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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Silver Surfers: Internet Usage Among Older Generations

Silver Surfers: Internet Usage Among Older Generations


The Internet isn’t just for tweens and young socialites. In fact, a large population of Internet users are 50 and older, utilizing the Web for social media, shopping and even education. Let’s take a look at why the stereotype of the not-so-tech-savvy Baby Boomer is more than faulty.

Stats and Facts

Almost 1 in 5
Percentage of Twitter users over 50
Percentage of Americans 65+ who use the Internet
Of that 53%, 70% use it on a typical day.
27 hours per week
Average amount of time Baby Boomers 47-65 spent on the Internet in 2012
Percentage of seniors (65+) who own a desktop computer
Percentage of adults 50-64 who own a desktop computer
Senior Internet use (2000-2012)
The number of adults 50+ who use the Internet has grown significantly in the past 12 years.

A Closer Look: Social Media

Though the average age of the social media user is fairly young, a large percentage of social media profiles belong to adults 55 and over.
27.4 million
Adults 55+ who engage in social networking to communicate
1 in 3
Online seniors who use social media
This is a big difference from 2009, where only 13% of online seniors were using social media.
Percentage of online seniors who have a Facebook account
Percentage of Twitter users 50 and older

A Closer Look: Shopping

Maybe it’s because they have the most money of any age group, or maybe it’s because they like the convenience; whatever the reason, adults 50 and older constitute a majority of the online consumer population.
Percentage of online seniors who have made an online purchase in the past three months
$7 billion
Average annual amount spent online by adults aged 50+
Adults 50+ account for 80% of all online luxury travel spending.

1 comment:

emergency help button said...

It is really amazing! So many new things that I even didn't hear about them. Difficult to follow for a private individual. The world goes on progressing by innovating and inventing.

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