"My parent won't wear adult diapers and it drives me nuts!"
This is a common topic for caregiver conversations. And I sympathize. However, the fact that the word "diaper" is used makes me wonder if the adult child's approach could be softened.
Therefore the first thing I suggest to the caregiver in question is that he or she practice the following exercise. I suggest that they say, out loud, "I will not use the word ‘diaper' in front of my parents unless I'm talking about a baby." Repeat as many times as needed, but get it down pat.
Change Your Vocabulary
Incontinence is a sensitive topic. Adults often rebel against the word "diaper," for good reason. The word "diaper" implies a piece of clothing used for a baby or toddler yet to be toilet trained. What adult would take kindly to this word when it's applied to them?
To take it one step farther, think about this. If you are a forty or fifty-something woman who has had children, you have probably, on occasion, suffered from "stress incontinence," meaning that you've leaked a little urine during a cough, sneeze or huge laugh fest. Perhaps you've even used a panty protector "just in case." How would you feel if your husband or friend referred to this little protection as a "diaper"?
Okay. First point made. Diapers are associated with babies. No adult, no matter how disabled, should be treated as though he or she were a baby.
This may seem like nitpicking, but please, call it a brief. A pad. Anything you want. Just make the word adult sounding and respectful, and you'll have mastered tip one on how to get your parent to wear incontinence protection. I ask you to do this not only for the elder, but yourself. Using respectful words will help keep your brain wired correctly, reminding you that you are caring for an adult who deserves to be treated as such, no matter what his or her disabilities.
See a Specialist
I'm aware that just changing the word you use isn't going to completely solve the problem. However, if you want to stir up a fight with a bull, just wave a red cape. The same could be true with an elder and the word "diaper," so I wanted to make that a strong point.
Most likely, you've taken your elder to the doctor to get assurance about this issue. After testing to determine the type of incontinence, there may be minor surgical procedures, and even medications, that can help with incontinence. Even if you've taken this step, sometimes a second opinion from a urologist is a good idea, as well.
Now that you are using respectful terms, and you know there's no medical intervention that can help, what else can you do?
Getting the Elderly to Wear Incontinence Briefs
If your elder still has pretty good cognitive ability, but prefers to live in denial about this somewhat humiliating turn of events in his or her health, appeal to natural vanity. After all, it's basically our vanity that keeps us in denial about many aging issues. Our culture is guilty of ageism to the extent that many people go to extremes to appear as though they are winning a battle over nature when it comes to aging issues, even though we never really will win this one.
Certainly, incontinence is very difficult to accept. However, if you, or a third party, can convince your elder of the truth – that it's much more embarrassing to smell like urine because you ignore leakage, than it is to wear proper protection that can be changed frequently, you may get somewhere.
Talk to a Doctor or a Friend
Just like many other issues with our parents, the incontinence issue may be better approached by a non-family member such as an old friend or a doctor. Why? Because it's hard enough for people to accept that they can't control their urine when approached by a doctor or a friend who has the same issue, but has learned to treat it with a light heart. But not quite as humiliating as it is when they get the message from a son or daughter.
The elder changed our diapers when we were babies. Wrapping one's mind around the fact that Mother Nature has pulled this cruel reverse behind their back, so to speak, is devastating. Getting the "how to cope" directions from that wet-behind-the-ears twerp the elder raised is often just too much to handle, so natural defenses kick in. Hearing the news from a friendly doctor or another elder – say another male who has had prostate surgery ending in incontinence issues – can soften the blow just a bit. Some of the elder's defenses may be down, and he may be more willing to listen.
Diminished Sense of Smell
A diminished sense of smell, which is common as we age, can result in the elder not being aware of the urine smell. This can add to the denial factor in that they don't feel that the leaks that dry on their clothing are really a factor in their social acceptance. If possible, the same person who tackles the main issue of denial may want to use the idea that a person wants to "smell fresh," and frequent changes of clothing, combined with incontinence protection can help with that.
Depression is a Contributing Factor
When people don't go out socially, they can get so they don't pay attention to their appearance. Even a normally upbeat person may think on a quiet Saturday, "Gee, I'm not doing a thing outside the house today, so I'm not even going to take a shower."
Multiply that thought a few times over, add some depression brought on by declining health issues and fewer social opportunities, and you may come up with a depressed elder who isn't even aware of the passage of time from one shower to another, or one clothing change to another – or one toilet visit to another. Depressed people need to be evaluated by a doctor, which brings us back to the fact that a visit to one or more specialists may be in order if your elder won't wear incontinence protection. If the urologist doesn't see anything he or she can fix, and the family doctor or a good friend can't convince the elder to wear protection, perhaps a mental health checkup is in order.
When All Else Fails, Let Them Work it Out
Good luck with your mission. I'm aware that there are times when none of the above will work. Sometimes, people will do what they will do, and unless they are deemed legally incompetent, you may not be able to change a thing. Do what you can to get medical help, treat the person with respect and dignity, and then let go.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Time may take care of the very things you pushed so hard to correct. Sometimes, when we leave people alone to work out their problems, they stop resisting and tackle the issues head on. However, if the situation is extremely dire, call the local adult social services. A welfare check may be needed.
BY Carol Bradley Bursack
Source: http://www.agingcare.com/Articles/how-to-convince-elderly-parent-to-wear-adult-diapers-145643.htm?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=April+27%2c+2011&utm_campaign=Newsletter%2B-%2BApril+27%2c+2011
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Generation Alzheimer's: The Defining Disease of the Baby Boomers - Alzheimer's Association's groundbreaking study

"Too many of America's baby boomers will spend their retirement years either with Alzheimer's or caring for someone who has it."
This year, the first baby boomers turn 65. While Alzheimer’s is not normal aging, age is the greatest risk factor for the disease. This report conveys the burden of Alzheimer's and dementia on individuals, families, government and the nation's healthcare system.
This means baby boomers are its next target.
With the first wave of baby boomers reaching age 65, there is an impending wave of new cases and new families that will have to face the devastating, deteriorating, debilitating and heartbreaking disease known as Alzheimer’s — a progressive and fatal brain disorder that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.
Eventually, Alzheimer’s kills, but not before it takes everything away from you. It steals a person’s memories, judgment and independence. It robs spouses of lifetime companions and children of parents and grandparents. It destroys the security of families and depletes millions of dollars annually from family and government budgets.
It is expected an estimated 10 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s. Of those who reach the age of 85, nearly one in two will get it. And because there is no way to prevent, cure or even slow the progression of the disease, every one of these 10 million baby boomers will either die with Alzheimer’s or from it.
And it’s not just the person with Alzheimer’s who suffers — it’s also the caregivers. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease negatively affects the caregiver’s health, employment, income and financial security. But that is nothing compared to the human cost — the toll it takes watching a loved one slowly disappear.
Unless we find a treatment or a cure, Alzheimer’s will become the defining disease of the Baby Boom Generation. They will be Generation Alzheimer’s.
Get The Report here : http://www.alz.org/boomers/
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wheelchair Dance? Yes they Can! : Dance Therapy for Dementia/Alzheimer's

“If dance is an expression of the human spirit, then it is best expressed by people of all abilities.”
I was fortunate to attend the NAAP conference and a presentation by Michelle Nolta. During her presentation she mentioned Wheelchair Dancing. I have to be honest and mention I had not heard of this (in the nursing home setting) and decided this would be our feature article this month. I believe once you read this article, see the resources and watch the videos you will be blown away and inspired to add wheelchair dancing to the monthly activity calendars.
Dance programs are all the rage this year with TV shows such as Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance and America’s Got Talent.
Dance was a popular and inexpensive social event for our seniors in their youth. They went to dances, country club socials, military dance gatherings and ball room dance events. Many seniors met their spouse at the dance events.
The 1930 to 1950 era ushered in Big Apple Dance, Fox Trot, Swing, Tap, Waltz, Boogie Woogie, Conga, Jitter Jive, Cha Cha, Champagne Waltz, Jitter Bug, Tango, Mambo, Harlem Shuffle, Swing Trot and the Western Swing just to name a few. From 1950 to 1960 they were dancing the Bristol Stomp, Chicken Dance, Bop, Dirty Dance, West Coast Swing, Bunny Hop, The Pony and everyone remembers the Twist.
In the 1930’s they were dancing to Irving Berlin, Rudy Vallee, Dorothy Fields, Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter, Noel Coward, Charles King. The 1940’s are memorable for Glen Miller, Bing Cosby, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra. The 1950’s Fat’s Dominoe, Charlie Parker, King Cole Trio, Al Jolson, Doris Day, Frankie Laine and Dinah Shore.
Activity Directors are well known for stepping outside their comfort zone and trying something new and innovative. But as with all programs, wheelchair dance programs should be a resident choice and not a program where everyone is just wheeled in to the day rooms and expected to participate. This type of program can be enjoyed by residents who have no previous experience in dance. It offers them an opportunity to step outside their comfort zone. But because of this, residents must volunteer on their own accord and agree to attend a dance / movement program.
For many nursing homes the majority of the residents are in wheelchairs, while Assisted Living may only have a few residents in wheelchairs. This is an innovate way to get your residents moving while at the same time have a great time learning about dance and movement.
For great examples of wheelchair dance that is sure to inspire you, please take the time to watch this video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/AmericanDanceWheels
Wheelchair dancing also referred to as adaptive dancing and can be coupled with an able body dancer. Think of the possibilities from networking with your local dance school students and teachers, high school volunteer groups and senior volunteer groups who love to dance. The Yellow Pages lists all kinds of dance companies who you could collaborate with to provide instruction and also bring their students to entertain and instruct your residents. The American Dance Therapy Association has Dance Movement Therapist in many states.
It is a lot easier to teach residents in wheelchairs dance styles such as ball room dancing, waltz and fox trot but all kinds of dance styles can be learned. Some may just need a little more patience for dance styles such as swing, hip hop, etc.
There are several types of Wheelchair dancing. Group Dance which includes wheelchair users as well as people who are ambulatory. Duo Dancers which is two persons each in their own wheelchair, free style dancing which is with a single person dancing in a wheelchair. There is also Duo (couples) dancing where a person in a wheelchair is coupled with an ambulatory person or a professional dancer.
There are many people who might be shy about dancing and quietly sit and just watch the fun. Hopefully, they will be inspired to put on their dancing shoes and give it a try, or just clap their hands, sway to the music, stomp their feet and waive their arms. But either way there are positive benefits to watching a performance or practice session. Not many will be able to just sit in their seats for long when upbeat, lively and moving music begins to play.
Every kind of dance is shown on YouTube that can help guide and instruct you. To make it more interesting, the Activity Director can design wheel chair dance classes around seasons and themes such as:
1. Cinco De Mayo Day and teach Mexican Hat Dance or other dances
2. St. Patrick’s Day and teach an Irish Jig
3. May- May pole dance
4. Mother’s Day & Father’s day invite the grand children in to watch a performance or participate.
5. June-Senior Prom and invite the local high school seniors to ballroom dance.
6. July- Luau and teach Hawaiian Dance
7. August- Have a fair and a talent show to high light the senior’s dancing
8. September- Country Western Day and learn country line dancing.
Have cultural awareness day and each month learn a different style of dance such as African Movement Dance. Most states have dance studios specializing in different styles of dance and could provide a demonstration. See Anticipation of Dance- Amazing Grace Score Points Against Aging Video http://www.dancetherapymusings.com/2011/03/anticipation-dance-game.html
Invest in fun therapeutic props such as scarves and ribbons. There is also a product called Octaband that can be incorporated into the movement portion of your class. Octaband is fun, interactive and promotes individuality and group cohesion through movement for people of all ages and abilities http://www.octaband.com/ www.dancetherapymusings.com
“Because dance also requires memorizing steps and working with a partner, the activity provides mental challenges that are crucial for brain health—including reducing the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, according to researchers at Albert Einstein Center.” Lori Batcheller www.Disaboom.com
There are many benefits to Wheelchair Dancing;
Restore a sense of normalcy in a person’s life
Reduce stress
Builds confidence
Opportunities to socialize and reduce social isolation
Toxins release through sweating
Build stamina
Maintain flexibility
Build strength and muscle tone of arms and shoulders
Increase endurance
Improve coordination
Manage weight
Increase self esteem & personal worth
Opportunity to be playful
Laughter & Joy
When you exercise you feel better-dance is exercise and movement
Elevate mood
Diminish agitation
Decrease blood pressure
Increase level of excitement and anticipation
Increase opportunities to be spontaneous
Opportunity for Self expression
Failure Free Event so it is purposeful and meaningful
Movement relieves aches and pain
Increase in appetite
Increase alertness
Sleep better
Rejuvenate the spirit
Maintain long term memories
More connected and awareness of the body
Dance provides a safe place to express feelings
Jasmine Pasch wrote “We must not underestimate the effect of enjoyment. Having fun is a serious business, with dramatic effects on human well-being.”
“Philosophically, dance therapy fits absolutely within a person-centered approach to dementia care. It is about acknowledging the whole person (physical, emotional, social and spiritual).It is about quality of relationship – reconnecting the person to him- or herself and facilitating positive relationships with others. It is about engaging in meaningful activity. In other words it is about enriching the quality of life for people with dementia. Dance therapy is particularly appropriate in working with people with dementia because dance therapists’ training and skills in the non-verbal area enable them to meet the person with dementia in his or her world.” Adapted from Movement is the Medium
Watch for the magical moments and inspiration among your staff and residents as you incorporate this program into your weekly planned events. This will lead to not only anticipated events but to rehearsals, performances and maybe even competition at your state wheelchair dance competitions. If there are none in your state, why not coordinate with other nursing homes and assisted living facilities and begin your own dance competition.
There are all kinds of wheelchair dancing styles, Waltz, Tango, Fox Trot, Quick Step, Swing, Country Dancing, Latin Dancing such as Samba, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Jive, and Paso Doble.
Many seniors are competing in competitions such as
American Style Wheelchair Dancing
Latin Style Wheelchair Dancing
Ball Room Wheelchair Dancing
Country Dancing Wheelchair Dancing
Don’t rule out the resources right at your front door, because watching community groups can be enjoyable and enriching experience to, dance schools (Irish, Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Ball Room Dancing, Hip Hop, Lyrical) country line dancing at local restaurants and pubs, senior dance groups at senior centers, university dance programs (students), local talent competitions, YouTube and Dancing with the Stars programs. Have a talent show and invite employees to show off their moves. One facility I consulted for, the MDS coordinator was a national champion ball room dancer...who knew! Have your own Dancing with the Stars program.
Eliminate old stereotypes about the elderly. Yes, they can learn and they have shown this many times to us over and over again. Expect more! This is the generation that loves to learn new things. Try all kinds of music from America and other countries, experiment! They will be more open to new types of music than you would have ever thought possible. You just might find that the residents will love the wheelchair dance program if you present the program with enthusiasm, passion and a commitment to succeed.
You can certainly teach your residents about Wheelchair dancing, but if you lack experience or comfort in this area you can contact American Dance Wheels Foundation for an instructor or a local dance school. If you want to have a trainer come to your facility and develop a cutting edge dance group program contact Donna Newman-Bluestein Med BC-DMT LMHC who is a board certified Dance Movement Therapist and Public Relations Chairperson for the American Dance Therapy Association. You can contact her at 617-969-2436 or dbluebird@rcn.com she can design programs not only for your dementia patients but also for your high functioning ambulatory patients. The American Dance Therapy Association has a database of certified dance therapists for your state.
There are several instructional videos through the Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation Library that are free and they will also pay for the postage to ship it to you through their free lending program.
1. Introduction to Wheelchair Dancing-video
2. Two Step Wheelchair Dancing-video
3. Waltz Wheelchair Dancing-video
Try to involve the front line staff. Consider what countries your staff is from. For example, you might have staff from the Caribbean. Once you begin playing Calypso, Bob Marley or Steel Band Music, they won’t be able to resist joining your group, they will become more playful, interact and dance with your residents.
Wheelchair dancing movement offers oceans of possibilities, endless rewards for you, your staff and especially your residents.
“If dance is an expression of the human spirit, then it is best expressed by people of all abilities.”
Wheelchair Dancing Resources:
Invitation to Dance
By Dr. Heather Hill
University of Sterling
Dementia Services Development Centre
Provides guidance for anyone who would like to help people with dementia move expressively to music. It gives suggestions for approaches, props, music and vivid descriptions.
Fact Sheet:
Free Download
Arts & Creativity
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
Dance therapy with People with Dementia
By Donna Newman- Bluestein
Preparing for Dance therapy Group with People With Dementia
By Donna Newman-Bluestein
Movement as the Connection to Playfulness and Empathy
Donna Newman – Bluestein and Heather Hill
Journal of Dementia Care
Must request permission for this article
September / October 2010
In Touch- Reflecting on 15 years of dance movement in residential home for older people
By: Jasmine Pasch
Out of the Cupboard…to The Brightness
Dance Therapy Process with a Person with Dementia
By: Jasmine Pasch
Dance Therapy and Communication in Dementia
By Jasmine Pasch
Music Can Facilitate Blood Pressure Recovery in Stress
Michelle Nolta –Speakers
Recreation Therapy Consultants http://www.rec-therapy.com/
Passage: A Disabled Dancer Dances Again
Aquarius Health Care, 2004. VHS
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
Paralysis Research Center
Free Lending Library
Introduction to Wheelchair Dancing
Two Step Wheelchair Dancing
Waltz Wheelchair Dancing
Aero Inc.
A Boston non-profit featuring mixed abilities dancers.
Watch Video on Wheel Chair Dancing
Axis Dance Company
Oakland, CA
Watch Video on Wheel Chair Dancing
Axis Dance Company has performed its innovative body of work in theaters and dance
spaces at throughout the U.S. as well as overseas. AXIS has become an internationally
known resource for physically integrated dance and is one of a handful of companies
setting a standard for professionalism in this emerging field.
Dance Detour
1935 South Archer Avenue, Suite 413
Chicago, IL 60616
Watch Video
Founded in 1995, Dance Detour is Chicago’s first professional “diverse-abilities” dance
company comprised of multi-talented artists with and without disabilities. The focus of
their work is solely dedicated to the art of physically integrated dance and collaborations
that includes dancers of all abilities.
DanceAbility International
Eugene, OR
Their mission is to encourage the evolution of mixed-abilities dance by cultivating a
common ground for creative expression for all people. The mission is accomplished
through performance, educational programs, teacher training and workshops.
Dancing Wheels Company & School
3615 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Full Radius Dance
PO Box 54453
Atlanta, GA 30308
Explores, through modern dance, the sweep of the human experience in a world that
contains a diversity of attitudes, actions and outcomes, affects change for persons with
disabilities, dance artists and the general community.
GIMP Project
400 West 43rd St. #21S
New York, NY 10036
Infinity Dance Theater
220 West 93rd Street
New York, NY 10025
Light Motion
Seattle, WA
Sins Invalid
San Francisco, CA area
Sins Invalid is a performance project that incubates and celebrates artists with disabilities,
centralizing artists of color and queer and gender-variant artists as communities who have been historically marginalized.
YouTube Videos
Sharp Rehab Center
Wheel Chair Dancing
ABC News Wheel Chair Dancing
Wheel Chair Dancing-Lessons Taught In Private Home
Slow Waltz
The Dancer with Tiny Legs
MS Senior 2011 Wheel Chair Competition
Wheel Chair Square Dancing Video
Alice and Her Dancing Spirit
Wheel chair Dancers Mary and Shelley
Cool Dance Wheel Chair Dance
Other Resources:
American Dance Therapy Association
National Dance Education Organization
Authentic Movement Community
Center for Movement Education and Research
Mobility Advisor to see videos of Wheel Chair Dancing
Wheel Chair Dance Sport Association
Wheel Chair Life Style
Adaptive Dancing
American Dance Wheels Foundation
Axis Dance Company
Full Radius Dance
Icelandic Dance Sport Federation
International Dance Sports Federation
International Paralympic Committee
Malta Wheelchair Danceport Association
U.S. Wheel Chair Dancing
Wheel chair Dance Sport Australia
Wheel chair Dance Club of Holland
Wheel chair Dance Sport Committee
Wheel chair Dance Sport in Russia
Wheel chair Dance Sport USA
Private Instruction by US Wheel Chair Dancing
Train the Trainer Classes
Sandra Fortuna 856 869 0010 which is located in NJ and will come to you.
Beverly’s Story at Sharps Health Care Video
American Dance Wheels foundation
Wheelchair Dance in USA
To Provide Training to Activity Directors
If you want to have a trainer come to your facility and develop a cutting edge dance group program contact Donna Newman-Bluestein Med BC-DMT LMHC who is a board certified Dance Movement Therapist and Public Relations Chairperson for the American Dance Therapy Association. You can contact her at 617-969-2436 or dbluebird@rcn.com she can design programs not only for your dementia patients but also your high functioning ambulatory patients. The American Dance Therapy Association has a database of certified dance therapists for your state. Collaborate with a local dance instructor which you can find dance schools in your local yellow pages.
Wheel Chair Dance Technique for Teachers
chris@infinitydance.com (or phone 917/204-8294).
Absolutely Dance Sport
Dance timelines: History of Dance
Street Swing Web site has a complete time line of dancing.
To Provide Training to Activity Directors
If you want to have a trainer come to your facility and develop a cutting edge dance group program contact Donna Newman-Bluestein Med BC-DMT LMHC who is a board certified Dance Movement Therapist and Public Relations Chairperson for the American Dance Therapy Association. You can contact her at 617-969-2436 or dbluebird@rcn.com she can design programs not only for your dementia patients but also your high functioning ambulatory patients. The American Dance Therapy Association has a database of certified dance therapists for your state. Collaborate with a local dance instructor which you can find dance schools in your local yellow pages.
Wheel Chair Dance Technique for Teachers
chris@infinitydance.com (or phone 917/204-8294).
Absolutely Dance Sport
By Sandra Stimson CALA ADC CDP CDCM Executive Director
Courtesy: www.nccdp.org
Saturday, April 16, 2011
What Is Alzheimer's Disease?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Beyond Boundaries, for Age Care
Transnational Networking, Vietnam delegation India Visit Report:4th April to 8th April 2011.
Delegation from ‘Vietnam National Commission on Ageing’ consisting of members from government & NGO working with Elderly under leadership of Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan , Head of Office, Vietnam National Commission on Ageing recently visited India on Study Tour on Invitation of Sailesh Mishra, Founder President of Silver Inning Foundation – a not for profit organization dedicated for the cause of Senior Citizens.
This visit facilitated meeting & exchange of knowledge between various NGO’s/Organisation working with Elderly in both countries, which shares historic relationship. This networking meeting will help people from both the countries to understand issues and needs of the Elderly and work out solutions as required by country specific.
The diversity of culture and tradition in South East Asia has its own dynamics in care for elderly. There is a world out there that lends to us different cultures, different lifestyles, and educational, social, religious and political views.
We get entangled in our everyday lives and take most things for granted. It is important to enrich our lives with experiences from other countries for a lot of reasons; the social aspect, seeing how other people lives so that we can respect and appreciate the life that we lead.
The consequences of demographic change in Asia, with the continuously growing
Elder population is a huge challenge.Asian countries need to increase knowledge about how to promote good social, healthy life among Elders with preserving our culture & tradition in changing globalization so as to promote health and quality in later life stages.
Policy-makers need good outlines to make decisions, based on research and good practice. This in turn requires that the “bridge” between research and public policy is open and constructive. NGO’s and Senior Citizens play major role in helping the policy makers making an elder friendly policy.
According to the 2009 estimate in Vietnam 9% of population of the country is of Elders 60+ , about 7.5 million. According to the forecast of the UN Population Program due to a decrease in the birth rate & an increase in life-span , by 2025 the Elder population in Vietnam will be about 17% of the total population & 25% by 2050.
In Vietnam traditionally, the elderly are respected in the family and are recognized to have contributed to the cause of constructing and defending the nation and have a lot of life experience. The elderly play significant role in maintaining the traditional value of the family, in educating the children and in different social activities of the community.
Elders in Vietnam actively participate into the family life and social life. In the family, the voices of older persons are important to their children. They contribute to both spiritual and material life of the family, in many cases helping to ensure the sustainability and happiness of the family. For the community, older persons participate in economic activities and continue contributing to producing material properties. Older persons play the key role in social activities, developing “cultural family”, “cultural residential area”, “learning society”, preventing social vices such as drug addiction, prostitution in the residential area. The elderly also have active contribution to the development of policies of the authority.
Vietnam has a saying “the Young rely on their father, the elderly rely on their children”, which means when you grow old, the elderly have to rely on the care of their children. Most of the elderly in Vietnam earn their income by doing farming, and do not have pensions so they need their offspring to take care of and meet their needs when they are too old. These days, in the context of the market economy, there is some change in the value; some of the elderly have prepared for their old age, but the majority still needs the caring from the children, especially those without any savings. The successful people with wealthy life still secure the needs of their old parents and can take care of older people when needed.
In current scenario there is a trend of increasing nuclear family and decreasing extended families. In the market economy, the young generation concentrates on making money for their living and have to migrate to urban area. There are some young people without incomes or employment, and those addicted to drugs, violating the law, etc. they pose difficulties for ensuring older peopled to be taken care of and in many cases bring about burden for the elderly.
In order to assist families in caring for the elderly, the Vietnam government has implemented different policies. The role of social organizations, NGOs and private organizations are strongly promoted thanks to the policy of broadening the participation of the society in caring for the elderly. The social organizations like Women’s Union, Vietnam Red Cross and international NGOs, as well as donors, etc. have made significant contribution to developing caring services for the elderly, which is still in shortage in Vietnam. The government is formulating new policy and programme for elderly.
The Vietnam delegation visited capital city of New Delhi, commercial capital Mumbai and retirement paradise city Pune.
The first meeting was held at Helpage India HO at New Delhi with Mr.Mathew Cherian, CEO & his Team of Directors. Sailesh Mishra of Silver Inning Foundation was also present with the delegation. Helpage India shared information about their activities and their new vision for Age Care. It was an interactive information sharing meeting. Both the countries felt that there has been increase of neglect and abuse cases. Helpage India also assured of help to the delegation with regards to capacity building. The delegation was given CD’s of documentary of various activities and on issues of elderly.
In Mumbai the delegation visited Geriatric Psychiatry dept of The BYL Nair Charitable Municipal Hospital. Dr.R.V.Rananavare - The Dean, Dr. Charles Pinto - Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Dr. Alka Subramanian, Dr.Vinod Gangooli from The BYL Nair Charitable Municipal Hospital and Sailesh Mishra of Silver Inning Foundation were present. The delegation was impressed with the care and services offered to underprivileged by the public hospital. It also got the information of Geriatric Psychiatry clinic run by the hospital. Nair Hospital is a Tertiary care hospital one of the four big public hospitals attached to medical College in Mumbai city. The delegation was informed about growing incidence of mental illness in elderly including Dementia/Alzheimer’s’. Dr.Alka informed the delegation about high number of Diabetic, High Blood Pressure, Depression, Cardiac and Infectious realted illness in elder population. Dr.Charles Pinto explained the working of the Geriatric Psychiatry dept and the hospital. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan wished if Vietnam could have such medical facility in each district.
The delegation also participated in Networking meeting of NGO’s & Organization’s working with Senior Citizens in India at Center for Life Long Learning, Tata Institute of Social Science, (TISS) Mumbai. Prof. Nasreen Rustomfram - Chairperson, Centre for Lifelong Learning ,Prof. Siva Raju – Demographer & Social Gerontologist , Mr. Sandip & Mr. Darpan Ved from TISS ;Dr.Kinjawadekar & Mr.Chapke from AISCCON ; Mr.Vijay Aundhe from FESCOM ; Mr.S.Mahapatra from GIC Pensioners Association ; Mr.R.S.Desai from All India Bank Retirees Federation ; Ms.Shobha Philips & Ms. Regina from YWCA Asha Kiran; Prakash Borgaonkar & Vallerian Pias from HelpAge India ; Ms.Mona , Sailesh Mishra from Silver Inning Foundation & Ms.Laxmi Rao Project Coordinator from 1298 Senior Citizens Helpline were present for the meet. Prof.Parsuram Director of TISS chaired the meet but had to leave early for an urgent meet. Sailesh Mishra gave an overview of Indian Ageing and NGO’s working in India. Prof. Siva Raju shared Situation Analysis of Indian Ageing and Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan gave presentation on Country report of Vietnam Ageing scenario. It was followed by Q & A session and we all got to know more about respective country ageing issues. The Indians were impressed by the work done by Vietnam government, NGO’s and Community for their Aged. The Health Insurance and Community care of Vietnam elderly was appreciated. Representative from Vietnam delegation wanted to know if there can be support from prestigious institute like TISS on this Prof. Nasreen assured of the support and also informed a Tailor made programme/course can be made available. She also expressed her desire on behalf of TISS to strength the social science particularly in developing countries. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan invited a delegation from India to visit Vietnam. We all expressed our desire for exchange of resource/people among developing countries and developed nations vice versa for creating better social infrastructure for Age Care. Sailesh Mishra hoped if UN agency or International Community could come forward and encourage such networking among transnational organisation, expert and Senior Citizens.
To get the first hand experience with elder care facility delegation visited Harmony Day Care Center at Harmony Interactive Centre managed by Harmony for Silvers Foundation in central Mumbai. It was amazing to see the interaction among Senior Citizens and the Delegation. Hiren Mehta, Vitista Dhar and Amrita from Harmony and Sailesh Mishra from Silver Inning Foundation were present. ‘Harmony Celebrate Age’ and Harmony memento was presented to the delegates.
The Pune tour included visit to ATHASHRI Retirement Township for Independent Living. The staff of the township gave a tradition Indian Welcome to the entire Delegation member with a huge beautiful Garland. Dr.Vijay Rhayakar - Resident Manager , Ms.Neela Deshpande - Administrative Officer from Athashri and Sailesh Mishra & Laxmi Rao from Silver Inning Foundation were present. The delegation was shown the different facilities including Kitchen, Dining, Club House, Library, Temple, Sample Flat, Gym etc . They were also taken to ‘Continuing Care Center’ for assisted living. We all were amazed by Elder Friendly Design and Infrastructure & by generous and committed staff. The delegation also enjoyed a ride on Electric open car.
The Pune & India tour reached its climax with the Meeting with International Longevity Center – India (ILC –I) and representatives of SCOs, Govt. officials. Dr.S.D.Gokhale ,Mr.Jayant Umranikar, Mr.Prakash Ahirekar and Ms.Anjali Raje from ILC –I ,Dr. Gururaj Mutalik former WHO Director & Mr.Prakash Jawdekar, Wing.Commnd. Marathe, Mr.Avinash , Colonel Athawale and representative from FESCOM & Association of Senior Citizen's Organisation of Pune (ASCOP) were present . Ms. Lan gave info about Ageing in Vietnam. She stressed the need of Shelter for Aged and hope if we could help them. She also bought to the notice importance of Transport facility for Elderly and how difficult it is for them to avail this facility. Ms.Lan also informed that the Vietnam Govt. is drafting a new policy /Programme for Elderly. Dr.S.D.Gokhale informed about Review of NPOP (National Policy of Older Person) and assured help for framing a policy for Elderly in Vietnam. Dr.S.D.Gokhale also shared information on ILC- I ‘Leadership Exchange Programme’ between different countries. Dr.Mutalik talked about establishing ILC-I ‘Information Exchange Center for Ageing’ which could help to share and explore recourses for aging.
In the end Dr.Kinjwadekar of AISCCON & on behalf of all the organisation working with/for Senior Citizens in India gave ‘Silver Inning Foundation Memento’ to each member of the delegation. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan gave Memento to Helpage India , The BYL Nair Charitable Municipal Hospital, ATHASHRI , TISS and Harmony for Silvers Foundation.
Sailesh Mishra of Silver Inning Foundation , the host and facilitator thanked the Vietnam National Commission on Ageing, Helpage India , The BYL Nair Charitable Municipal Hospital, ATHASHRI , ILC-I , TISS, Harmony for Silvers Foundation , AISCCON, FESCOM, ASCOP, YWCA, GIC Pensioners Association , All India Bank Retirees Federation , 1298 Senior Citizens Helpline , Center for Lifelong Learning- TISS & other organizations working with Senior Citizens for their unconditional support for this Transnational Networking ‘Beyond Boundaries, for Age Care’. He also hopes to facilitate more such visits and sought invitation for Indian delegation visit abroad. Organization and Country interested to Network for the welfare of our Elder can contact Silver inning Foundation. This interaction and networking was also possible due to mentorship of Prof.Joseph Troisi and INIA, Malta.
Vietnam Delegation consisted members as mention below:
1. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan , Head of Office, Vietnam National Commission on Ageing (head of Delegation).
2. Mr. Ta Xuan Tieu, Vice-head of the Non-Governmental Organisation Department, Ministry of Home Affairs.
3. Mr. Vu Xuan Han, Head of the Secretariat Division, Ministry of Labour – Invalid and Social Affairs.
4. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, Vice-head of Social and Health Department, Vietnam Association of the Elderly.
5. Lu Quang Ngoi-Director of Labour, Invalid and Social Affair Department of Vinh Long Province.
6.Ms. H’Ny MLo, Vice-director of DakLak Provincial Department of Labour – Invalid and Social Affairs.
7.Pham Vinh Long, Vice-director of Hai Duong Provincial Department of Labour – Invalid and Social Affairs.
8.Le Cong Doan, President Can Tho City Association on Ageing.
9.Hoang Anh Chuong, Oficer of International Relation, Vietnam National Commission on Ageing.
Important contacts:
Vietnam National Commission on Ageing
Address: No. 2 Ngo Thi Nham, Hang Bai, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Tel: 084.4.39447254/Fax:084.4.39447267
Web: www.ubnctvn-vnca.gov.vn
Email: vietnamvnca@gmail.com
Silver Inning Foundation
Correspondence Address: Silver Inning Foundation ,C/o. Sailesh Mishra ,ARENA III , Flat - 801/802, Poonam Garden , Mira Road -East,Mumbai.India - 401107
Tel: 09987104233 / 09029000091
Website: www.silverinningfoundation.org ; www.silverinnings.com
Email: silverinnings@gmail.com / sailesh@silverinnings.com
Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s,
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
3rd ‘Silver Innings’ Foundation Day 2011: Health Camp

Silver Innings Active Ageing Center in association with Ziqitza Health Care Limited & Dial 1298 for Ambulance Organizes Free Health Checkup Camp For Elderly Resident of Kisan Gopal Rajpuria Vanprasthashram (Old Age Home)
Event: Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure & General Consultation
Date: Saturday 9th April 2011 (on eve of foundation day: 10th April of Silver Innings)
Time: 8.30am to 12.30pm
Venue: Kisan Gopal Rajpuria Vanprasthashram, Uttan, Gorai /Essel World Road, After Ramratna Vidya Mandir, Bhayandar west,Mumbai.India
Organizer : Silver Inning Foundation & Kisan Gopal Rajpuria Vanprasthashram
Contact: Silver Innings Help Desk 09987104233
Email: silverinnings@gmail.com ; Website: www.silverinnings.com
Silver Innings is working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
“Silver Innings since 2008”
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
First time in Mumbai unique 'Dementia Care Giver Training Programme' May 2011

Silver Inning Foundation in association with ARDSI Greater Mumbai Chapter & Supported by Harmony for Silvers Foundation Presents: ‘Quality Dementia Care Framework’ . Dementia Care Giver Training workshop By Mrs. Nilanjana Maulik: Expert Trainer & Director of Dementia Services, ARDSI Calcutta Chapter
Dementia is a progressive brain dysfunction (in Latin 'dementia' means irrationality), which results in a restriction of daily activities and in most cases leads in the long term to the need for care. Dementia is one of the major causes of disability in late-life. Many diseases can result in dementia, the most common one being Alzheimer's disease. It mainly affects older people; about 2% of cases start before the age of 60 years. After this, the prevalence doubles every five years. Dementia affects each person and family differently. As dementias progress, there are notable changes in memory, thinking, language, behavior and function — all of which require different skills and strategies. Very few of us have a natural born knack for care giving. Most caregivers have to learn and practice these new skills. It is estimated that over 3.7 million people are affected by dementia in our country. This is expected to double by 2030. The challenge posed by dementia as a health and social issue is of a scale we can no longer ignore. Despite the magnitude, there is gross ignorance, neglect and scarce services for people with dementia and their families.
The importance of taking care of elderly has become more relevant in India due to the increased lifespan and consequent increase in the population of the aged. As a result of the demographic transition and changing family structure, care of aged is emerging as concern of modern times. The support system and care giving that had been earlier available in the traditional family set up for the elderly has withered away. One of the most important components of developing dementia services in the Country is training health human resources. We at Silver Inning Foundation like other NGO’s have realize the implications of the increasing aging population in the country, and responded by creating care programmes and delivery services aimed at meeting the needs of older persons.
The Training of Care Giver for people with Dementia has evolved with parting of knowledge and innovative ways of empowering the family members and professionals to gain skill sets that could help them in Management of Dementia. By undertaking such Geriatric care trainings we at Silver Inning Foundation will achieve our vision of creating an Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
• To create awareness about dementia and its various types.
• To educate volunteers and caregivers to identify early warning signs of dementia and early prevention of dementia.
• To train volunteers and caregivers to disseminate knowledge about dementia to local population and Senior Citizens.
• To enhance the capacity & skills of Care givers in managing elderly with dementia.
Date: Friday 6th May to Sunday 8th May (3 Full Days)
Timing: 10am to 5.30pm
Venue : Harmony Interactive Centre ,Harmony for Silvers Foundation,5th, Floor Zaobawadi Lane, Next to Ram Mandir , Thakurdwar,Girgaum , Mumbai .Maharashtra 400002. Office- 3297-6440 / 3297-6441
Who can participate: Social Workers, Medical Professionals, Nursing Students, Family Members, Care Givers, Psychologist, Gerontologist, Geriatricians, Legal Professional, Police Professionals, Senior Citizens and Staff of NGO/Old Age Homes
• Minimum Age - 18 years and above
• Minimum education- 10th +
• Must have Passion to serve.
Language of Training: English
The methodology of training would include lecture cum discussions, case presentations, group exercises, role play and efforts would be made to make the training participatory in approach. Pre and post assessment evaluation of the participants on knowledge base would be conducted at the beginning and end of the course respectively.
Highlights of Basic Curriculum:
Definition, nature and type of Dementia, Myth and Fact, Symptoms/Identification of Dementia Patients, Role-Play, Group Work, Brain Boosters/other exercises, Documentary, Care Giver Experience etc
What you will get:
• Knowledge & skill for Dementia management
• Certificate of Participation
• Free Leaflets/notes
• Books on dementia/care giving will be available at Rs.275/175/-
• Free Volunteer Membership to Silver Inning Foundation & ARDSI Greater Mumbai Chapter
Number of Participant: minimum 15 to maximum 30 (first come first basis)
How to register: Rs. 700/- p.p. non residential (inclusive of lunches, refreshments and materials).
Special rates of Rs.500/- p.p. for Senior Citizens who are age 50yrs and above .
Rs. 500/- early bird discount until 15th April 2011.
Please note there will be no refund of registration fees in event of cancellation by the participant.
Note: Last date for registration is 30th April 2011.
Please send the filled-in form along with the Chq payment to:
Silver Innings, C/o Sailesh Mishra, ARENA III, Flat - 801/802, Poonam Garden, Mira Road -East, Mumbai. India – 401107.
Contact person:
Ms. Mona - 09987104233
Ms. Laxmi Rao – 9029000091
Email: silverinnings@gmail.com
Organized by Silver Innings, a social Enterprise for Age Care. Silver Innings is working towards creating an Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s,
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
Silver Inning Foundation,
Silver Innings,
CALL FOR CONCEPT PROPOSALS by ICMR: Geriatrics and Bio-gerontology Research
Geriatric research in ICMR has demonstrated the need for focused research on the impact of social, economic and family transitions on the lives of the aged and to understand the biology and genetics of ageing. The idea is to explore new areas of research through amalgamation of biomedical and social approaches using quantitative and qualitative methods. These research initiatives would help to inform policy decisions and address challenges and opportunities of an ageing world.
To gather scientific evidence on the biology of ageing and the environmental, health, and economic implications of ageing ICMR announces the Call for concept Proposals (CFP) in the following broad areas viz.
A. Longevity, Brain Ageing and Neuro-degeneration
Scientific Priorities
Environmental, clinical and biological determinants of functional lifespan, effect of age-related diseases and longevity in humans, genetic studies, mental health and neurological disorders, epidemiology and burden of disease in the elderly
B. Nutrition in the aged
Scientific Priorities
Ageing and nutritional needs, assessment of nutritional status , under nutrition and obesity in aged, nutrition and degenerative diseases
The overall goals are to
1. Build a vibrant, multidisciplinary field of research and diverse network of researchers
2. Establish a research base for environmental, epidemiological, social and biological factors that influence healthy ageing
Scientists and researchers in regular employment in the Universities, medical colleges, postgraduate institutions and other research organization in India can apply. Private and Not for Profit NGOs with certification of recognition as a SIRO from the Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR) can also apply.
The maximum amount of funding allowable per project is Rs 50 lakhs (amended), for a maximum of three years.
How to apply
Interested researchers should submit the concept proposal that addresses the understanding of at least one of the scientific priorities given above. The concept proposal may be submitted in the following template: http://www.icmr.nic.in/icmrnews/geriatrics_and_bio_gero.htm
How to submit proposals:
Ten copies of the concept proposal should be submitted both in the printed and electronic form. The cover page of the proposal and the envelope should be marked as :
Dr. Geetha R. Menon
Scientist B
Division of Non-Communicable Diseases
Indian Council of Medical Research,
Post Box No. 4911
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi-110029
e-mail : menong@icmr.org.in
NOTE: E-mail submissions not accompanied with printed copies will not be entertained.
An independent expert group will evaluate the proposal for its scientific merit, whether generates new research evidence, clarity of the objectives, sound research methodology to meet the objectives, research capacity of the investigators and whether the budget is realistic, clearly explained and directly linked to project activities. Based on the above criteria a final decision will be taken by Director General, ICMR. All applicants will be informed of the decision. If your concept proposal is selected, you will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Time line:
Last date for receipt of printed copies of the concept proposals is 30th April 2011 till 5.00 P.M.
Follow up after you apply:
We will acknowledge the receipt of the concept proposal within fifteen days of receiving your proposal. The decision of Director General, ICMR will be final. ICMR will notify the decision in writing within four months from the deadline.
All enquiries in relation to this call for proposal may be addressed to;
Dr. Geetha R. Menon
Email: menong@icmr.org.in
Source: http://www.icmr.nic.in/icmrnews/geriatrics_and_bio_gero.htm
Please note as an NGO Silver Inning Foundation is ready to be a partner
Geriatric research in ICMR has demonstrated the need for focused research on the impact of social, economic and family transitions on the lives of the aged and to understand the biology and genetics of ageing. The idea is to explore new areas of research through amalgamation of biomedical and social approaches using quantitative and qualitative methods. These research initiatives would help to inform policy decisions and address challenges and opportunities of an ageing world.
To gather scientific evidence on the biology of ageing and the environmental, health, and economic implications of ageing ICMR announces the Call for concept Proposals (CFP) in the following broad areas viz.
A. Longevity, Brain Ageing and Neuro-degeneration
Scientific Priorities
Environmental, clinical and biological determinants of functional lifespan, effect of age-related diseases and longevity in humans, genetic studies, mental health and neurological disorders, epidemiology and burden of disease in the elderly
B. Nutrition in the aged
Scientific Priorities
Ageing and nutritional needs, assessment of nutritional status , under nutrition and obesity in aged, nutrition and degenerative diseases
The overall goals are to
1. Build a vibrant, multidisciplinary field of research and diverse network of researchers
2. Establish a research base for environmental, epidemiological, social and biological factors that influence healthy ageing
Scientists and researchers in regular employment in the Universities, medical colleges, postgraduate institutions and other research organization in India can apply. Private and Not for Profit NGOs with certification of recognition as a SIRO from the Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR) can also apply.
The maximum amount of funding allowable per project is Rs 50 lakhs (amended), for a maximum of three years.
How to apply
Interested researchers should submit the concept proposal that addresses the understanding of at least one of the scientific priorities given above. The concept proposal may be submitted in the following template: http://www.icmr.nic.in/icmrnews/geriatrics_and_bio_gero.htm
How to submit proposals:
Ten copies of the concept proposal should be submitted both in the printed and electronic form. The cover page of the proposal and the envelope should be marked as :
Dr. Geetha R. Menon
Scientist B
Division of Non-Communicable Diseases
Indian Council of Medical Research,
Post Box No. 4911
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi-110029
e-mail : menong@icmr.org.in
NOTE: E-mail submissions not accompanied with printed copies will not be entertained.
An independent expert group will evaluate the proposal for its scientific merit, whether generates new research evidence, clarity of the objectives, sound research methodology to meet the objectives, research capacity of the investigators and whether the budget is realistic, clearly explained and directly linked to project activities. Based on the above criteria a final decision will be taken by Director General, ICMR. All applicants will be informed of the decision. If your concept proposal is selected, you will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Time line:
Last date for receipt of printed copies of the concept proposals is 30th April 2011 till 5.00 P.M.
Follow up after you apply:
We will acknowledge the receipt of the concept proposal within fifteen days of receiving your proposal. The decision of Director General, ICMR will be final. ICMR will notify the decision in writing within four months from the deadline.
All enquiries in relation to this call for proposal may be addressed to;
Dr. Geetha R. Menon
Email: menong@icmr.org.in
Source: http://www.icmr.nic.in/icmrnews/geriatrics_and_bio_gero.htm
Please note as an NGO Silver Inning Foundation is ready to be a partner
Dementia and Alzheimer’s,
Elder care,
Senior Citizens,
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