The Golden Award was conceived by HelpAge India with the view to honour an individual above 80 years of age who shows exemplary courage in fighting the challenges that ageing present to her/him to serve the humanity. This is not only an acknowledgement of their personal achievement but also our way of gently reminding the society what older persons are capable of!
About Golden Award
The Golden Award was instituted by HelpAge India in the year 1993 to honour exceptional individuals who have contributed consistently for the welfare of the society and more so in their advancing years.
The award constitutes a Citation, a Special Memento and a Cheque for Rs. 10,000/-.
The recipients include luminaries like Shri H.D. Shourie (Director Common Cause), Justice B.P. Berry (Retired Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court and Vice Chairman Red Cross), Dr. C. Gopalan (President, Nutrition Foundation of India), Shri P.L. Tandon (Ex. Chairman Levers, STC Punjab National Bank & NCAER), Mr. Inder Prakash Anand (Retired Executive Director of Thapar Group, on the Board of Governors of IIT, Kanpur and various Regional Engineering Colleges, currently on the Management Board of ILO, Institute of Labour Studies and ILO’s International Training Centre)
Selection Criterion
Person to be citizen of India
No bar on caste or religion
Age above 80 years (The oldest old will be given preference)
A successful career during pre-retirement period
In the advancing years, a notable contribution to the welfare of society and thereby achieving eminence
Should be an example for other senior citizens to emulate
Selection Process
Call for nominations. The Advisory Committee reserves the right to include name of any candidate nominated in the previous years.
Scrutiny of the names and short listing by the Advisory Committee
Final short listed names along with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee to be viewed by the Jury
Final decision of the Jury
Presentation of the Award
Last Date of Nomination is Monday, 24th August 2008.
Ask for Nomination form here: sailesh2000@gmail.com
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