Alzheimer’s Disease International : World Alzheimer Report 2010 :The Global Economic Impact of Dementia
In the World Alzheimer Report 2010, we build upon the findings detailed in the World Alzheimer Report 2009, to explore the cost of dementia to our societies. The Report contains an explanation of the methods used, detailed results for different economic and geographic regions, and we offer conclusions and recommendations in the final section.As you will see, the figures are cause for great concern and we hope that this Report will act as a call to action for governments and policy makers across the world. It is vital that they recognize that the cost of dementia will continue to increase at an alarming rate and we must work to improve care and support services, treatment and research into dementia in all regions of the world. Lower income countries face a severe lack of recognition of dementia, placing a heavy burden on families and carers who often have no understanding of what is happening to their loved one. High income countries are struggling to cope with the demand for services, leaving many people with dementia and caregivers with little or no support. Consequently, we urge key decision makers to take notice of this very important document and to work with Alzheimer associations and with ADI to make dementia a national and global health priority.
The total estimated worldwide costs of dementia are US$604 billion in 2010.
About 70% of the costs occur in Western Europe and North America.
Costs were attributed to informal care (unpaid care provided by family and others), direct costs of social care (provided by community care professionals, and in residential home settings) and the direct costs of medical care (the costs of treating dementia and other conditions in primary and secondary care).
Costs of informal care and the direct costs of social care generally contribute similar proportions of total costs, while the direct medical costs are much lower. However, in low and middle income countries informal care accounts for the majority of total costs and direct social care costs are negligible.
Background• Dementia is a syndrome that can be caused by a number of progressive disorders that affect memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. Other types include vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia.
• Dementia mainly affects older people, although there is a growing awareness of cases that start before the age of 65. After age 65, the likelihood of developing dementia roughly doubles every five years.
• In last year’s World Alzheimer Report, Alzheimer’s Disease International estimated that there are 35.6 million people living with dementia worldwide in 2010, increasing to 65.7 million by 2030 and 115.4 million by 2050. Nearly two-thirds live in low and middle income countries, where the sharpest increases in numbers are set to occur.
• People with dementia, their families and friends are affected on personal, emotional, financial and social levels. Lack of awareness is a global problem. A proper understanding of the societal costs of dementia, and how these impact upon families, health and social care services and governments may help to address this problem.
• The societal cost of dementia is already enormous. Dementia is already significantly affecting every health and social care system in the world. The economic impact on families is insufficiently appreciated.
• In this World Alzheimer Report 2010, we merge the best available data and the most recent insights regarding the worldwide economic cost of dementia. We highlight these economic impacts by providing more detailed estimates than before, making use of recently available data that considerably strengthens the evidence base.
– The World Alzheimer Report 2009 provides the most comprehensive, detailed and up-todate data on the prevalence of dementia and the numbers of people affected in different world regions.
– The 10/66 Dementia Research Group’s studies in Latin America, India and China have provided detailed information on informal care arrangements for people with dementia in those regions.
– For this Report, Alzheimer’s disease International has conducted a global survey of key informants regarding the extent of use of care homes in different world regions.
Recommendations1 Alzheimer’s Disease International calls on governments to make dementia a health priority and develop national plans to deal with the disease.
2 Alzheimer’s Disease International reminds governments of their obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Madrid International Plan for Action on Ageing to ensure access to healthcare. It calls on governments to fund and expand the implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health Gap Action Plan, including the packages of care for dementia, as one of the seven core disorders identified in the plan.
3 Alzheimer’s Disease International requests that new investment in chronic disease care should always include attention to dementia. For example, the WHO Global Report on ‘Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions’ alerts policymakers, particularly those in low and middle income countries, to the implications of the decreases in communicable diseases and the rapid ageing of populations. Healthcare is currently organized around an acute, episodic model of care that no longer meets the needs of patients with chronic conditions. The WHO Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions framework provides a basis on which to redesign health systems that are fit for their purpose.
4 Alzheimer’s Disease International calls on governments and other major research funders to act now to increase dementia research funding, including research into prevention, to a level more proportionate to the economic burden of the condition. Recently published data from the UK suggests that a 15-fold increase is required to reach parity with research into heart disease, and a 30-fold increase to achieve parity with cancer research. International coordination of research is needed to make the best use of resources.
5 Alzheimer’s Disease International calls on governments worldwide to develop policies and plans for long-term care that anticipate and address social and demographic trends and have an explicit focus on supporting family caregivers and ensuring social protection of vulnerable people with dementia.
6 Alzheimer’s Disease International supports HelpAge International’s call for governments to introduce universal non-contributory social pension schemes.
7 Alzheimer’s Disease International calls on governments to ensure that people with dementia are eligible to receive and do receive disability benefits, where such schemes are in operation.
See Full Report : http://www.alz.org/documents/national/World_Alzheimer_Report_2010.pdf See Executive Summary: http://www.alz.org/documents/national/World_Alzheimer_Report_2010_Summary%281%29.pdf