It’s rightly said ‘Young people are god's creation; Old people are work of experience’.
George Bernard Shaw said “Youth is a wonderful thing,”
We believe 'The youth caters for revolutions, The elderly for evolution’.
At Silver Inning Foundation we strongly believe that ‘Youth and Elderly should work together for a Strong Tomorrow’ that’s the reason we have started this community/forum Youth for Senior Citizens (YS) , that aims in Bridging the gap between youth & elderly.
Youth has energy and that needs to be channelize into positive force for welfare and betterment of our elderly. Recent research suggests that youthful energy may not be “wasted” after all. Through social interactions alone, the young can pass some of their vigor on to the elderly, improving the older generation’s cognitive abilities and vascular health and even increasing their life span.
Stress and depression are relieved through social interaction and giver and receiver benefit. It’s said that those who reach out to others to help them bring positive benefits to themselves.
Social and cultural changes in society are giving rise to transitions in intergenerational relations. Both the younger and older generation complain of generation gap and a breakdown in communication between the two. How the young and old judge one another determines whether they can live harmoniously with each other. Their attitudes towards each other and the way they perceive each other needs to be properly understood if the gap needs to be bridged.
There are two broad areas to improve intergenerational relationships. One is to improve the attitudes and relationships of the young, especially the adolescents towards the old. The other is to enable the elderly to understand the perspective and outlook of adolescents and to act as mentors for them.
Promoting interactions between younger and older individuals is one of the goals of Silver Inning Foundation intergenerational programs. Our Intergenerational programs are aimed at dispelling negative attitudes and disparaging stereotypes of aging and foster more positive views of elders.
The study suggests that despite tensions and differences between the two generations, there is some amount of love and care shared by the two generations, which needs to be strengthened. Both need to realize that they cannot try to ‘make over’ the other and change others.
The elderly are our ‘future selves’ and teenagers will themselves be elderly one day and they need to be made sensitive to this.
This project will provide both seniors and youngsters with the unforgettable feeling of making a difference in someone else’s life and lessening the degrees of separation between the elders and youth.
Today there is need to strengthen youth character and creativity through social service and specially for our elderly.
Today’s youth, tomorrow’s senior citizens
So let’s Join Youth for Senior Citizens (YS) and make a difference to ourselves and our Elderly : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-for-Senior-Citizens-YS/140852855945513
7th August 2010
Email: silverinnings@gmail.com
Website: www.silverinningfoundation.org ; www.silverinnings.com
Blog: http://silverinnings.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/silverinnings
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/silverinnings
The concept idea given by: Mr. SAMAR MAHAPATRA
I love it, great, keep it up.
For help with your search for an assisted living facility check out silvercensus.com!
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Excellent post. As someone who spends a lot of time around seniors and providing assisted living services, I truly recognize the importance in bridging the gap between youth and being elderly. It's great when there are services such as home care and assisted living that can assist seniors with making this transition.
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