior citizens like to do, after retirement. Purchase some books for them. You may present a library membership to them as well, so that they get the supply of their favorite books all through the year.
- Fishing is a great stress buster. Accompany your elderly family members for fishing. It will be a nice way to spend a laid-back holiday, having fun with them.
- Give food to their brain - organize mental exercises, like puzzles, for the senior citizens. You can also get some printed brain teasers, like sudoku and crossword puzzles.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Insurance relief for the elderly
Medical insurance is a vital part of overall financial planning. This provides protection for any large expense incurred for healthcare.
Every person should have some sort of medical insurance but it is important that senior citizens have this kind of cover at all times. The cost of taking this cover is also important; it has to be paid by the individual and should be affordable.
Most people look at the premium to be paid and consider this the cost, but there is something additional to be looked at. There is some recent good news for senior citizens on the financial costs of taking health insurance policies; this can be reduced in several cases.
Hence, fulfilling the conditions becomes important.
There are various expenses in the process of taking health insurance. The most obvious is the actual premium to be paid for getting the required amount of cover.
In addition, there are expenses related to taking the insurance policy and will involve fulfilment of several conditions related to the policy -- getting necessary certificates, complete medical tests, etc.
The main item in this area is the medical tests conducted while taking the policy. If you are a healthy person who already has medical insurance cover and are young, then there is no need for such tests.
But for senior citizens there is no way out; they have to undergo several tests. This is essential to ensure coverage by the necessary policy and these tests will also bring out any health-related problems, if present.
If the tests are done at a medical institute where the insurance company directly pays the amount, then there is no problem. But this is not the case in several circumstances and usually the individual has to go and get the tests done from specified doctors and pay the cost of examinations. This amount can be significant, as the costs for several tests are high.
If this becomes an extra burden, then this will have to be factored into the financial calculations.
However, there is now some relief on this front as the regulator, The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority, has come out with specific guidelines for senior citizens' health insurance. This has several points related to the question of ensuring control over the loading of premium and the coverage available (till at least age 65).
On the expenses by the individual on the medical tests done before taking the insurance policy, there will now be an element of relief. Such tests are known as pre-insurance medical examination.
The regulator has asked the general insurance companies to ensure reimbursement of at least half of such expenses for those taking it. Further, insurance companies also have to empanel government medical institutions whose reports will be accepted.
Fine print
While looking at this entire issue, two points are important to understand who will actually get the benefit.
The first is that this will be beneficial mainly for senior citizens. If you are young, there might not be any need for pre-medical examination and in that case, the question of claiming any benefit does not arise.
The empanelment of government institutions can also mean a reduction in the cost incurred and this will also be a saving for the individual. However, there is a catch, because the reimbursement will be available only when the risk is accepted. That is, if the insurance company refuses to cover you, then the cost will have to be paid from your pocket and you will still be without cover, a double hit.
The second point is that this is applicable only after July 1, for all policies taken or renewed after this date.
By Arnav Pandya,Mumbai
Every person should have some sort of medical insurance but it is important that senior citizens have this kind of cover at all times. The cost of taking this cover is also important; it has to be paid by the individual and should be affordable.
Most people look at the premium to be paid and consider this the cost, but there is something additional to be looked at. There is some recent good news for senior citizens on the financial costs of taking health insurance policies; this can be reduced in several cases.
Hence, fulfilling the conditions becomes important.
There are various expenses in the process of taking health insurance. The most obvious is the actual premium to be paid for getting the required amount of cover.
In addition, there are expenses related to taking the insurance policy and will involve fulfilment of several conditions related to the policy -- getting necessary certificates, complete medical tests, etc.
The main item in this area is the medical tests conducted while taking the policy. If you are a healthy person who already has medical insurance cover and are young, then there is no need for such tests.
But for senior citizens there is no way out; they have to undergo several tests. This is essential to ensure coverage by the necessary policy and these tests will also bring out any health-related problems, if present.
If the tests are done at a medical institute where the insurance company directly pays the amount, then there is no problem. But this is not the case in several circumstances and usually the individual has to go and get the tests done from specified doctors and pay the cost of examinations. This amount can be significant, as the costs for several tests are high.
If this becomes an extra burden, then this will have to be factored into the financial calculations.
However, there is now some relief on this front as the regulator, The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority, has come out with specific guidelines for senior citizens' health insurance. This has several points related to the question of ensuring control over the loading of premium and the coverage available (till at least age 65).
On the expenses by the individual on the medical tests done before taking the insurance policy, there will now be an element of relief. Such tests are known as pre-insurance medical examination.
The regulator has asked the general insurance companies to ensure reimbursement of at least half of such expenses for those taking it. Further, insurance companies also have to empanel government medical institutions whose reports will be accepted.
Fine print
While looking at this entire issue, two points are important to understand who will actually get the benefit.
The first is that this will be beneficial mainly for senior citizens. If you are young, there might not be any need for pre-medical examination and in that case, the question of claiming any benefit does not arise.
The empanelment of government institutions can also mean a reduction in the cost incurred and this will also be a saving for the individual. However, there is a catch, because the reimbursement will be available only when the risk is accepted. That is, if the insurance company refuses to cover you, then the cost will have to be paid from your pocket and you will still be without cover, a double hit.
The second point is that this is applicable only after July 1, for all policies taken or renewed after this date.
By Arnav Pandya,Mumbai
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Delhi tops list in crime against senior citizens
In some bad news for the elderly, the national capital tops a list of cities as far as crime against senior citizens is concerned.
According to a study by HelpAge India, an organisation working for the welfare of senior citizens, Delhi has left cities like Mumbai and Bangalore far behind when it comes to crime against older people.
In Delhi, home to nearly a million senior citizens, crime against elderly people is four times more than in Mumbai and double than that of Bangalore, the NGO claimed quoting data from the police of the three cities.
The organisation said of the total cases of crime against elderlies registered in Delhi last year, the highest form of crime was hurting a senior (42.2 per cent) followed by murder and robbery which accounted to 35.5 and 13.3 per cent respectively.
The woes of seniors seem to be basically sourced from their own children and relatives with as much as 52 per cent of them facing harassment for property.
Nearly 50 per cent of perpetrators of such crimes are children and children-in-law, followed by neighbours and others (27 per cent), the survey said.
Maximum number of property related torture cases have been recorded in South Delhi, known for its posh colonies and tony residential areas, while 20.8 per cent of such cases have been seen in central Delhi.
The survey found that while one out of eight elderly said "no one cares they exist", about 13 per cent of them feel "trapped" in their own homes.
"Abuse of senior citizens often starts at one's own home. But fear of family shame, continuous harassment and dependency on the abuser prevents the issue from going out of the four walls," said Kapil Kaul of HelpAge India.
He said such abuse also comes in various forms -- physical, emotional psychological and financial.
According to a study by HelpAge India, an organisation working for the welfare of senior citizens, Delhi has left cities like Mumbai and Bangalore far behind when it comes to crime against older people.
In Delhi, home to nearly a million senior citizens, crime against elderly people is four times more than in Mumbai and double than that of Bangalore, the NGO claimed quoting data from the police of the three cities.
The organisation said of the total cases of crime against elderlies registered in Delhi last year, the highest form of crime was hurting a senior (42.2 per cent) followed by murder and robbery which accounted to 35.5 and 13.3 per cent respectively.
The woes of seniors seem to be basically sourced from their own children and relatives with as much as 52 per cent of them facing harassment for property.
Nearly 50 per cent of perpetrators of such crimes are children and children-in-law, followed by neighbours and others (27 per cent), the survey said.
Maximum number of property related torture cases have been recorded in South Delhi, known for its posh colonies and tony residential areas, while 20.8 per cent of such cases have been seen in central Delhi.
The survey found that while one out of eight elderly said "no one cares they exist", about 13 per cent of them feel "trapped" in their own homes.
"Abuse of senior citizens often starts at one's own home. But fear of family shame, continuous harassment and dependency on the abuser prevents the issue from going out of the four walls," said Kapil Kaul of HelpAge India.
He said such abuse also comes in various forms -- physical, emotional psychological and financial.
ELDER ABUSE ESSAY 3rd Best: Role of Civil Society and Government by Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy
On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June 2009, Silver Inning Foundation (SIF), a dedicated organization for senior citizens and their family members hosted Essay Competition on ELDER ABUSE.SIF invited an Essay on "Elder Abuse: Role of Civil Society and Government ".
Following is Third Best Essay:
The term ‘abuse’ can be linked to extreme behavior, Disrespect; lack of dignified living” neglect, and abandonment meted out to the elderly. In most cases, elderly abuse starts at family level itself.
Process of aging is natural phenomena and every individual has to face it at later stage of life. This fact is often overlooked by the perpetrators of abuse. God is unseen creator of the world. But Parents are also creators to whom we owe our own life.
1. Collapse of Joint family system, 2. Change in value system, 3. Growing individualism, 4. Urbanization, 5. Poverty.
Root of problem can be traced to various socio-economic factors. An important factor is the demographic shift in population ratio where, the dependency ratio (ratio between 15-59 yrs 60+age group) increases due to longer life expectancy. As things stand, rapid spread of modernization, growing urbanization and crumbling of joint family system have conspired to increased insecurity, loneliness among elderly population. India has not yet come out with an appropriate and effective policy framework to provide social security for the elders. Laws do exist but its implementation is tardy, slack and ineffective. Lack of family support, poor financial status, physical , mental disorders , guilt of being dependent on others are some of the problems nagging the elderly population in India, & various other countries .
Recognizing the paradox of traditional society and changing realities of life, Government of India introduced a dynamic National Policy for Older Persons, way back in 1999.
Article 41 of Indian Constitution deals with the State’s role in providing social security to the aged. According this article, "the State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in case of unemployment, OLD AGE, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want": The Constitution of India (as on 1 June, 1996), Government of India.
If any person refuses or neglects to maintain their parents a magistrate may order such a person to make a monthly allowance for the maintenance of his/ her mother or father at a monthly rate not exceeding Rs.500 (Natarajan, 2000).
It is the primary responsibility of society and government to recognize the problem of Elderly abuse and address the issue squarely, effectively, and urgently so that the present sufferings are alleviated at the earliest.
Most of the present government schemes aim at providing just monetary benefit to elderly citizens. In many cases, the money intended for elderly, does not reach the beneficiaries. In 10th plan, under integrated program for older persons, financial assistance up to 90% of the project cost is provided to NGOs for establishing and maintaining old age homes, day care centers, and mobile Medicare units and to provide non-institutional services to older persons.
Some State governments have taken steps, in instructing police network to identify and collect information about elders staying in their respective jurisdiction. They are supposed to visit the elderly periodically, or remain in touch with them through telephone & other means of communication. These schemes also suffer the fate of gathering dust in some obscure cup boards of government offices.
VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS : There are few voluntary organizations with good amount of resources working for welfare of elderly in India and world wide. Help age India, Age well foundation, and International network for prevention of elderly abuse (INPEA) are some major ones.
No amount of government efforts can substitute the effectiveness of active social support in caring for the elderly members. A strong net work starting from neighbor hood groups can go a long way in formulating, and implementing care group activity. In rural areas such groups consisting of enthusiastic and philanthropic group of young persons can be formed on village level. In urban areas, they can be formed on neighbor hood basis like, say, and housing society level. Such groups, can then identify, and set up elder care programmers. This can be started by visiting elderly people, assessing their individual needs and trying to involve themselves physically and resource wise to meet their specific needs. Work of such active groups can indirectly force family members to treat elders with due respect through exerting a social and moral pressure.
NGOs and government agencies should make use of this elementary group in coordinating and executing their activities and make sure that the benefits really reach the needy. These groups can be entrusted with necessary resources through the NGO network and they can form the foundation of any relief / rehabilitation projects.
NGOs can work on sensitizing children in caring for elderly. School children can be engaged such projects. Through the children, such voluntary efforts can penetrate to family, thus creating more awareness in them to take care of elders in proper way.
Elderly persons can be encouraged to participate in creative activities, and to interact socially with all age groups. Opportunities should be identified and launched to entrust certain self help activities with co-operation from elderly persons themselves who are better equipped health wise.
If we are able to create a feeling that Society needs the experience and wisdom of elderly, that can give a boost to their morale and they also can be encouraged to become useful members of society who are entitled to a decent and respectful life as any other spectrum of society.
Indians are generally god fearing and are believed to have better moral & spiritual values, say compared to western society. If it is true, they have to first learn to respect, honor and worship the parents who are the physical forms of God. Then only we can consider worthy of our great tradition and value system.
By Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy :
Following is Third Best Essay:
The term ‘abuse’ can be linked to extreme behavior, Disrespect; lack of dignified living” neglect, and abandonment meted out to the elderly. In most cases, elderly abuse starts at family level itself.
Process of aging is natural phenomena and every individual has to face it at later stage of life. This fact is often overlooked by the perpetrators of abuse. God is unseen creator of the world. But Parents are also creators to whom we owe our own life.
1. Collapse of Joint family system, 2. Change in value system, 3. Growing individualism, 4. Urbanization, 5. Poverty.
Root of problem can be traced to various socio-economic factors. An important factor is the demographic shift in population ratio where, the dependency ratio (ratio between 15-59 yrs 60+age group) increases due to longer life expectancy. As things stand, rapid spread of modernization, growing urbanization and crumbling of joint family system have conspired to increased insecurity, loneliness among elderly population. India has not yet come out with an appropriate and effective policy framework to provide social security for the elders. Laws do exist but its implementation is tardy, slack and ineffective. Lack of family support, poor financial status, physical , mental disorders , guilt of being dependent on others are some of the problems nagging the elderly population in India, & various other countries .
Recognizing the paradox of traditional society and changing realities of life, Government of India introduced a dynamic National Policy for Older Persons, way back in 1999.
Article 41 of Indian Constitution deals with the State’s role in providing social security to the aged. According this article, "the State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in case of unemployment, OLD AGE, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want": The Constitution of India (as on 1 June, 1996), Government of India.
If any person refuses or neglects to maintain their parents a magistrate may order such a person to make a monthly allowance for the maintenance of his/ her mother or father at a monthly rate not exceeding Rs.500 (Natarajan, 2000).
It is the primary responsibility of society and government to recognize the problem of Elderly abuse and address the issue squarely, effectively, and urgently so that the present sufferings are alleviated at the earliest.
Most of the present government schemes aim at providing just monetary benefit to elderly citizens. In many cases, the money intended for elderly, does not reach the beneficiaries. In 10th plan, under integrated program for older persons, financial assistance up to 90% of the project cost is provided to NGOs for establishing and maintaining old age homes, day care centers, and mobile Medicare units and to provide non-institutional services to older persons.
Some State governments have taken steps, in instructing police network to identify and collect information about elders staying in their respective jurisdiction. They are supposed to visit the elderly periodically, or remain in touch with them through telephone & other means of communication. These schemes also suffer the fate of gathering dust in some obscure cup boards of government offices.
VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS : There are few voluntary organizations with good amount of resources working for welfare of elderly in India and world wide. Help age India, Age well foundation, and International network for prevention of elderly abuse (INPEA) are some major ones.
No amount of government efforts can substitute the effectiveness of active social support in caring for the elderly members. A strong net work starting from neighbor hood groups can go a long way in formulating, and implementing care group activity. In rural areas such groups consisting of enthusiastic and philanthropic group of young persons can be formed on village level. In urban areas, they can be formed on neighbor hood basis like, say, and housing society level. Such groups, can then identify, and set up elder care programmers. This can be started by visiting elderly people, assessing their individual needs and trying to involve themselves physically and resource wise to meet their specific needs. Work of such active groups can indirectly force family members to treat elders with due respect through exerting a social and moral pressure.
NGOs and government agencies should make use of this elementary group in coordinating and executing their activities and make sure that the benefits really reach the needy. These groups can be entrusted with necessary resources through the NGO network and they can form the foundation of any relief / rehabilitation projects.
NGOs can work on sensitizing children in caring for elderly. School children can be engaged such projects. Through the children, such voluntary efforts can penetrate to family, thus creating more awareness in them to take care of elders in proper way.
Elderly persons can be encouraged to participate in creative activities, and to interact socially with all age groups. Opportunities should be identified and launched to entrust certain self help activities with co-operation from elderly persons themselves who are better equipped health wise.
If we are able to create a feeling that Society needs the experience and wisdom of elderly, that can give a boost to their morale and they also can be encouraged to become useful members of society who are entitled to a decent and respectful life as any other spectrum of society.
Indians are generally god fearing and are believed to have better moral & spiritual values, say compared to western society. If it is true, they have to first learn to respect, honor and worship the parents who are the physical forms of God. Then only we can consider worthy of our great tradition and value system.
By Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy :
Elder care,
Elder Home,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
ELDER ABUSE ESSAY 2nd Best: Role of Civil Society and Government by Dr P Vyasamoorthy
On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June 2009, Silver Inning Foundation (SIF), a dedicated organization for senior citizens and their family members hosted Essay Competition on ELDER ABUSE.SIF invited an Essay on "Elder Abuse: Role of Civil Society and Government ".
Following is Second Best Essay:
When senior citizens are abused on account of their defenseless position by younger relatives or others ‘Elder Abuse’ takes place. Senior Citizens have less capacity to fight for their own rights because of diminishing health, poor health conditions, poverty, loss of memory, and lack of money, inability to adjust to the present generation or ignorance. The abuse may be financial, emotional and mental, physical including sexual, verbal or constant threatening etc. The son pressurizing his old aged father to transfer his property, the daughter neglecting to take care physically when one is bed ridden, not providing food, harassing by hurling verbal abuses and insults, beating, deserting, cheating by taking away the old man’s money – all these are examples of elder abuse. Let us see what each stakeholder of the whole spectrum of people connected with Elder Abuse can or should do.
What should Victims do
Senior citizens should empower themselves with facts, information and data required to face and tackle abuse. They should have phone numbers and addresses of lawyers, doctors, police, pressure groups, counseling centers and the like. Ignorance of rights and the law in particular is harmful and places the senior citizen in a vulnerable position. Senior citizens should join several associations and peer groups like walkers clubs, prayer groups, Day Care Centers etc. When abuse occurs they should openly discuss it with others without feeling shy or ashamed. Senior Citizens must make themselves financially sound and independent. They should never give away their property to their wards or disclose all their assets to everyone. Where feasible they should not hesitate to take Reverse Mortgage Loan and ensure a steady flow on income. Taking recourse to legal provisions should be the last resort. Having anger alone or standing on one’s prestige alone is not enough. Civil Suits take years to get decided and lot of time & time are wasted.
Central Government: Present MWPSCA 2007 does not talk about softer issues of Elder Abuse. Provisions must be made in this to render it a comprehensive piece of legislation. Presently it is an act to tell the World Bodies like the UN: “Look Here, We also have a law on Senior Citizens”. The subject of Elder Abuse relates more to HRD (Human Rights protection) and MOSJE should liaise with HRD and promote meaningful program to handle EA issues. Standards for OAH should cover EA prevention and reporting also. State governments must adopt the Central law. Rules framed there under must include EA in OAH, Nursing Homes, Senior Facilities or Assisted living centers or Hospices. Tribunals set up under the MWPSCA need to liaise with SCAs or Resident Welfare Associations for solving EA cases.
Old Age Homes need to have staff that is sensitized about the problem of EA. They need to be aware of the consequences of negligence. In nursing homes, Residents who apprehend EA, may be accommodated in dormitories than single rooms. Even Old persons need to be taught as how to avoid or report abuse. Generally a black mailing sort of a situation prevails in cases of EA. For instance a senior citizen being abused can send an SMS to his relatives and delete the message. He need not talk arousing suspicion leading to further harassment. In nursing homes a general practice coming under abuse is to keep the victim sedated unnecessarily so that he does not give trouble. Such unsocial practices can be curbed with proper supervision.
They can organize centers to accept older persons dumped or deserted by their children. Thereafter find a suitable OAH to re-locate them. This is a great service. During festival seasons where very large numbers of devotees gather, granny dumping is a worry some practice. Senior Citizens Associations can conduct lectures to bring about awareness on: how to recognize EA, how to complain and how to manage the problem. They should tell old people that it is OK to complain instead of silently suffer endlessly. SCAs may liaise with local leaders, police and others to help victims seek redressal. They may take up cases to the tribunal set up under MWPSCA.
Members of the family: Those members who know that injustice is being done to senior citizens, may seek external help to sort out the issue. As EA is mostly a social issue covering moral and ethical values (apart from legal angle), the role of family members should not be neglected. When neighbours get to know about Abuse, instead of shying away saying ‘it is their internal matter’, they should reach out and expose the victimizer. It is easier for outsiders to bring pressure from say police than for insiders.
School teachers can sensitize their wards about the necessity of showing respect to elders. Gripping stories describing how grand children owe much to their grand parents, grandparents’ defenseless pathetic situation etc may be told. Children may be asked to take an oath that they will take care of their elders when they grow up. Case studies of EA happening around may be explained showing why this is bad and should not be tolerated. They can conduct quizzes and contests.
World Elder Abuse Day, Mother’s Day, Grandpa’s day etc may be utilized for bringing about awareness. TV, Radio, Print and the Web may be used for publishing articles. Competitions, polls, quizzes may be conducted. Walkathons may be organized. NGOs may rope in celebrities for participating in such events. Industrialists may be encouraged to sponsor such events.
In order to tackle EA we need to know the exact magnitude of the problem. We have no studies or data relating to EA in India. Research work being carried out is inadequate. Which age group suffers most? Is it men or women? What are the most important causes for EA? Why do people put up with it? What efforts are already in place for tackling EA? There are hundreds of questions but no concrete answers. Academic research departments like those of Sociology, Psychology, and Gerontology etc must engage students to take EA as an important area for in depth study.
By Dr P Vyasamoorthy :
Following is Second Best Essay:
When senior citizens are abused on account of their defenseless position by younger relatives or others ‘Elder Abuse’ takes place. Senior Citizens have less capacity to fight for their own rights because of diminishing health, poor health conditions, poverty, loss of memory, and lack of money, inability to adjust to the present generation or ignorance. The abuse may be financial, emotional and mental, physical including sexual, verbal or constant threatening etc. The son pressurizing his old aged father to transfer his property, the daughter neglecting to take care physically when one is bed ridden, not providing food, harassing by hurling verbal abuses and insults, beating, deserting, cheating by taking away the old man’s money – all these are examples of elder abuse. Let us see what each stakeholder of the whole spectrum of people connected with Elder Abuse can or should do.
What should Victims do
Senior citizens should empower themselves with facts, information and data required to face and tackle abuse. They should have phone numbers and addresses of lawyers, doctors, police, pressure groups, counseling centers and the like. Ignorance of rights and the law in particular is harmful and places the senior citizen in a vulnerable position. Senior citizens should join several associations and peer groups like walkers clubs, prayer groups, Day Care Centers etc. When abuse occurs they should openly discuss it with others without feeling shy or ashamed. Senior Citizens must make themselves financially sound and independent. They should never give away their property to their wards or disclose all their assets to everyone. Where feasible they should not hesitate to take Reverse Mortgage Loan and ensure a steady flow on income. Taking recourse to legal provisions should be the last resort. Having anger alone or standing on one’s prestige alone is not enough. Civil Suits take years to get decided and lot of time & time are wasted.
Central Government: Present MWPSCA 2007 does not talk about softer issues of Elder Abuse. Provisions must be made in this to render it a comprehensive piece of legislation. Presently it is an act to tell the World Bodies like the UN: “Look Here, We also have a law on Senior Citizens”. The subject of Elder Abuse relates more to HRD (Human Rights protection) and MOSJE should liaise with HRD and promote meaningful program to handle EA issues. Standards for OAH should cover EA prevention and reporting also. State governments must adopt the Central law. Rules framed there under must include EA in OAH, Nursing Homes, Senior Facilities or Assisted living centers or Hospices. Tribunals set up under the MWPSCA need to liaise with SCAs or Resident Welfare Associations for solving EA cases.
Old Age Homes need to have staff that is sensitized about the problem of EA. They need to be aware of the consequences of negligence. In nursing homes, Residents who apprehend EA, may be accommodated in dormitories than single rooms. Even Old persons need to be taught as how to avoid or report abuse. Generally a black mailing sort of a situation prevails in cases of EA. For instance a senior citizen being abused can send an SMS to his relatives and delete the message. He need not talk arousing suspicion leading to further harassment. In nursing homes a general practice coming under abuse is to keep the victim sedated unnecessarily so that he does not give trouble. Such unsocial practices can be curbed with proper supervision.
They can organize centers to accept older persons dumped or deserted by their children. Thereafter find a suitable OAH to re-locate them. This is a great service. During festival seasons where very large numbers of devotees gather, granny dumping is a worry some practice. Senior Citizens Associations can conduct lectures to bring about awareness on: how to recognize EA, how to complain and how to manage the problem. They should tell old people that it is OK to complain instead of silently suffer endlessly. SCAs may liaise with local leaders, police and others to help victims seek redressal. They may take up cases to the tribunal set up under MWPSCA.
Members of the family: Those members who know that injustice is being done to senior citizens, may seek external help to sort out the issue. As EA is mostly a social issue covering moral and ethical values (apart from legal angle), the role of family members should not be neglected. When neighbours get to know about Abuse, instead of shying away saying ‘it is their internal matter’, they should reach out and expose the victimizer. It is easier for outsiders to bring pressure from say police than for insiders.
School teachers can sensitize their wards about the necessity of showing respect to elders. Gripping stories describing how grand children owe much to their grand parents, grandparents’ defenseless pathetic situation etc may be told. Children may be asked to take an oath that they will take care of their elders when they grow up. Case studies of EA happening around may be explained showing why this is bad and should not be tolerated. They can conduct quizzes and contests.
World Elder Abuse Day, Mother’s Day, Grandpa’s day etc may be utilized for bringing about awareness. TV, Radio, Print and the Web may be used for publishing articles. Competitions, polls, quizzes may be conducted. Walkathons may be organized. NGOs may rope in celebrities for participating in such events. Industrialists may be encouraged to sponsor such events.
In order to tackle EA we need to know the exact magnitude of the problem. We have no studies or data relating to EA in India. Research work being carried out is inadequate. Which age group suffers most? Is it men or women? What are the most important causes for EA? Why do people put up with it? What efforts are already in place for tackling EA? There are hundreds of questions but no concrete answers. Academic research departments like those of Sociology, Psychology, and Gerontology etc must engage students to take EA as an important area for in depth study.
By Dr P Vyasamoorthy :
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
ELDER ABUSE ESSAY 1st Best: Role of Civil Society and Government by Dr.P.V.Vaidyanathan
On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June 2009, Silver Inning Foundation (SIF), a dedicated organization for senior citizens and their family members hosted Essay Competition on ELDER ABUSE.SIF invited an Essay on "Elder Abuse: Role of Civil Society and Government ".
Following is First Best Essay:
Man, by nature, is a violent creature. Over thousands of years of evolution and socialization he has been conditioned and has learnt to suppress his violence. In day to day life, most human beings behave normally and will even endorse non-violence. But when they come under stress, or when they get angry or greedy, most humans resort to violence---which can be verbal or physical. This violence is seen daily---at home, in offices on the roads, between two groups, communities, religions and nations. Any violence is usually directed at people who are weaker than us; and it is usually the two extremes of age, namely children and elders who, being physically and mentally weak, become easy targets of abuse. Elders are usually physically and mentally weak, can’t defend themselves, and become easy targets for abuse. Before doing something about this problem, let us see how it occurs, for only from understanding a problem can solutions come about.
Elder abuse is somewhat a new phenomenon, in our country. Traditionally, elders have always been respected for their wisdom and maturity. It is a normal custom in our country to bow down or prostrate, when one meets an elder person. An elder person is always addressed with a lot of reverence, love and respect. In every family function, old people occupy an important place, and people usually used to ask their opinions and their wishes. But all this is changing, thanks to a fast paced life, driven by consumerism and greed. More and more youngsters have started showing disrespect to elders. They consider elders to be a burden, and treat them badly. The joint family setup, where a large number of family members stayed under one roof and helped, tolerated and accepted each other is slowly going away. Intolerance and inability to adjust to others has made most youngsters move away from their joint families and have made them set up nuclear families. This means that elders have to fend for themselves. If they can’t, and they choose to live with the youngsters, they might be subject to verbal and physical abuse.
Today’s youngsters are a much stressed lot, as compared to the younger generation that existed three or four decades ago. The youngsters are well educated, which itself should make them understand the problems of elders. But this is not so. Along with education the desire for a better life, more luxuries, more space and more independence have all come together to make them highly individualistic and intolerant. They don’t want any advice from their elders and don’t want any form of interference. While some youngsters manage to keep a balance between their relationships with their spouses and their parents, many are not able to. In the resulting imbalance, they often lash out at their parents and other elders in the family. Elders, by their very nature and due to the fears and insecurity of old age, tend to be particular and persistent. They worry about the younger generation and want them to do well in life. But all their good intentions are often taken as interference and high handedness, with the result that the younger generation gets angry with the elders. They feel that elders should take care of themselves as much as possible, and should stop dictating terms and harassing the youngsters. Huge communication and generation gaps exist, between the elders and youngsters, and this often leads to youngsters venting their anger against the seniors.
Youngsters should try and understand the mind of the elders, what worries and anxieties they have, what fears they have, what they want from the youngsters etc. An atmosphere of consensus and cooperation rather than one of confrontation should be adopted by both parties. The elders and youngsters should not think of each other as enemies or competitors, but rather as partners in a joint venture. Any difference of opinion should be sorted out by discussions and finding peaceful solutions and not by accusing each other, blaming each other, or by belittling each other. Ultimately, everyone has an ego, and it is ego problems that are at the root of elder’s abuse. Obviously, any problem involving two parties cannot be solved only from one side, and both youngsters and elders should cooperate, and try to make each other’s lives peaceful.
The Government too should pass laws which any abuse of elder punishable with stiff punishments. Already, there are laws in place which protect senior citizens, if their children abandon them. These laws need to be strictly implemented. Also, newer laws which give more comprehensive protection to senior citizens need to be enacted. The Government should also spend more funds in building more ashrams and residences where senior citizens who are being abused or who have been disowned by their children can be housed and fed, free of charge. Today, there are a lot of old age homes where many old people go. The emphasis should be on building more such free homes with all modern amenities and facilities, so that elders, who might be unhappy or uncomfortable with their children, or elders who do not have anyone to take care of them can easily shift into these homes, temporarily or permanently. Like crimes against women, special cells need to be set up in every police station dealing with crimes against elders and elder abuse. The Government also needs to set up more counseling centers where elders and their children can come together and sit across the table with counselors and solve their problems openly and in a peaceful, non-violent manner.
All of us in this world are God created human beings, with equal rights and duties. If we treat each other as human beings without bringing our personalities, status, money, power struggles and ego into the picture, it should not be difficult to put an end to all confrontations between the older and younger generations.
Following is First Best Essay:
Man, by nature, is a violent creature. Over thousands of years of evolution and socialization he has been conditioned and has learnt to suppress his violence. In day to day life, most human beings behave normally and will even endorse non-violence. But when they come under stress, or when they get angry or greedy, most humans resort to violence---which can be verbal or physical. This violence is seen daily---at home, in offices on the roads, between two groups, communities, religions and nations. Any violence is usually directed at people who are weaker than us; and it is usually the two extremes of age, namely children and elders who, being physically and mentally weak, become easy targets of abuse. Elders are usually physically and mentally weak, can’t defend themselves, and become easy targets for abuse. Before doing something about this problem, let us see how it occurs, for only from understanding a problem can solutions come about.
Elder abuse is somewhat a new phenomenon, in our country. Traditionally, elders have always been respected for their wisdom and maturity. It is a normal custom in our country to bow down or prostrate, when one meets an elder person. An elder person is always addressed with a lot of reverence, love and respect. In every family function, old people occupy an important place, and people usually used to ask their opinions and their wishes. But all this is changing, thanks to a fast paced life, driven by consumerism and greed. More and more youngsters have started showing disrespect to elders. They consider elders to be a burden, and treat them badly. The joint family setup, where a large number of family members stayed under one roof and helped, tolerated and accepted each other is slowly going away. Intolerance and inability to adjust to others has made most youngsters move away from their joint families and have made them set up nuclear families. This means that elders have to fend for themselves. If they can’t, and they choose to live with the youngsters, they might be subject to verbal and physical abuse.
Today’s youngsters are a much stressed lot, as compared to the younger generation that existed three or four decades ago. The youngsters are well educated, which itself should make them understand the problems of elders. But this is not so. Along with education the desire for a better life, more luxuries, more space and more independence have all come together to make them highly individualistic and intolerant. They don’t want any advice from their elders and don’t want any form of interference. While some youngsters manage to keep a balance between their relationships with their spouses and their parents, many are not able to. In the resulting imbalance, they often lash out at their parents and other elders in the family. Elders, by their very nature and due to the fears and insecurity of old age, tend to be particular and persistent. They worry about the younger generation and want them to do well in life. But all their good intentions are often taken as interference and high handedness, with the result that the younger generation gets angry with the elders. They feel that elders should take care of themselves as much as possible, and should stop dictating terms and harassing the youngsters. Huge communication and generation gaps exist, between the elders and youngsters, and this often leads to youngsters venting their anger against the seniors.
Youngsters should try and understand the mind of the elders, what worries and anxieties they have, what fears they have, what they want from the youngsters etc. An atmosphere of consensus and cooperation rather than one of confrontation should be adopted by both parties. The elders and youngsters should not think of each other as enemies or competitors, but rather as partners in a joint venture. Any difference of opinion should be sorted out by discussions and finding peaceful solutions and not by accusing each other, blaming each other, or by belittling each other. Ultimately, everyone has an ego, and it is ego problems that are at the root of elder’s abuse. Obviously, any problem involving two parties cannot be solved only from one side, and both youngsters and elders should cooperate, and try to make each other’s lives peaceful.
The Government too should pass laws which any abuse of elder punishable with stiff punishments. Already, there are laws in place which protect senior citizens, if their children abandon them. These laws need to be strictly implemented. Also, newer laws which give more comprehensive protection to senior citizens need to be enacted. The Government should also spend more funds in building more ashrams and residences where senior citizens who are being abused or who have been disowned by their children can be housed and fed, free of charge. Today, there are a lot of old age homes where many old people go. The emphasis should be on building more such free homes with all modern amenities and facilities, so that elders, who might be unhappy or uncomfortable with their children, or elders who do not have anyone to take care of them can easily shift into these homes, temporarily or permanently. Like crimes against women, special cells need to be set up in every police station dealing with crimes against elders and elder abuse. The Government also needs to set up more counseling centers where elders and their children can come together and sit across the table with counselors and solve their problems openly and in a peaceful, non-violent manner.
All of us in this world are God created human beings, with equal rights and duties. If we treat each other as human beings without bringing our personalities, status, money, power struggles and ego into the picture, it should not be difficult to put an end to all confrontations between the older and younger generations.
WEAAD 2009 Essay Competition on ELDER ABUSE -Results Announced

On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June 2009, Silver Inning Foundation (SIF), a dedicated organization for senior citizens and their family members had hosted various events to commemorate Elder Abuse Awareness Week from 13th June to 19th June 2009.
One of the event was Essay Competition on ELDER ABUSE.SIF invited an Essay of 1000 words on the topic of "Elder Abuse: Role of Civil Society and Government ".
From all over the World 25 Essay were submitted including 2 enteries from class 10th students.
Best 3 Essay are as following:
1. Dr. P.V. Vaidyanathan
2. Dr. P Vyasamoorthy
3. Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy
Following Best of 10 will get the Participation Certificate:
1. Dr. P.V. Vaidyanathan
2. Dr. P Vyasamoorthy
3. Mrs. N.M. Helen Dorothy
4. Mr.Subrahmanian S H
5. Mrs Kokila Mani
6. Mrs.Shobha Mathur
7. Ms.Ritu Priya Gurtoo
8. Mr.M.V.Ruparelia
9. Tannu Gurung
10.Jyoti Sharma
World Elder Abuse Day 15th June ,programme aims to increase society's ability, through various programmes to recognise and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Every person-no matter how young or how old- deserves to be safe from harm by those who live with them, care for them or come in day-to-day contact with them.
Every person-every man, women and child-deserves to be treated with respect and with caring.
This Programme is organized by Silver Inning Foundation and promoted by INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Apne Aap, ARDSI Greater Mumbai Cosmopolitan School and AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens' Confederation).
“My World… Your World… Our World – Free of Elder Abuse”
Monday, June 15, 2009
Today 15th June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Dear Friends,
Today on 15th June 2009 all over the Globe there are various events are being held for 4th Global World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
World over 15th June is marked as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by INPEA.INPEA is an organization, founded in 1997, which is dedicated to the global dissemination of information as part of its commitment to the world-wide prevention of the abuse of older people. The United Nations International Plan of Action adopted by all countries in Madrid, April 2002, clearly recognizes the importance of addressing and preventing abuse and neglect of older adults and puts it in the framework of the Universal Human Rights.INPEA is dedicated to supporting the plan of action.
In India Silver Inning Foundation has taken lead to create awareness and sensitize civil society with regards to Rights of Elderly and Elder Abuse. The Objective of this entire event is:
• To create awareness in elderly people themselves regarding what comes under elder abuse.
• To sensitize young people regarding elder abuse and to bridge the intergenerational gap between elderly and young people.
• To create awareness in media and society at large regarding elder abuse.
Older people today are more visible, more active and more independent then ever before. They are living longer and in better health. But as the population of older Indians grows, so does the hidden problem of Elder Abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Every person-every man, women and child-deserves to be treated with respect and with caring.
Every person-no matter how young or how old- deserves to be safe from harm by those who live with them, care for them or come in day-to-day contact with them.
So let’s make Society for All Ages, where there won’t be any discrimination with regards to age, gender, religion, sex, cast, colour, race nation……
Some programme Details available with us:
For Mumbai: Sailesh Mishra, Founder President at and or call on 09987104233 – Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm. Website: This Programme in Mumbai is organized by Silver Inning Foundation and promoted by INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Apne Aap, ARDSI Greater Mumbai Cosmopolitan School and AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens' Confederation).
For Delhi -INPEA Programme - contact - Dr. Mala Kapur Shankardass -- - 09818138553
For Bangalore - Nightingale Trust, contact - Dr.Radha or Mr.Premkumar Raja - ; - 080 - 41248448
For Jaipur -Indian Gerontology Association: Prof. K.L.Sharma
What we can do/Demand:• Formation of Senior Citizens Committee in every locality
• Multi-Service Gero-Care Center
• Four digit national Helpline
• National Nodal Agency for Elder Abuse
• Fast Track court for Elder Abuse
• To appoint Elder Welfare Officer in each police station
• Increase social security pension up to Rs.3000/- p.m.
• Immediate implementation of NPOP and the Maintenance of Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Bill 2007 all over India
• Promote more Elder NGO/Assocaition
• Formation of Vigilance Committee for Elder Abuse in our communities
• Establishment of counseling centers/a platform where elderly can share
• Empowering ourselves through being better informed.
• Intergenerational programs
• Separate Ministry for Senior Citizens or National Commission
“My World… Your World… Our World – Free of Elder Abuse”
Today on 15th June 2009 all over the Globe there are various events are being held for 4th Global World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
World over 15th June is marked as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by INPEA.INPEA is an organization, founded in 1997, which is dedicated to the global dissemination of information as part of its commitment to the world-wide prevention of the abuse of older people. The United Nations International Plan of Action adopted by all countries in Madrid, April 2002, clearly recognizes the importance of addressing and preventing abuse and neglect of older adults and puts it in the framework of the Universal Human Rights.INPEA is dedicated to supporting the plan of action.
In India Silver Inning Foundation has taken lead to create awareness and sensitize civil society with regards to Rights of Elderly and Elder Abuse. The Objective of this entire event is:
• To create awareness in elderly people themselves regarding what comes under elder abuse.
• To sensitize young people regarding elder abuse and to bridge the intergenerational gap between elderly and young people.
• To create awareness in media and society at large regarding elder abuse.
Older people today are more visible, more active and more independent then ever before. They are living longer and in better health. But as the population of older Indians grows, so does the hidden problem of Elder Abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Every person-every man, women and child-deserves to be treated with respect and with caring.
Every person-no matter how young or how old- deserves to be safe from harm by those who live with them, care for them or come in day-to-day contact with them.
So let’s make Society for All Ages, where there won’t be any discrimination with regards to age, gender, religion, sex, cast, colour, race nation……
Some programme Details available with us:
For Mumbai: Sailesh Mishra, Founder President at and or call on 09987104233 – Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm. Website: This Programme in Mumbai is organized by Silver Inning Foundation and promoted by INPEA (International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse) Indian Chapter through Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWARF) and 'Little Things Matter Initiatives' (LTMI), Mahakali Senior Citizens Association, Apne Aap, ARDSI Greater Mumbai Cosmopolitan School and AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens' Confederation).
For Delhi -INPEA Programme - contact - Dr. Mala Kapur Shankardass -- - 09818138553
For Bangalore - Nightingale Trust, contact - Dr.Radha or Mr.Premkumar Raja - ; - 080 - 41248448
For Jaipur -Indian Gerontology Association: Prof. K.L.Sharma
What we can do/Demand:• Formation of Senior Citizens Committee in every locality
• Multi-Service Gero-Care Center
• Four digit national Helpline
• National Nodal Agency for Elder Abuse
• Fast Track court for Elder Abuse
• To appoint Elder Welfare Officer in each police station
• Increase social security pension up to Rs.3000/- p.m.
• Immediate implementation of NPOP and the Maintenance of Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Bill 2007 all over India
• Promote more Elder NGO/Assocaition
• Formation of Vigilance Committee for Elder Abuse in our communities
• Establishment of counseling centers/a platform where elderly can share
• Empowering ourselves through being better informed.
• Intergenerational programs
• Separate Ministry for Senior Citizens or National Commission
“My World… Your World… Our World – Free of Elder Abuse”
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
What Activities Should Grandma and Grandpa Do?
There may be times when we forget that just because our loved one is older, doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy activities. Boredom is prevalent among the elderly, which can lead to loneliness, which then can lead to poorer health and depression.
But before you rush off to sign up your parents or relatives to classes or programs, be sure to ask them first. The process might be tough if your loved one is impaired and cannot make decisions for themselves. However, your alert parent may welcome the idea and look forward to participating.
Evaluate Physical Condition
Check with your loved one’s physician on any type of activity. Each person is different, and an activity that may be deemed safe for one person may not be for another.
Evaluate Mental Condition
As with the physical evaluation, make sure that activities are appropriate for mental alertness and level. A parent that does not have Dementia may quickly tire of the activities geared towards brain injury. For instance, my dad thought the activities he participated in at the adult day care center were too “simple”.
Evaluate Past Lifestyle, Social Experiences
If your parents differ in personalities, likes/dislikes, hobbies, etc., it may difficult to get them to agree on going to one place for their entertainment. My mom, before her diagnosis, loved going to the casino, socializing with others, participating in cultural and art events, and other people-oriented activities. My dad on the other hand, has always been more of an introvert. He preferred and prefers to stay home and watch the news. He prefers a quiet environment.
Finding an activity for your loved ones should be fun and worthwhile as long as you do not forget to include your loved one in those decisions. Perhaps, just enjoying a nice talk on the patio everyday would be enough to make your loved one’s day.
But before you rush off to sign up your parents or relatives to classes or programs, be sure to ask them first. The process might be tough if your loved one is impaired and cannot make decisions for themselves. However, your alert parent may welcome the idea and look forward to participating.
Evaluate Physical Condition
Check with your loved one’s physician on any type of activity. Each person is different, and an activity that may be deemed safe for one person may not be for another.
Evaluate Mental Condition
As with the physical evaluation, make sure that activities are appropriate for mental alertness and level. A parent that does not have Dementia may quickly tire of the activities geared towards brain injury. For instance, my dad thought the activities he participated in at the adult day care center were too “simple”.
Evaluate Past Lifestyle, Social Experiences
If your parents differ in personalities, likes/dislikes, hobbies, etc., it may difficult to get them to agree on going to one place for their entertainment. My mom, before her diagnosis, loved going to the casino, socializing with others, participating in cultural and art events, and other people-oriented activities. My dad on the other hand, has always been more of an introvert. He preferred and prefers to stay home and watch the news. He prefers a quiet environment.
Finding an activity for your loved ones should be fun and worthwhile as long as you do not forget to include your loved one in those decisions. Perhaps, just enjoying a nice talk on the patio everyday would be enough to make your loved one’s day.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Aging populations present opportunities for in-home care
“Home is the place to be. There is no better alternative to keeping seniors at home in my eyes.”
This, says former realtor Joanie MacDonald, was the main reason she opened Home Sweet Home Care Inc., — an in-home elder care service which serves parts of Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast — six years ago.
“I first became aware of the need in my own family,” MacDonald says. “My father had a stroke, my mother had a rare disease and my son had a car accident at 17. He was in a coma for several months and became mentally disabled. I was frustrated because I couldn't get the help I needed. So I took them all in and looked after them at home.”
As their full-time caregiver, she also needed to find a means of financial support for the family. Her answer was to start a company that provided the type of in-home services she had been unable to find.
“I haven't looked back,” she says. “Business is booming. I can hardly keep up. The need is huge. As care co-ordinator, I can never have enough good staff.”
Personal experience was also the catalyst that prompted Irene Martin to open Retire-At-Home Services in Ottawa in 1994. During the last two years of her nursing career, Martin worked in a retirement home.
“That's where the seed for Retire-At-Home was planted,” she says. “I heard a lot of seniors saying that they wished they could stay at home, but they couldn't find a single company that could deal with all their needs.”
At that same time, her parents became terminally ill. Their desire to spend their last days at home “really cemented for me that I wanted to do this.”
Her aim in developing the award-winning company was “to cover everything, a total-care approach that looks after social and emotional needs, as well as physical needs.”
Retire-At-Home has a staff of 150 in Ottawa, offering services that range from home maintenance, shopping and providing meals to bathing assistance, companionship and full-time care.
The nationally accredited company has also expanded as a franchise operation, with eight offices across Ontario and one in Vancouver.
“We spent close to five years developing the franchise package,” says the founder's son Jonathan Martin, vice-president of franchise development for the company. “We wanted to ensure that we maintained our reputation for providing a quality service.”
Bruce Mahony, managing director of two Home Instead Senior Care franchises in Toronto, has a similar aim. Like MacDonald and Martin, personal experience showed him the need for in-home services for seniors.
“My pioneer grandmother, who lived to be over 100, came to live with us in Toronto when she was 87,” says Mahony. “I became her companion. People of this age outlive everyone and without socialization, they get depressed.”
The company, which has 900 offices worldwide, is founded on the growing need to provide support for the expanding senior population, he says.
“As the need grows, this is very much a growth area in terms of careers,” points out Mahony. “Surveys consistently show that seniors want to remain at home. As aging occurs, staying at home without help can become more difficult, which is why many older adults need caregiving assistance.
“Our caregivers don't just care for seniors. They also care about seniors, many of whom are suffering from loneliness, depression and anxiety.”
According to Statistics Canada's A Portrait of Seniors in Canada, published in November 2008, seniors are one of the fastest growing groups in Canadian society. The number of seniors in Canada is projected to increase from 4.2 million to 9.8 million between 2005 and 2036. As StatsCan pointed out in its most recent General Social Survey, “the majority of the senior primary care receivers (78 per cent) continued to live in their homes (75 per cent of women care receivers and 83 per cent of men care receivers in 2007); and only one-fifth of them (22 per cent) lived in care facilities.”
The aging of the population fuels the need for caregivers in two ways: More people require care and more of the people able to provide that care are heading for retirement age themselves. The figures indicate that by 2056, one in four Canadians will be over 65 and one in 10 will be over 80.
Seniors already frequently care for other seniors. This is the structure of an organization such as the Edmonton-based Society of Seniors Caring About Seniors, which recruits service providers running their own businesses and connects them with low-income seniors in their own homes.
The preference for independent living is also recognized on the political front. For example, on May 1, Nova Scotia NDP leader Darrell Dexter announced his party's proposal of a seniors' self-managed care allowance, which could be used to help them stay in their own homes.
It all adds up to a broad range of job opportunities. For example, says Cal Martin, director of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, “we are very short of geriatricians. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment, as much as care and treatment, is quite critical in ensuring that people can remain in their own homes as long as possible and not be moved to other levels of care prematurely.
“Because the number of seniors is going up, we need more people in more specialties,” he adds. “There are also a number of other key functions. You don't need a professional designation to give folks the support they need with daily living.”
He points to the need for personal support workers, attendant care and rehabilitation assistance. Most of all, he says “we need people to educate people in the care of the elderly and to develop more nursing leadership roles to train and mentor others.”
“We are recruiting constantly,” says Mahony. “We hire one in 10 applicants. We are always cherry picking for the cream of the crop.”
“With the shortage of nurses and caregivers across Canada that we hear about all the time, we've had no trouble finding good people,” says Jonathan Martin. “We aim to provide a good working environment. We strongly believe the happier the staff are, the happier the clients will be.”
There are many positions available to people hoping to make a career of caring for the elderly. These include:
• Medical
• Geriatricians
• Nurses
• Practical nurses
• Educators/trainers/mentors
• Personal care providers
• Personal support workers
• Companions
• Attendants
• Household care
• Homemakers
• Home maintenance workers
• Outdoor workers
• Administrative
• Owners/operators of services for seniors and people with disabilities
• Franchisor/franchisee operators
• Office workers
This, says former realtor Joanie MacDonald, was the main reason she opened Home Sweet Home Care Inc., — an in-home elder care service which serves parts of Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast — six years ago.
“I first became aware of the need in my own family,” MacDonald says. “My father had a stroke, my mother had a rare disease and my son had a car accident at 17. He was in a coma for several months and became mentally disabled. I was frustrated because I couldn't get the help I needed. So I took them all in and looked after them at home.”
As their full-time caregiver, she also needed to find a means of financial support for the family. Her answer was to start a company that provided the type of in-home services she had been unable to find.
“I haven't looked back,” she says. “Business is booming. I can hardly keep up. The need is huge. As care co-ordinator, I can never have enough good staff.”
Personal experience was also the catalyst that prompted Irene Martin to open Retire-At-Home Services in Ottawa in 1994. During the last two years of her nursing career, Martin worked in a retirement home.
“That's where the seed for Retire-At-Home was planted,” she says. “I heard a lot of seniors saying that they wished they could stay at home, but they couldn't find a single company that could deal with all their needs.”
At that same time, her parents became terminally ill. Their desire to spend their last days at home “really cemented for me that I wanted to do this.”
Her aim in developing the award-winning company was “to cover everything, a total-care approach that looks after social and emotional needs, as well as physical needs.”
Retire-At-Home has a staff of 150 in Ottawa, offering services that range from home maintenance, shopping and providing meals to bathing assistance, companionship and full-time care.
The nationally accredited company has also expanded as a franchise operation, with eight offices across Ontario and one in Vancouver.
“We spent close to five years developing the franchise package,” says the founder's son Jonathan Martin, vice-president of franchise development for the company. “We wanted to ensure that we maintained our reputation for providing a quality service.”
Bruce Mahony, managing director of two Home Instead Senior Care franchises in Toronto, has a similar aim. Like MacDonald and Martin, personal experience showed him the need for in-home services for seniors.
“My pioneer grandmother, who lived to be over 100, came to live with us in Toronto when she was 87,” says Mahony. “I became her companion. People of this age outlive everyone and without socialization, they get depressed.”
The company, which has 900 offices worldwide, is founded on the growing need to provide support for the expanding senior population, he says.
“As the need grows, this is very much a growth area in terms of careers,” points out Mahony. “Surveys consistently show that seniors want to remain at home. As aging occurs, staying at home without help can become more difficult, which is why many older adults need caregiving assistance.
“Our caregivers don't just care for seniors. They also care about seniors, many of whom are suffering from loneliness, depression and anxiety.”
According to Statistics Canada's A Portrait of Seniors in Canada, published in November 2008, seniors are one of the fastest growing groups in Canadian society. The number of seniors in Canada is projected to increase from 4.2 million to 9.8 million between 2005 and 2036. As StatsCan pointed out in its most recent General Social Survey, “the majority of the senior primary care receivers (78 per cent) continued to live in their homes (75 per cent of women care receivers and 83 per cent of men care receivers in 2007); and only one-fifth of them (22 per cent) lived in care facilities.”
The aging of the population fuels the need for caregivers in two ways: More people require care and more of the people able to provide that care are heading for retirement age themselves. The figures indicate that by 2056, one in four Canadians will be over 65 and one in 10 will be over 80.
Seniors already frequently care for other seniors. This is the structure of an organization such as the Edmonton-based Society of Seniors Caring About Seniors, which recruits service providers running their own businesses and connects them with low-income seniors in their own homes.
The preference for independent living is also recognized on the political front. For example, on May 1, Nova Scotia NDP leader Darrell Dexter announced his party's proposal of a seniors' self-managed care allowance, which could be used to help them stay in their own homes.
It all adds up to a broad range of job opportunities. For example, says Cal Martin, director of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, “we are very short of geriatricians. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment, as much as care and treatment, is quite critical in ensuring that people can remain in their own homes as long as possible and not be moved to other levels of care prematurely.
“Because the number of seniors is going up, we need more people in more specialties,” he adds. “There are also a number of other key functions. You don't need a professional designation to give folks the support they need with daily living.”
He points to the need for personal support workers, attendant care and rehabilitation assistance. Most of all, he says “we need people to educate people in the care of the elderly and to develop more nursing leadership roles to train and mentor others.”
“We are recruiting constantly,” says Mahony. “We hire one in 10 applicants. We are always cherry picking for the cream of the crop.”
“With the shortage of nurses and caregivers across Canada that we hear about all the time, we've had no trouble finding good people,” says Jonathan Martin. “We aim to provide a good working environment. We strongly believe the happier the staff are, the happier the clients will be.”
There are many positions available to people hoping to make a career of caring for the elderly. These include:
• Medical
• Geriatricians
• Nurses
• Practical nurses
• Educators/trainers/mentors
• Personal care providers
• Personal support workers
• Companions
• Attendants
• Household care
• Homemakers
• Home maintenance workers
• Outdoor workers
• Administrative
• Owners/operators of services for seniors and people with disabilities
• Franchisor/franchisee operators
• Office workers
Health care for Senior Citizens at Affordable Cost: Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting on Health care for Senior Citizens at Affordable Cost Arranged by All India Senior Citizens’ Confederation [AISCCON] & Andhra Pradesh Senior Citizens’ Confederation on [APSCCON] June 7, 2009
1.0] General -A meeting on “Healthcare for Senior Citizens at Affordable Cost” was jointly organized by APSCCON and AISCCON at Heritage Hospital on 7th June 2009. Twenty One participants attended the meeting, coming as they did all the way from Delhi, Mumbai, Guntur, and of course Hyderabad. Besides members from APSCCON & AISCCON, FAPSCO was represented by Sri Gopal Rao & Bhagawanulu; Federation of Elder Homes in AP by Dr Koteswar Rao. Representatives from Harmony, IMA, APNA were absent. As if to compensate this loss, Star Health unit connected with Aarogyasri participated with four members including their COO -- Sri RS Ganapathy. Invitees from Chennai could not attend as they were having AGM and elections today.
Sri KR Gangadharan of Heritage played the host with his inimitable and enviable hospitality as usual.
The meeting was chaired by Sri KS Sastry, most competent for the occasion, as he was the Chairman of IRDA Committee on the subject of the meeting.
2.0] Initial remarks: Participants introduced themselves. Prof Visweswaraiah welcomed the gathering. Sri RN Mital explained how heath care has become unaffordable due to rising costs, how the meager savings made during decades of service in low cost economy years is dwindling and why immediate action is necessary to support senior citizens in meeting the health care expenditure.
Mr. Mital pointed out that the mandate in the National Policy on Older Persons to provide Health Security to Senior Citizens at affordable cost was only partially implemented or ignored in most of the States in our Country. It was particularly so because there was no unified approach to this issue by Senior Citizens themselves.
This meeting was therefore, organized to arrive at a unified approach for follow up both at the State and National level
3.0] Sri Sastry suggested that both the points (unaffordable heath care costs & Concept of Family Clinics / Family doctors) be taken up together.
What they spoke: Mr. K.S.Sastry invited suggestions of the participants on the points in the Agenda
Sri D.N. Chapke said that health care should be responsibility of the government. Senior Citizens should commit themselves to an agreed line of approach.
Sri Sainath [Aarogyasri] opined that the entry of non-BPL senior citizens into Aarogyasri scheme must be automatic. That is, anyone reaching 60 should be included by default.
In Tamilnadu, Aarogyasri is already available to State Government employees. This will be further extended to others, as Star has won the bid.
Sri Karulkar suggested that all states must be pressurized to replicate Aarogyasri.
Sri IVLN Chary said that tapping hospitals of Charities and Trusts is necessary to take advantage of lower charges. He also stated that the efforts should start from grass root level, say by organizing Mohalla Committees.
Sri Gopal Rao suggested several tiers of classification based on Income and said Government must take responsibility for middle class too. He also suggested some sort of cess may be levied for generating money needed for Senior Citizens Health Care.
Sri Bhagwanulu emphasized on the role that SCAs have to play.
Dr Koteswar Rao felt that money is not a problem provided we are ready to prove our credibility. He also observed that Banks refuse to lend money for construction of Old Age Homes even when the borrower has land for mortgaging. This is proving to be a major handicap in setting up new Old Age Homes.
Sri Kaka Samant made a strong plea that Sastry Committee report should not be lost sight of. Consistent follow up is necessary.
Dr. Sugan Bhatia said that IRDA protects the interests of insurers only and in IRDA’s views Senior Citizens are not part of customers of Health Insurance. Senior Citizens Associations should have representation in Advisory committee of IRDA. Providing assistive technologies may minimize dependency on hospitalization.
Sri S.K.Mahaptra supported Kaka Samant’s views on Sastry Committee Report and felt Family clinics should be supported.
Sri Srinivasulu emphasized that there should be a separate ministry for senior citizens at state level.
He also informed that GHMC will train 100 Bedside assistants at an expenditure of Rs 4.2 Lakhs shortly. The plan of action with respect to 84 SCAs & 50 DCCs for the year has been finalized by Aasara.
Dr Vyasamoorthy said that while we approach the government we should ask only for those things that are do-able or achievable and defer items that may never be taken up by the government.
Kerala is the only state having a policy on Palliative care / Hospices
Prof Visweswaraiah read out four demands from his paper.
Sri Venkateswarlu lamented that middle class is ignored by government.
Summing up Sri Sastry summed up the discussions. He pointed out that, as far as NPOP is concerned, government suggests, in the case of APL category, only a combination of Health Insurance and public Healthcare. Subsidies towards Health Care are thought of by the Government only for BPL families. Therefore we need to go via Health Insurance channel, if we want to achieve anything. IRDA is not equipped to handle Health insurance, especially for senior citizens. There has to be an advisory committee on IRDA on this. We should continue the dialog with IRDA.
4.0] Assessment of Various Current Health Care Scheme The Afternoon session was devoted to studying alternative schemes such as Sastry Committee report , Sahayadri Scheme in Pune, Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojana [RSBY] of GOI, Yashaswani in Bangalore, and Aarogyasri in Andhra Pradesh.
Mr. Mital pointed out that the health Committee of The All India Senior Citizens’ Confederation [AISCCON] has laid down following minimum requirements of an insurance scheme for Senior Citizens,
· Premium should be modest and should not keep increasing with age
· There should be no entry age bar at least for the initial period of 3 to 4 years.
· There must be no exit age bar if the premia are paid regularly.
· No bar on cover for pre-existing diseases.
· The schemes should be automatically renewable on payment of premium.
It was also felt that the segment of population which is above the BPL level but below the Income Tax level [ that is Middle Class or APL] is the real sufferer. Therefore, our considerations may be focused on this segment as our target population.
Above minimum requirements are used as the yardstick to judge the suitability of a scheme for Senior Citizens.
Sastry Committee Report -Mr.Mahapatra and Mr. Kaka Ssamanth observed that Sastry Committee recommendations were a big step forward as far as requirements of Senior Citizens are concerned. It met the requirement of providing cover without Age bar at least during the 3 year window period, covers pre-existing diseases with some conditions and also provides portability and automatic renewing and to some extent OPD treatment.
However, it falls short of our following requirements,
· Premium is likely to be beyond the reach of lower Middle Class Senior Citizens
· It keeps increasing with age as it can be loaded every year for age and health condition.
· Cover on pre-existing disease is loaded with pre-conditions which may make this facility un-acceptable; for example the Insurance Companies have laid down a waiting no claim period of 4 years before pre-existing diseases can be covered.
However, it is the most comprehensive landmark study of this subject and if it is implemented honestly, it will provide an excellent solution to the health insurance requirements of at least the upper middle class Senior Citizens. .
Saihyadri Scheme - Dr. Sugan Bhatia explained that the Saihyadri Scheme was promoted by Federation of Senior Citizens of Maharashtra [FESCOM] in Pune and a socially committed Hospital chain. It is observed that,
· The average expenses per Insured person do not exceed around Rs. 1200’per year even in a super specialty hospital and even when there is no entry or exit age bar or restrictions on account of pre-existing diseases.
· When the scheme was first introduced in 2005 the Hospital expenditure per insured Senior Citizen was only around Rs. 650.
· The number of persons who enrolled was around 17000 when it was launched with a premium of Rs. 450 per one Lakh cover, now the number of insured has dropped to about 5000 when the premium was raised to Rs 1200 per person
· Even at this low number of insured the scheme appears to have broken even and is being continued.
· The expenses per insured is high because it is a voluntary scheme and not mandatory and the group consists of only Senior Citizens [60+].
The Scheme was found acceptable and effort was made to replicate it in Hyderabad but
no Hospital was forthcoming to implement it.
Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojna [RSBY] – This scheme is similar to Arogya Sri Scheme with following features,
· It is partly subsidized by GOI
· Premium is Rs 30/year for a cover of Rs 30,000/- per family on floater basis
· No restriction on entry & exit age and pre-existing diseases.
· All most all medical procedures are covered.
· BPL families are covered.
· In Kerala it has been extended to APL families also on payment of Rs 100/- per year per family. Entire Kerala is now covered by Health Insurance.
But its negative features are,
· Cover is very small
· Family size is restricted to 5. in case of a big family, the Senior Citizen members are likely to be left out
The Yashaswani Scheme, Dr . Bhatia pointed out, is a very successful scheme in
Karnatak covering major medical procedures at a very low premium. Even at this low premium they have built up a substantial surplus, but its success is largely due to the existence of an extensive network of co-operative societies in rural areas of the State.
Aarogyasri Scheme -There was presentation on Aarogyasri from Star Health. Some points gathered are given here:
921 procedures are covered including both surgeries and medical procedures
Some 10000 screening camps have been conducted. Specialists take part in these camps. Camps are not just for identifying candidates for hospitalization or surgery. Out of 17 Lakh persons screened only three Lakh persons required hospitalization.
Aarogyamitras liaise with patients and PHC at Mandal level and within Network Hospitals and patients. The premium was initially Rs 330 per White Card Holding family, average size being 3.4 persons. It was raised to Rs 390 in a later phase.
Even a new born child is included. There is an upper cover up to Rs 1.5 Lakhs per family (floater policy).
Nearly 85% of AP population is covered! Entire premium is paid by State government without availing any Central assistance.
This scheme covers almost all the points of the minimum requirements for senior citizens, particularly the following
· All BPL families are covered under the scheme with Health Insurance for 1.5 Lakhs on floater basis. There is a provision for additional 0.5 lakhs in special cases.
· There is no restriction on the size of family. Even great grand parents can be included
· All Senior citizens who are members of a BPL family are covered irrespective of their age and the pre-existing diseases.
· Now 942 different medical procedures are covered including injuries due to accidents..
· Recently 121 ailments have been added for which OPD treatment is provided up to one year
· Senior Citizens living alone are regarded as a family unit and are covered.
· The entire premium is paid by the Government of Andhra Pradesh
The only disadvantage in this scheme is that it covers only BPL families, though some
Exceptions have been made as in the case of journalists. We have to represent to the Government that the APL families should also be covered under it.
5.0]Cover of inmates of Old Age Homes under HI – Prof Vishweswariah observed that the Senior Citizen inmates of OAH usually do not have health protection. Most of the OAH do not have adequate facility or financial resources to provide quality health care to their inmates. It is therefore, imperative that State takes responsibility of providing them health security particularly to those belonging to BPL category. The administrative hurdles should be overcome with a firm determination.
6.0] Decisions (action points) of the meeting are:
1. APSCCON to approach the State government to extend Aarogyasri scheme to senior Citizens in APL category, on premium sharing basis. Star Health promised to get back after internal discussions. Prima facie they believe it is feasible.
The other alternative is that the APL families are covered on premium sharing basis. The senior citizen members of these families will automatically get covered. The senior citizens living alone should be regarded as family units and covered. Apsccon to take up this issue with the Government.
2. AISCCON to urge other states to replicate Aarogyasri scheme and cover both BPL & APL families/senior citizens.
3. The inmates of Old Age Homes must be provided health cover, under Aarogyasri in AP and under other suitable schemes in other States. It should be taken up as a priority demand in AP by APSCCON and at National level by AISCCON.
4. Banks to be approached to lend money for construction of Old Age Homes where the borrower has land for mortgaging.
5. To follow up with IRDA with respect to:
a) Implementation of Sastry Committee recommendations for the benefit of those Senior Citizens who can afford
b) Getting Clarification on two recent circulars about renewal of Health Insurance
Policies and increases in premiums.
b) Government giving a subsidy of Rs 100 per month to buy health insurance which will
supplement the senior citizen’s efforts to health insurance.
c) Tax Concession offered under Section 80D for Health Insurance premium to be
replaced as a rebate in Income Tax.
6. Family Clinic Concept to be popularized. GHMC who have set up 50 Day Care centres in the City may be requested to arrange attendance by a Doctor for one or two hours daily in these centres.
Mr. K.R.Gangadharan [who joined for part of the time] promised that Heritage Hospital will come out with a scheme strengthening Family Clinic Concept wherein a senior citizen can get an annual check up and monthly consultancy at an affordable fee.
The meeting ended with a proposal of Vote of Thanks by Sri Venkateswarlu.
As Reported by: Dr. P. Vyasamoothy - Vice President [APSCCON]
1.0] General -A meeting on “Healthcare for Senior Citizens at Affordable Cost” was jointly organized by APSCCON and AISCCON at Heritage Hospital on 7th June 2009. Twenty One participants attended the meeting, coming as they did all the way from Delhi, Mumbai, Guntur, and of course Hyderabad. Besides members from APSCCON & AISCCON, FAPSCO was represented by Sri Gopal Rao & Bhagawanulu; Federation of Elder Homes in AP by Dr Koteswar Rao. Representatives from Harmony, IMA, APNA were absent. As if to compensate this loss, Star Health unit connected with Aarogyasri participated with four members including their COO -- Sri RS Ganapathy. Invitees from Chennai could not attend as they were having AGM and elections today.
Sri KR Gangadharan of Heritage played the host with his inimitable and enviable hospitality as usual.
The meeting was chaired by Sri KS Sastry, most competent for the occasion, as he was the Chairman of IRDA Committee on the subject of the meeting.
2.0] Initial remarks: Participants introduced themselves. Prof Visweswaraiah welcomed the gathering. Sri RN Mital explained how heath care has become unaffordable due to rising costs, how the meager savings made during decades of service in low cost economy years is dwindling and why immediate action is necessary to support senior citizens in meeting the health care expenditure.
Mr. Mital pointed out that the mandate in the National Policy on Older Persons to provide Health Security to Senior Citizens at affordable cost was only partially implemented or ignored in most of the States in our Country. It was particularly so because there was no unified approach to this issue by Senior Citizens themselves.
This meeting was therefore, organized to arrive at a unified approach for follow up both at the State and National level
3.0] Sri Sastry suggested that both the points (unaffordable heath care costs & Concept of Family Clinics / Family doctors) be taken up together.
What they spoke: Mr. K.S.Sastry invited suggestions of the participants on the points in the Agenda
Sri D.N. Chapke said that health care should be responsibility of the government. Senior Citizens should commit themselves to an agreed line of approach.
Sri Sainath [Aarogyasri] opined that the entry of non-BPL senior citizens into Aarogyasri scheme must be automatic. That is, anyone reaching 60 should be included by default.
In Tamilnadu, Aarogyasri is already available to State Government employees. This will be further extended to others, as Star has won the bid.
Sri Karulkar suggested that all states must be pressurized to replicate Aarogyasri.
Sri IVLN Chary said that tapping hospitals of Charities and Trusts is necessary to take advantage of lower charges. He also stated that the efforts should start from grass root level, say by organizing Mohalla Committees.
Sri Gopal Rao suggested several tiers of classification based on Income and said Government must take responsibility for middle class too. He also suggested some sort of cess may be levied for generating money needed for Senior Citizens Health Care.
Sri Bhagwanulu emphasized on the role that SCAs have to play.
Dr Koteswar Rao felt that money is not a problem provided we are ready to prove our credibility. He also observed that Banks refuse to lend money for construction of Old Age Homes even when the borrower has land for mortgaging. This is proving to be a major handicap in setting up new Old Age Homes.
Sri Kaka Samant made a strong plea that Sastry Committee report should not be lost sight of. Consistent follow up is necessary.
Dr. Sugan Bhatia said that IRDA protects the interests of insurers only and in IRDA’s views Senior Citizens are not part of customers of Health Insurance. Senior Citizens Associations should have representation in Advisory committee of IRDA. Providing assistive technologies may minimize dependency on hospitalization.
Sri S.K.Mahaptra supported Kaka Samant’s views on Sastry Committee Report and felt Family clinics should be supported.
Sri Srinivasulu emphasized that there should be a separate ministry for senior citizens at state level.
He also informed that GHMC will train 100 Bedside assistants at an expenditure of Rs 4.2 Lakhs shortly. The plan of action with respect to 84 SCAs & 50 DCCs for the year has been finalized by Aasara.
Dr Vyasamoorthy said that while we approach the government we should ask only for those things that are do-able or achievable and defer items that may never be taken up by the government.
Kerala is the only state having a policy on Palliative care / Hospices
Prof Visweswaraiah read out four demands from his paper.
Sri Venkateswarlu lamented that middle class is ignored by government.
Summing up Sri Sastry summed up the discussions. He pointed out that, as far as NPOP is concerned, government suggests, in the case of APL category, only a combination of Health Insurance and public Healthcare. Subsidies towards Health Care are thought of by the Government only for BPL families. Therefore we need to go via Health Insurance channel, if we want to achieve anything. IRDA is not equipped to handle Health insurance, especially for senior citizens. There has to be an advisory committee on IRDA on this. We should continue the dialog with IRDA.
4.0] Assessment of Various Current Health Care Scheme The Afternoon session was devoted to studying alternative schemes such as Sastry Committee report , Sahayadri Scheme in Pune, Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojana [RSBY] of GOI, Yashaswani in Bangalore, and Aarogyasri in Andhra Pradesh.
Mr. Mital pointed out that the health Committee of The All India Senior Citizens’ Confederation [AISCCON] has laid down following minimum requirements of an insurance scheme for Senior Citizens,
· Premium should be modest and should not keep increasing with age
· There should be no entry age bar at least for the initial period of 3 to 4 years.
· There must be no exit age bar if the premia are paid regularly.
· No bar on cover for pre-existing diseases.
· The schemes should be automatically renewable on payment of premium.
It was also felt that the segment of population which is above the BPL level but below the Income Tax level [ that is Middle Class or APL] is the real sufferer. Therefore, our considerations may be focused on this segment as our target population.
Above minimum requirements are used as the yardstick to judge the suitability of a scheme for Senior Citizens.
Sastry Committee Report -Mr.Mahapatra and Mr. Kaka Ssamanth observed that Sastry Committee recommendations were a big step forward as far as requirements of Senior Citizens are concerned. It met the requirement of providing cover without Age bar at least during the 3 year window period, covers pre-existing diseases with some conditions and also provides portability and automatic renewing and to some extent OPD treatment.
However, it falls short of our following requirements,
· Premium is likely to be beyond the reach of lower Middle Class Senior Citizens
· It keeps increasing with age as it can be loaded every year for age and health condition.
· Cover on pre-existing disease is loaded with pre-conditions which may make this facility un-acceptable; for example the Insurance Companies have laid down a waiting no claim period of 4 years before pre-existing diseases can be covered.
However, it is the most comprehensive landmark study of this subject and if it is implemented honestly, it will provide an excellent solution to the health insurance requirements of at least the upper middle class Senior Citizens. .
Saihyadri Scheme - Dr. Sugan Bhatia explained that the Saihyadri Scheme was promoted by Federation of Senior Citizens of Maharashtra [FESCOM] in Pune and a socially committed Hospital chain. It is observed that,
· The average expenses per Insured person do not exceed around Rs. 1200’per year even in a super specialty hospital and even when there is no entry or exit age bar or restrictions on account of pre-existing diseases.
· When the scheme was first introduced in 2005 the Hospital expenditure per insured Senior Citizen was only around Rs. 650.
· The number of persons who enrolled was around 17000 when it was launched with a premium of Rs. 450 per one Lakh cover, now the number of insured has dropped to about 5000 when the premium was raised to Rs 1200 per person
· Even at this low number of insured the scheme appears to have broken even and is being continued.
· The expenses per insured is high because it is a voluntary scheme and not mandatory and the group consists of only Senior Citizens [60+].
The Scheme was found acceptable and effort was made to replicate it in Hyderabad but
no Hospital was forthcoming to implement it.
Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojna [RSBY] – This scheme is similar to Arogya Sri Scheme with following features,
· It is partly subsidized by GOI
· Premium is Rs 30/year for a cover of Rs 30,000/- per family on floater basis
· No restriction on entry & exit age and pre-existing diseases.
· All most all medical procedures are covered.
· BPL families are covered.
· In Kerala it has been extended to APL families also on payment of Rs 100/- per year per family. Entire Kerala is now covered by Health Insurance.
But its negative features are,
· Cover is very small
· Family size is restricted to 5. in case of a big family, the Senior Citizen members are likely to be left out
The Yashaswani Scheme, Dr . Bhatia pointed out, is a very successful scheme in
Karnatak covering major medical procedures at a very low premium. Even at this low premium they have built up a substantial surplus, but its success is largely due to the existence of an extensive network of co-operative societies in rural areas of the State.
Aarogyasri Scheme -There was presentation on Aarogyasri from Star Health. Some points gathered are given here:
921 procedures are covered including both surgeries and medical procedures
Some 10000 screening camps have been conducted. Specialists take part in these camps. Camps are not just for identifying candidates for hospitalization or surgery. Out of 17 Lakh persons screened only three Lakh persons required hospitalization.
Aarogyamitras liaise with patients and PHC at Mandal level and within Network Hospitals and patients. The premium was initially Rs 330 per White Card Holding family, average size being 3.4 persons. It was raised to Rs 390 in a later phase.
Even a new born child is included. There is an upper cover up to Rs 1.5 Lakhs per family (floater policy).
Nearly 85% of AP population is covered! Entire premium is paid by State government without availing any Central assistance.
This scheme covers almost all the points of the minimum requirements for senior citizens, particularly the following
· All BPL families are covered under the scheme with Health Insurance for 1.5 Lakhs on floater basis. There is a provision for additional 0.5 lakhs in special cases.
· There is no restriction on the size of family. Even great grand parents can be included
· All Senior citizens who are members of a BPL family are covered irrespective of their age and the pre-existing diseases.
· Now 942 different medical procedures are covered including injuries due to accidents..
· Recently 121 ailments have been added for which OPD treatment is provided up to one year
· Senior Citizens living alone are regarded as a family unit and are covered.
· The entire premium is paid by the Government of Andhra Pradesh
The only disadvantage in this scheme is that it covers only BPL families, though some
Exceptions have been made as in the case of journalists. We have to represent to the Government that the APL families should also be covered under it.
5.0]Cover of inmates of Old Age Homes under HI – Prof Vishweswariah observed that the Senior Citizen inmates of OAH usually do not have health protection. Most of the OAH do not have adequate facility or financial resources to provide quality health care to their inmates. It is therefore, imperative that State takes responsibility of providing them health security particularly to those belonging to BPL category. The administrative hurdles should be overcome with a firm determination.
6.0] Decisions (action points) of the meeting are:
1. APSCCON to approach the State government to extend Aarogyasri scheme to senior Citizens in APL category, on premium sharing basis. Star Health promised to get back after internal discussions. Prima facie they believe it is feasible.
The other alternative is that the APL families are covered on premium sharing basis. The senior citizen members of these families will automatically get covered. The senior citizens living alone should be regarded as family units and covered. Apsccon to take up this issue with the Government.
2. AISCCON to urge other states to replicate Aarogyasri scheme and cover both BPL & APL families/senior citizens.
3. The inmates of Old Age Homes must be provided health cover, under Aarogyasri in AP and under other suitable schemes in other States. It should be taken up as a priority demand in AP by APSCCON and at National level by AISCCON.
4. Banks to be approached to lend money for construction of Old Age Homes where the borrower has land for mortgaging.
5. To follow up with IRDA with respect to:
a) Implementation of Sastry Committee recommendations for the benefit of those Senior Citizens who can afford
b) Getting Clarification on two recent circulars about renewal of Health Insurance
Policies and increases in premiums.
b) Government giving a subsidy of Rs 100 per month to buy health insurance which will
supplement the senior citizen’s efforts to health insurance.
c) Tax Concession offered under Section 80D for Health Insurance premium to be
replaced as a rebate in Income Tax.
6. Family Clinic Concept to be popularized. GHMC who have set up 50 Day Care centres in the City may be requested to arrange attendance by a Doctor for one or two hours daily in these centres.
Mr. K.R.Gangadharan [who joined for part of the time] promised that Heritage Hospital will come out with a scheme strengthening Family Clinic Concept wherein a senior citizen can get an annual check up and monthly consultancy at an affordable fee.
The meeting ended with a proposal of Vote of Thanks by Sri Venkateswarlu.
As Reported by: Dr. P. Vyasamoothy - Vice President [APSCCON]
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