Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2011 : 16th Jan 2011 – Silver Inning Foundation is participating First Time as NGO , support us for the cause of our Elderly.
We have taken pledge to collect Fund of Rs.5 Lakh (Five Lakh India Rupee) to support our ‘ Silver Innings Active Ageing Center’ a Day center for Senior Citizens who are 50+ at Mira Road, near Mumbai ,India.
At Silver Innings we are working towards creating Elder Friendly World where Ageing becomes a Positive and Rewarding Experience.
Silver Inning Foundation was establish to uphold and secure the rights of elderly and actively works towards improving their quality of life by networking, advocating and researching elderly issues and providing a wide range of services. Working for Dementia and Alzheimer’s is one of the focus areas.
Silver Innings Active Ageing Center is a center where Senior Citizens come together for services and an activity that reflects their experience and skills, respond to their diverse needs and interests, enhance their dignity, support their independence, and encourage involvement with the community. As part of Comprehensive community strategy to meet the needs of our elderly, center offers services and activities within the center and link participants with resources offered by other agencies. Center programme includes variety of individual and group services and activities. The center provides our Elderly opportunities to interact with others in the community, and their mental, physical and emotional stimulation through social activities.
If you love and care for your parents and grandparents & also want to invest for your future when we all grow old then support us to make this world elder friendly.
Would you like to be a part of this movement called ‘Silver Innings’ working for Elderly Friendly world....
...If yes, Support Silver Inning Foundation in upcoming Mumbai Marathon 2011....
Run for a Cause of our Elderly, Run in Mumbai Marathon 2011 ... Support Silver Inning Foundation
To know more about us ;
Call us for further details: 9819819145 / 9987104233/ 9029000091
Register here: ;
PLEASE HURRY as the registration in on full swing and we want more and more people to run for Silver Inning Foundation.Please tell your friends to register and support Silver Inning Foundation through this Marathon.
Dates to remember:
1. Registration for 21 and 42kms has already begun! So hurry if you are interested as this registration gets filled very quickly.
2. If you want to run for the Dream Run (7 kms) register on the 1st of September itself.
Once registered for the run, please forward your registration details to , this will help us to print T shirts .
List of Registered NGO’s – pg 9 Silver Inning Foundation
Warm Regards,
Sailesh Mishra
Silver Inning Foundation
World over marathons have been gaining immense importance as fund raising platforms, and the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon is no exception. Ever since its inception, charity has been a key pillar of the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon. In its 7-year journey, the Event has been ideally used as a platform to help generate Rs 42.84 crores benefitting various causes, making it the largest charity generating platform in India.
An event like this is the perfect opportunity to do your bit for charity - it symbolizes community spirit, melts all barriers and provides a unique platform for fund raising.
The Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2011, through various charity raising models, presents an ideal opportunity and platform to bring together the development sector and those who want to support it.
5 reasons why you should support and contribute:
• YOU can choose to support a cause and the NGO closest to heart.
• The Charity Partner will ensure that funds raised by you go to your chosen NGO.
• Running for charity can help raise awareness on the cause it works for.
• The public exposure you will lend by supporting your chosen NGO will help it build a good reputation and encourage people to donate.
• Whatever may be the amount raised by you, your contribution will make a marked difference to your charity and the cause it helps.
If you'd like to get involved and run for charity, here's how:
Charity running places
NGO's who have registered themselves with United Way of Mumbai, Event's official Charity Partner, have taken up set number of running places in the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon, which they will allocate to runners on the basis that such runners will raise an agreed amount of money for them.
The Dream Team:
This is a special category meant for those highly motivated individuals who feel passionately about a cause and commit to raise a substantial sum of funds towards their charity.
The Corporate Challenge:
The Corporate Challenge is a category specially designed for companies who wish to sponsor employee teams to participate in the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2011 and raise funds for charity. ;
Dream Champion: This category has been created for a select group of Individuals who commit to raise more than Rs. 10 lacs in pledges for a charity of his/her choice.
Dream Wizard : The Dream Wizard is an individual who commits to raise a minimum of Rs. 5 lacs up to Rs. 10 lacs in pledges, for a chosen charity of his/her choice. A Dream Wizard raising amounts in excess of Rs.10 lacs will automatically fall in the category of Dream Champions.
Dream Maker : The Dream Maker is an individual who commits to raise a minimum of Rs. 1 lac upto Rs. 5 lacs in pledges, for a chosen charity of his/her choice. A Dream Maker raising amounts in excess of Rs.5/10 lacs will automatically fall in the category of Dream Wizard/Dream Champion as per the amount raised.
Pledge Raising:
Fund raising through the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon, is encouraged through pledges. Pledges are donations/contributions received from friends, family, and colleagues in support of the charity/cause chosen by the fund raiser.
People for Social Cause Blog: Mumbai Marathon 2011- Run & Support Silver Inning Foundation